Through the experience of the ancient super battlefield, coupled with the realization of the idea of ​​God, the six-color other side flower in Yuxin's body has been infinitely close to the seven-color, and her cultivation level has broken through the realm of non-cultivation, stepping into the ancient emperor in one fell swoop.

At this time, the Nine Tribulations Sword was already in his hand, and as a piercing rainbow slashed out, the terrifying sword energy even made the entire Five Thunder Orthodox Church tremble slightly.


This sword Yuxin did not hold any hands, because Yuxin knew the power of the true immortal level, but the god of calamity powerhouse in front of her was also of the true immortal level, but compared to the old ancestor of the Ferris clan she faced in the ancient super battlefield But it is much weaker.

Besides, Yu Xin's sharp sword light made the leader of the god of calamity have to temporarily avoid the edge and swept back a distance.


The sword beam slashed down and cut off half of the mountain. Yu Xin frowned slightly, and there was a dignified look in her eyes.

Around, the ruthless man has come with a sword.

The two sisters met at a glance, then looked up at Zi Yan in the sky above, and immediately swept out with their toes a little at the same time.

Opposite is a true immortal powerhouse, naturally the three sisters can't be careless, and offense is the best defense.

"Damn! Go to hell!" The leader of the god of calamity, as a true immortal strong man, was actually taken the initiative by three girls at this moment, and he couldn't help but be furious.

And to know these three, Yu Xin, who has the highest cultivation base, has just stepped into the Great Emperor Realm, and the other two are Immortal Realm!

The fierce sword beams from Ruthless Man and Yuxin and the pillars of fire from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor were intertwined with each other, constantly blasting at the leader of the god of calamity.

But the true immortal powerhouse is the true immortal powerhouse after all, even in the face of the three sisters joining forces, they still do not fall behind.

The fierce fighting in the sky made the entire Wulei Orthodox Church fall into shock, even the Emperor Zihua Leidi, who was at the peak of the Great Emperor, couldn't help showing a look of astonishment in his eyes.

That is, the three gods of the Three Gods Sect are really too strong, and they will not be defeated when they join forces to fight against the true immortals!

Not long ago, Emperor Zihua Lei also heard that at the Kunlun Ruins Reconstruction Sect, the star god envoy of the Three Gods Sect was almost killed by the leader of the God of Disaster, and finally it was Leader Zhang who took action to deter the forces of the God of Disaster.

Today, I never thought that the three divine envoys would show their brilliance, that is, they would still be calm against the enemy, the true immortals, and the powerhouses.

"Perhaps, in this battle, the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect will be saved!" Emperor Zihua Lei suddenly sighed.

"Sect Master!" The strong men of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church shouted in unison.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Emperor Zihua Lei raised his hand and smiled, his face straightened immediately, and said, "Anyone I teach the Great Emperor, the Divine Sovereign to follow orders!"


"Once the god of calamity powers the great emperor and the powerful emperor of the gods, go and help the three gods!"


Following the order issued by Emperor Zihua Lei, the Five Thunder Orthodox Church, whose morale had declined due to the loss of Emperor Zihua Lei, had once again rekindled a strong fighting spirit.

In the sky, the battle between the three gods and the leader of the true immortal calamity continued.

The supernatural powers blasted out of each other, making the world eclipsed.

Because of Zi Yan's strong body and the power to swallow dragon fire, Zi Yan is the main force in this battle!

On the one hand, he used the incomparably powerful Taixu Ancient Dragon Sovereign body to fight with the leader of the god of calamity, and on the other hand, he swept back to the sky, and the fire dragon attacked.

The Ruthless Man and Yuxin, on the other hand, have been hovering on the flank of the leader of the god of calamity, constantly slashing sharp swords and magical powers.

Once the calamity leader wanted to kill Zi Yan who had turned into the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor with all his might, Ruthless Man and Yu Xin would attack fiercely with their swords, not giving the calamity leader any chance at all.

In this way, although the two sides seem to be fighting in a stalemate and indistinguishable, in fact, this calamity leader is quite aggrieved.

As a true immortal powerhouse, he couldn't even kill an immortal god emperor at this moment, which made the calamity leader quite angry.

"Roar!" After a hundred battles to no avail, the calamity chief let out a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, and his own aura soared a bit again.

Finally, at this time, the god of calamity is the leader to show his full strength.

At the same time as the breath skyrocketed, a magical power was released. There was nothing surprising about this magical power, but its power was extremely terrifying, and it even evoked the thunder of heaven and earth.


Chapter 980 Zi Yan has an epiphany, the sword breaks through the void

The Great Void Ancient Dragon Sovereign in the sky just spit out a mouthful of fire dragon before being shaken out by this magical power.

Zi Yan only felt that the qi and blood in her body were surging, and it seemed that even the five internal organs were disrupted, and the powerful dragon emperor's body was even hit with an obvious wound.

Resisting the agitation of the blood in the body, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor let out a terrifying dragon howl, and the golden dragon claws had already caught it.

"Go away for this deity!" The leader of the god of misfortune shouted angrily, and raised his hand to strike another magical power.

Only this time, how could the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor be hit by him.

The dragon fire swelled, the sea of ​​fire spread, and the supernatural power of the leader of the god of calamity slammed into the sea of ​​fire in the sky, and there was no movement, and in the sea of ​​fire, the shadow of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor was still soaring.

With the blessing of the sea of ​​fire, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor spit out dozens of fire pillars at once.

These pillars of fire shot sharply from the sea of ​​​​fire in the sky, and some slammed on the leader of the god of calamity, and some slammed into the leader of the god of calamity.

How could a true immortal strong man endure such humiliation, he shouted angrily and rushed out.

The terrifying aura swept the sky, and even locked the breath of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor. The leader of the god of calamity knew that if he didn't kill this powerful Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor with supernatural powers today, then he might really be able to fight in the first battle. wasted.

As for the fall?

As a terrifying powerhouse at the true immortal level, this calamity leader does not feel that he will be killed by the Immortal Realm or the Great Emperor Realm.

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