"A lot of people, I just don't know how strong these people are." Zi Yan was eager to try, and she was about to beat the world invincible.

"You'll know if you try it." Zhang Tian rubbed Zi Yan's little head, "Let's go, let's go in."

With that said, the four figures moved towards the bottom.

"Congratulations from Qianjimen!" A voice sounded, and in the distance, someone came aboard a void warship.

"Shen Huo Sect came to congratulate!" At the same time, someone shouted, they were bathed in flames, extremely terrifying.

All of a sudden, countless voices sounded, all from the major forces in the eastern part of the ancient spirit continent.

"Everyone, who are you..." Someone came to Zhang Tian and asked.

"Holy Spirit City." Zhang Tian said lightly and threw the invitation out.

It's no wonder that this person doesn't know him, or because Zhang Tian just grabbed the Holy Spirit City not long ago, so it's normal that many people don't know him.

"The Holy Spirit City Lord is here, please come inside!" In the dynasty, someone came out to greet him.

Hearing this, many people turned their eyes and looked at Zhang Tian and his party of four. Although there were not many, they all had extraordinary temperaments, especially the three women, who were beautiful in appearance and outstanding in temperament. Beauty is not too much.

It's just that the three daughters have a sharp breath, which makes many people stop.

"It is said that the Lord of the Holy Spirit City is a bad old man. How come he has become a middle-aged man in a white robe, and there are three such beautiful women behind him?"

"You don't know that. It is said that the city owner of the Holy Spirit City died, and this young man in white robes will take over the Holy Spirit City!"

"It turns out that this kid doesn't know where the luck came from. It happened that the city owner died and took over the Holy Spirit City!"

After all, the rumors are rumors, and they are dubious. Naturally, everyone will not believe that this young man in white robe has the strength to kill the Holy Spirit City Lord, but he just thinks that he is lucky and takes over the Holy Spirit City.

It's just that the three beauties behind Zhang Tian are really mouth-watering.

The three daughters glanced at everyone indifferently, but did not speak, but Zi Yan hummed and looked disdainful.

Under the leadership of the people of the dynasty, Zhang Tian and others walked into the distance, it was still too early for the emperor of the dynasty to break the mirror, so they were not in a hurry.

In the city, many people are discussing things about the emperor. This emperor was invincible in the world when he was young, and it is difficult to have an opponent. Now that he has broken the mirror and entered the emperor, his strength is afraid that it is even more terrifying.

However, at this moment, someone in Qianjimen said, "The three of you are nothing more than maids who follow behind the city lord. Where do you get your qualifications to be arrogant, a group of lowly people, who only deserve to be in the hands of others. plaything."

This person is a well-known arrogant son in the Thousand Machines Gate, named Qian Zhong.

He was always proud and didn't put anyone in his eyes, but he didn't expect to see such a proud woman in the dynasty. in the eyes.

Is this pretentious and superior?

It's just a mere servant girl next to the Lord of the Holy Spirit City, where does the confidence come from.

Even the Lord of the Holy Spirit City would not dare to be so arrogant.

As soon as these words came out, countless people glanced at them, and everyone looked at the direction of Qianjimen and Holy Spirit City as if they were watching the show.

On one side is the famous Heaven's Pride of Qianjimen, Qian Zhong, who is very powerful and has the cultivation of the God Emperor Realm, and on the other side is the new Holy Spirit City Lord, who is mysterious and unpredictable.

Moreover, everyone was very interested in these three women, so it would be fine for Qianjimen to test the water first.

Chapter 1022 Break through all methods with one force, defeat a thousand bells!

"Where did the dog come from, with such a dry tongue, opening its mouth and biting people, I advise you to be optimistic about your own dog, so as not to make mistakes!" The ruthless man turned to look at Qian Zhong, his eyes were sharp, and his pretty face was covered in frost.

The reputation of a woman is very important, how can people be so slandered, if this is not in the dynasty, just with the words of Qianzhong, the ruthless man will kill him.

"Presumptuous! Dare to humiliate the people of my Qianjimen in public, courting death!" In the Qianjimen, a powerful person stepped out, with a terrifying momentum, and came to suppress the ruthless people.

When everyone saw this, they stepped back one after another, leaving a huge open space for both parties.

The ruthless man also took a step forward, facing each other tit for tat, the sharp sword qi burst out, instantly shattering the opponent's breath, she raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "Why, you are only allowed to let the dog bite the people of Qianjimen. People, you still don't allow me to beat the dog for you?"

When they were in Kunlun Ruins, the people of Qianjimen came to ask for trouble, and they were all killed by Zhang Tian. I didn't expect that when they came to the dynasty, they met people from Qianjimen again.

These people are really immortal, they really deserve to die.

"You...you are so bold!" Qian Zhong said coldly, he was repeatedly insulted by ruthless people in public, how could he bear this tone in his heart, "I am a disciple of Qianji Sect, with a distinguished status, how many times are you a maid? What's the matter, how dare you confront me in public..."

"Zhangzui!" Before Qian Zhong finished speaking, Zhang Tian's indifferent voice suddenly sounded. He was the only one who bullied others on weekdays. How could anyone dare to bully him?

Therefore, Zhang Tianguo cut his mouth.

The voice fell, and the ruthless man slapped a palm towards the void, and the Great Desolate Prisoner's Heavenly Hand suppressed it, swept up a gust of wind, and killed it forward.

When Qian Zhong saw this, his eyes flashed, and his fists slammed forward at the same time. In an instant, a light shone on his wrist, and the dark steel covered his fists, making it even more terrifying.

A punch smashed out of the air, instantly shattering the hands of the Great Desolate Prisoner.

The people of Qianjimen are good at borrowing various foreign objects to make their strength even more terrifying.

The two sides played against each other for a short time, and it was evenly divided.

Everyone's eyes flickered, it seems that the Holy Spirit City Lord is still a ruthless person, and he will shoot if he disagrees, and he is not a person to be provoked.

However, if you want to compete against the Thousand Machines Gate, this strength is obviously not enough.

"Who told you that she is a maid?" Zhang Tian glanced at Qian Zhong with cold eyes, "polish your dog's eyes so that you can see clearly."

When the words fell, Zhang Tian shouted directly, "Ruthless man, teach him a lesson he will never forget. If anyone dares to be rude again, just shut him up!"

"Father, yes!" Ruthless replied.

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