Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 85 Please be worthy of your name

The small seaweed ball landed on Sol's left shoulder, and all the tentacles were stretching upwards, twisting and shaking, like a convulsion.

"What is this?"

As Sol talked to himself, the diary that had been quietly floating on his left shoulder flew to him in a familiar way.

[Suo lunar calendar 314 years, August 26, sunny

You seem to have discovered a secret space under the wizard tower,

I don't know how many secrets are buried here,

Under your feet is the Soul Eater Swamp that has existed for an unknown amount of time,

Now, the core consciousness of the moor is dancing on your shoulders,

It can be seen that it really likes you.

I like it so much... I want to keep you here forever. 】

Soul Devouring Demon Swamp? core awareness?

Diary, diary, you are out of line again, do you know that?

"This little seaweed dumpling likes me?" Saul muttered to himself.

At this time, the small seaweed dumpling suddenly jumped up from Sol's left shoulder and jumped into the air. Seeing the momentum, it was actually running towards the diary in front of Sol's eyes!


The small seaweed dumpling jumped into the air and rolled directly from the edge of the platform into the mud.

Sol: "..."

"Diary, are you sure that this core consciousness likes me, not you?"

The diary ignored Saul and flew back to his left shoulder.

But its behavior just now made Sol a little wary.

Can the seaweed dumpling discover the existence of the diary?

Otherwise, why does it go wherever the diary is?

"It's called the Soul Eater Swamp, so its essence should not be the mass of seaweed, but this piece of mud. Why can the mud feel the existence of the diary?"

"Obviously even the Tower Master has never paid attention to my left shoulder."

This realization made Salton nervous.

If someone else knows the existence of the diary in his body like Sid, then Sol will never get a moment of peace for the rest of his life.

Death notice, what a useful cheat in this world!

It is worthy of countless people's desperate pursuit.

"Did it drag me down just for the diary?" Sol's face was heavy.

He is in no hurry to go out now.

He carefully observed the entire swamp, thinking of any way to destroy it all.

Or at least destroy that core consciousness.

"Can scorching breath deal with it? If there are corpses buried here, there should be some flammable and explosive gas below? Be careful not to blow me up."

While Sol was thinking, the ball of seaweed that had just fallen climbed up the high platform again.

It climbed to Sol's feet, shook off the mud on its body, and began to bend its tentacles again, jumping on Thor.

Thor stretched out his left hand and punched out, trying to knock the latter into the air.

However, the moment his fist touched the seaweed ball, the latter stretched out countless black tentacles, wrapped around Sol's wrist, and fixed himself firmly on it.

Sol's punch was equivalent to a slap in the air, he quickly readjusted his center of gravity, and punched hard to the ground again.

But the moment his fist was about to land on the stone slab, Sol's movements stopped abruptly.

From the beginning to the end, the seaweed dumpling showed no signs of evading, and even rubbed against Sol's left hand, as if he liked his left hand very much.

Sol raised his hand in doubt, looked at his left hand that seemed to be wearing a boxing glove, and thought: "Isn't this seaweed dumpling aware of the existence of the diary?"

The death wizard's diary, I don't know where it came from, but the background is definitely not simple. Sol thinks it can reach at least the level of a third-level official wizard.

The Golza tower master is a senior second-level wizard. Under the wizard tower he built, there should be no mysterious creatures beyond the third level.

Moreover, this Soul Devouring Demon Swamp is obviously a junkyard-like existence used to dispose of corpses and remnants of souls...

Remnant soul?

Thor thought about his left hand, which was reminded by the diary that it could temporarily store soul fragments.

Could it be that what the seaweed dumpling perceives is actually the smell of the remnant soul in the left hand?

So it jumped at the diary, was it also because it felt the soul fragments on the diary?

After all, after Sid was crushed by the electric chair, a black phantom entered the diary.

The black phantom must also be part of Sid's soul fragment, and it is a very special part, otherwise the diary would not take the initiative to absorb it.

It's just that the black remnant soul has disappeared.

I don't know what the seaweed dumpling noticed.

While Sol was thinking, the ball of seaweed kept rubbing against Sol's hand.

"Have you licked enough?"

Sol, who came back to his senses, wanted to pull the black guy off his left hand with a speechless expression.

But this guy entangles people tightly, if one side is pulled off, the other side will be entangled again.

Sol was out of breath, but in the end he still couldn't take the seaweed ball down.

"Phew... You pester me so much, do you want to leave with me?"

Sol gave up, he planned to leave here first, and then find someone to deal with the guy in his hand.

Who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, the seaweed dumpling rubbing against his hand immediately stopped moving.

But it didn't leave Thor's left hand either.

"Huh? Do you want to go out with me, or don't you want to?"

Sol became interested instead, and started teasing the seaweed dumpling in reverse.

"Gudoo... Gudoo... Crack! Gudoo... Crack!"

Unexpectedly, the swamp around the high platform suddenly became agitated, and huge bubbles burst out and exploded.

Huge thigh-thick black tentacles protruded from the mud, desperately probing towards the high platform, but they were afraid of the high platform, so they could only twitch on the surrounding mud.



The blows were violent, as if they were going to tear Sol into pieces.

Sol immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He exerted force with his right hand, and this time easily tore the seaweed ball off his left hand.

"I didn't say I really wanted to take you out. Since you're so unhappy, you'd better go back and stay."

Seaweed Dumpling seemed to understand Sol's words, walked to the edge of the high platform with three steps, and finally jumped down.

It looked like a child who wanted to go out to play after school, but was taken back by his parents by his ears.

However, the seaweed dumpling returned, but the anomaly in the swamp did not subside.

They pinched their waists like a child's parents, and issued a stern warning to Sol.

Tentacles slapped the mud one after another, and soon, as the mud surged, new and terrifying things appeared before Sol's eyes.

Pale faces emerged from the mud, with grim expressions, staring at Sol, opening and closing their mouths, as if begging or cursing.

Clearly there was no sound coming out, but Thor felt ringing in his ears.

Even if he covered his ears, he couldn't block the strange sound waves.

Sol didn't care about anything else, he quickly turned around and stacked the two test benches together with great effort, and stood on them.

But he ignored that he is only 12 years old now, and he is not tall enough, even standing on two tables, he can't even reach the top of his head.

Sol took a risky jump and grabbed the soil above his head with one hand, but he couldn't use his strength at all, and fell to the table again, staggering, and almost fell onto the high platform.


The ringing in his ears became more and more serious. Sol squatted on the table and covered his ears in pain. He barely stood up, but he couldn't jump anymore.

Just when he was about to fall off the table, a scorched and withered hand suddenly broke out from the top of his head, grabbed Sol's arm, and pulled him out of the underground world.

Thor finally sees the light of day again.

"Bah bah!" He spat out the dirt particles in his mouth, and before he could open his eyes, he kept thanking the person who saved him, "Thank you, thank you, I thought I wouldn't be able to get out."

The man who came was the gardener of the garden, and the skin on his hands was as yellow as his face.

The gardener still had a bright smile on his face, but the movement of standing up seemed very stiff.

"Don't be afraid. Below is the wizard's tower's early laboratory, but it has been abandoned for a long time." The gardener explained enthusiastically, "Although the wizard has reinforced it, occasionally there will still be apprentices who pass by."

Feeling unwell, with a sense of foreboding.

Sanjiang today, according to the previous practice of this book, we should add more celebrations, haha, let’s wait for it to be added on the shelves... (write it down in Byron’s small notebook)

I am really grateful to all the readers, all the achievements in this book are supported by you every day! Your support and encouragement have given me endless strength. I will try my best to write the stories of these wizards, big and small, and hope to go on with you!

Should Sanjiang have a speech? I don’t know, so I’ll put it here, let’s go to the code word.

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