Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1056 Jiangzhou Accent

"What!" Qin Yiyuan was stunned like a stone sculpture when he heard this.

He knew that Xia Yunjie had a noble status, and he also knew that he must be a strange person. He could fly in the sky, which was completely beyond the scope of his imagination. He was already a legendary god!

immortal! When he thought of this word, Qin Yiyuan felt as if his heart was about to stop beating, and he also felt the ridiculousness of his suggestion just now.

The laws of the world have actually lost their meaning to the truly privileged class, let alone the gods. The latter should not belong to this secular world, so why should they follow the laws of this world. As his daughter said, maybe when her nephew has passed away, she and Xia Yunjie may still live like a fairy couple in a place they don't know. This period of time in the secular world is a lifetime event for mortals like them, but for Xia Yunjie and his daughter, it is just a journey in their lives. So in the end, what binds them closely is the true love from the heart, not the secular wedding.

"In that case, you can figure it out." After a long time, Qin Yiyuan finally digested the shocking news his daughter told him, with a happy smile on his face.

As a parent, who doesn’t want their children to live long and happy lives in the future? Since Xia Yunjie is a living god, and with his noble and transcendent status, he was willing to cook for Qin Lan himself before, and he was very respectful to them. Obviously he is sincere towards Qin Lan, and Qin Lan will only live a more carefree and happy life than them in the future. , her future world is destined to be more exciting than theirs, how can Qin Yiyuan not be happy?

"Yes, Dad, I know. Just mention this to your mother and grandpa so that they know what's going on. Don't talk about it to anyone else." Qin Lan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his father didn't insist anymore. road.

"Don't worry, Dad has a good idea about this." Qin Yiyuan said in a deep voice.

Dingyuan City, one of the economically important cities in Xiling Province, is already in full bloom at this time.

There are cars passing by on the streets, and the high-rise buildings are brightly lit. Although it is not as prosperous as coastal cities, it is not far behind.

In the driver's seat of a black Mercedes-Benz, a woman with a somewhat cold expression was skillfully pointing the direction. In the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, two beautiful women were sitting, who were Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan.

"Sister Hong, the day after tomorrow is my uncle's sixtieth birthday. Are you really not going to tell Yun Jie?" Zhu Xiaoyan asked Shao Lihong, who was looking at the bustling night market outside.

"Xiaoyan, do you know? Since my first marriage failed, my life has been full of gloom. I thought that this might be it for the rest of my life. I couldn't find a man who would love me and love me, and I couldn't give my father anything to give me. My mother and family brought me a beautiful life. But now, I have it all. You see, Dingyuan City is a big city in the eyes of many people in our village. If anyone’s children can work in Dingyuan City, everyone will They all think that they are already from the city, which is very remarkable. And now I just casually opened a branch in my hometown in Dingyuan City. Now my parents always talk to people in the village when they meet them , if you go to Dingyuan City, go to the Ren Family Hotel for dinner. Their daughter is the major shareholder of this hotel. In the past, because of me, they all stooped in front of others and could not lift their heads, but now they all Just straighten your waist. Before all this, I really couldn't even think about it!" Shao Lihong asked with an unexpected answer.

"Okay, okay, I understand. You've said this many times. After all, you just don't plan to mention uncle's sixtieth birthday to Yun Jie." Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong have lived together for so many years. He didn't know what she meant by what she said, so he felt angry when he heard it.

"Haha, people must know how to be content and happy!" Shao Lihong smiled noncommittally, and then continued to look out the window, admiring the bustling night view of her hometown city.

While looking out the window, Shao Lihong suddenly noticed that many people were gathered around the roadside, and an old man was lying on the ground. He didn't know whether he fell down or was hit by a car. However, there were so many people around, but they all seemed hesitant. No one came forward, probably because they were afraid of getting into trouble.

There is no way, these days there are many incidents where good intentions are not rewarded, especially this kind of thing, sometimes there are reports of people being relied on to save people with good intentions, and people gradually become indifferent.

"Stop now." Shao Lihong shouted.

"Mr. Shao, it's better to leave this kind of thing alone. I just read a report some time ago, saying that an old man fell and a young man kindly helped him up. The old man relied on him and said that he helped him up. He was knocked down." The female driver hesitated and said while slowly slowing down.

"Xiaoxia, you don't want this kind of thinking. We can't just turn a blind eye and stand by when we see someone injured or have an accident just because of this kind of report. What if that person's treatment is delayed because of our turning a blind eye or standing by? At this time, can our consciences tolerate it?" Shao Lihong frowned slightly and said.

"That's right, Xiaoxia, your thoughts are no different from giving up eating because of choking. It's a selfish act to protect yourself." Zhu Xiaoyan was not as tactful as Shao Lihong, and she directly accused her.

The female driver, known as Xiaoxia, hesitated a few times and finally stopped the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan hurriedly got out of the car, then stepped on their high heels and prepared to rush into the crowd.

Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan had just stepped on their high heels and were about to rush into the crowd. A middle-aged couple also rushed into the crowd. As soon as the man reached the old man, he squatted down and put his hand on his chest to feel it. He looked anxious. He relaxed a little, and then asked softly: "Old man, what's wrong with you?"

"My heart hurts and my legs hurt." The old man frowned and said with sweat on his forehead.

"The pain in the heart is most likely due to a heart problem. The pain in the legs is probably from the fall just now. The pain in the legs should not be a serious problem. The pain in the heart must be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible." The middle-aged man was none other than Xia Zhanpeng, Xia Yunjie's father. While his thoughts were changing in his mind, he raised his head and asked the people around him anxiously: "Where is the nearest hospital around here?"

"I know, I know, it's just across the street in front. We have a car, so we'd better take the old man to the hospital quickly." At this time, Shao Lihong had already walked to the old man and replied hurriedly.

"Thank you so much. Then we will send the old man to the hospital immediately." Xia Zhanpeng said gratefully after hearing this. As he spoke, he bent down and picked up the old man.

Although Xia Zhanpeng has not yet entered the ranks of cultivators, his strength is considerable. He feels as light as nothing when he picks up the old man, which will not make him feel uncomfortable.

Although the Daben is big, three people in the back row will not feel crowded, but with the addition of a patient, it is not suitable for other people to squeeze in except Xia Zhanpeng who is holding him. So after Xia Zhanpeng carried the old man into the back seat, Shao Lihong hurriedly got into the passenger seat, said hello to Zhu Xiaoyan and Jiang Xiaojuan, and then told the driver to open the gas pedal and drive to the hospital.

After the Mercedes-Benz quickly left, Zhu Xiaoyan quickly waved a taxi, got in with Jiang Xiaojuan, and rushed to the hospital together.

About thirty minutes later, Xia Zhanpeng and the others left the hospital as two middle-aged men kept saying thank you. The two middle-aged men were the old man's sons and rushed over after receiving the call.

"Uncle, aunt, where are you going now, we will take you there." After leaving the hospital, Shao Lihong asked enthusiastically.

"Thank you, no, we don't plan to go anywhere. We just came out for a walk and found a restaurant to fill our stomachs." Jiang Xiaojuan said to Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan with a smile, looking at them with eyes full of admiration and love.

These days, the relationship between people is becoming more and more indifferent. There are very few rich women like Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan who are still so caring.

"Ah, it turns out that uncle and aunt are looking for a place to eat. It just so happens that Sister Hong and I own a restaurant. You can go to our place to eat and we'll treat you." Zhu Xiaoyan exclaimed in surprise after hearing this.

"Ah, you run a restaurant? That's a coincidence. We must go and have a try. But forget it, you are also open for business. How can you..." Jiang Xiaojuan and Xia Zhanpeng were quite touched after hearing this. Accident.

"Auntie, uncle, please don't be polite to us. You also said that we run a restaurant, so treating you two to a meal is nothing. Let's go, let's go." Zhu Xiaoyan is a straightforward and cheerful woman. After Jiang Xiaojuan finished speaking, she was already pushing her towards the car.

Jiang Xiaojuan and Xia Zhanpeng couldn't be polite anymore when they saw this, so they got into the car with a smile.

Xia Zhanpeng sat in the passenger seat, while Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong sat in the back seat with Jiang Xiaojuan.

"Uncle, aunt, it sounds like your accent is not from our area, but a bit like Jiangzhou accent." After getting in the car, Shao Lihong asked curiously. She didn't know why, but she always felt vaguely familiar and familiar with Xia Zhanpeng and Jiang Xiaojuan, as if she had seen them somewhere.

"Hey, you can actually hear our Jiangzhou City accent. Have you ever lived in Jiangzhou City?" Jiang Xiaojuan and Xia Zhanpeng were both surprised when they heard this.

Although Jiangzhou City can be regarded as a developed coastal city, it is not a first-tier city in the Republic after all. Dingyuan City is located in the inland, separated from Jiangzhou City by several provinces. If you don’t know Jiangzhou City well, most people will definitely not be able to do so. Judging from their Jiangzhou City accent, many people may not even know where Jiangzhou City is.

"Ah, my uncle and aunt are actually from Jiangzhou City! What a coincidence. We have all lived in Jiangzhou City for many years. Sister Lihong's hometown is from Dingyuan City, and I am an authentic person from Jiangnan Province. But it's not from Jiangzhou City, it's from Jinzhong City." Zhu Xiaoyan was more impulsive and she immediately exclaimed in surprise after hearing this.

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