Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,086 Colleagues get together

"Ah, then why didn't you warn me earlier..." Gu Qianlin couldn't help but blurt out regretfully after hearing this, but before she finished speaking, she realized something was wrong, immediately blushed, and kicked Dai Yongzhou with her foot: " I let you talk nonsense, I let you talk nonsense, who said I like the teacher!"

"Brother, please help!" Upon seeing this, Dai Yongzhou hurriedly hid behind Liu Yiwei.

After all, Liu Yiwei was his senior brother and he was getting older, so Gu Qianlin didn't dare to punch or kick him, so she could only blush and stomp her feet bitterly.

Liu Yiwei laughed when he saw this and said: "Junior sister, please stop beating Yongzhou. In fact, he and I support you."

"Senior brother, are you here to make fun of me too?" Gu Qianlin blushed and stamped her feet.

"I'm not making fun of you. It's normal for you to fall in love with a man like the teacher, but the teacher is not an ordinary man, so you have to be mentally prepared and don't go all the way." Liu Yiwei stopped after hearing this. A smile appeared on his face and he said seriously.

"I know senior brother, as long as I can see the teacher from time to time and be by his side, I will be content. I won't force him." Gu Qianlin blushed and nodded.

Liu Yiwei couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly when he heard this. Isn't this just a muscle? He also said he knew it.

Of course, Liu Yiwei would not say this, but Dai Yongzhou stuck his head out and said: "No matter what, I support you, senior sister. Only a man like a teacher is worthy of a beauty with both talent and beauty like you."

"Go away, I don't need you to say nice things!" Gu Qianlin didn't appreciate it at all and glared at Dai Yongzhou. When Dai Yongzhou saw this, he immediately retracted his head and muttered: "Good intentions are not rewarded!"

Of course, this muttering was met with another eye roll, and Liu Yiwei just shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Xia Yunjie is not an emotional idiot now, but he can vaguely guess that his female disciple seems to have a girlish feeling for him, but he does not really take it to heart.

After all, it is a teacher-student relationship, but this kind of thing is not something to be speculated on casually, and it is better to downplay it as much as possible.

After sending away the three students, Xia Yunjie looked through some information alone in the office and started writing a scientific research project application. After all, being a university teacher requires scientific research in addition to teaching tasks, and Xia Yunjie also feels that it is one thing to know a lot of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, but it is another thing to let others understand the mysteries, which requires scientific experiments. Data can be used to illustrate this, and this is the knowledge he can truly leave to the Chinese medicine community and the world. After all, those medical skills that rely on magical spells, such as Zhu Youshu, can only be mastered by a very small number of people. They have no universal value at all and cannot be taught.

At work, it’s quickly afternoon.

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Xia Yunjie received a call from Lao Luo.

"Brother Jie, are you off work?" Lao Luo's voice sounded on the phone.

"I'll get off work soon." Xia Yunjie smiled.

"Okay, we will drive to pick you up in half an hour." Lao Luo said with a smile.

"It's not easy. Lao Luo, you've already driven the car!" Xia Yunjie said in surprise when he heard this.

"Haha, how could I buy a car so quickly? It's Captain Xu. How about Captain Xu driving to pick you up personally? It's enough to give you, Teacher Xia, face." Lao Luo said with a smile.

The captain Xu mentioned by Lao Luo was naturally the former captain of the security team and a veteran, Xu Yongjun.

"Captain Xu came to pick me up in person. I don't dare to take it seriously. I'd better drive there myself." Xia Yunjie felt warm in his heart when he heard this.

"No, you are the protagonist tonight. You are going to drink. What kind of car do you drive?" Lao Luo couldn't help but said.

Xia Yunjie had no choice but to smile and let him go.

Half an hour later, Xia Yunjie met Xu Yongjun, the former captain of the security team.

Xu Yongjun still has the same military demeanor as before, with a straight waist, strong walking, and strong hugs. When he saw Xia Yunjie, he gave him a bear hug and said: "What a good boy, you turned out to be a university teacher without saying a word! Let’s see who dares to laugh at us security team members as uneducated roughnecks in the future.”

"Captain Xu, please be gentle, you will break my bones." Xia Yunjie joked.

"Go away, others don't know how powerful you are, don't we know that we can be deceived by your thin appearance?" Xu Yongjun let go with a smile, punched Xia Yunjie in the chest and said with a smile.

"Hey, aren't I complimenting Captain Xu?" Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"No, Lao Luo and the others compliment me, but I can tolerate you, but you compliment me, and I feel very guilty." Xu Yongjun waved his hands hurriedly.

Lao Luo and others couldn't help but laugh when they heard this, and looked at Xia Yunjie with a hint of fanaticism.

Back then, Xia Yunjie casually defeated a group of them, including Captain Xu, with his own strength. Now he is a university teacher. He is definitely capable of both literary and military skills. To say that he is a legend of their security team is not an understatement. Too much.

Xia Yunjie also smiled, and then said hello to the security guy Tao Kaishan and others who came in the same car.

After saying hello, the group got into the car, with Tao Kaishan driving the car.

"I said Kaishan is not bad. He even got his driver's license." Xia Yunjie saw that Tao Kaishan was driving and couldn't help but patted his shoulder from behind and said with a smile.

"Don't we all say now that there are three stepping stones to success in the 21st century? The first is English, the second is computers, and the third is driver's license. English, I don't have to think about it in this life, it knows me and I don't know it. I know a little bit about computers, but I can only turn them on and off and play games. So I had to learn to drive. Hehe, the salary in our company is high now. When I save enough money one day, I will buy a car and go for a ride like the captain. Then Aren’t all the girls on the street turning around and letting me choose?” When Tao Kaishan said that he was proud, his eyes were shining with longing, as if he had seen girls all over the street rushing towards him, begging for help. As if she wanted to be his girlfriend.

"Damn it, Kaishan, you kid, did you take the driver's license test just to knock on the door of success? You see, you just want to knock on the door of girls' thighs." Lao Luo, who was sitting in the passenger seat He couldn't help but raise his hand and gave Tao Kaishan a stir-fried chestnut.

"I'm talking about Lao Luo, Yunjie is now a university teacher after all, can't you be more civilized in your speech?" Xu Yongjun couldn't help laughing and scolding when he saw Lao Luo's vulgar words.

"That's right, Lao Luo. Now that my sister-in-law is here, if a woman warms your bed, you will be full and not hungry. Besides, isn't finding a beautiful girlfriend one of the successes in life?" Tao Kaishan He immediately took the opportunity to refute Lao Luo unconvincingly.

Although these security guards were still as vulgar and unobtrusive as ever, Xia Yunjie did not feel dissatisfied at all. Instead, he felt cordial and said with a smile: "Kaishan is right, marrying a good woman is indeed a part of life." Part of the success. However, women attracted by cars are not necessarily good women, and when your girlfriend discovers that besides driving, you only know how to turn on and off the computer and play games. You are a million miles away from the rich, handsome man you imagined. There will be a feeling of being cheated, and then they will kick you away. So as a human being, you still have to be down-to-earth and learn more skills."

"Being a university teacher is indeed different. Lao Luo, you should learn more like Brother Jie. You can listen to what he says. I have decided to start studying computers well tomorrow. It just so happens that the security guard of our company is now They also pay more and more attention to computer automation control. If you don’t study hard, you will really be eliminated. If you lose your job because of this, it will be too late to cry." Tao Kaishan said.

"What a fool! Brother Jie is a university teacher, and I am just a big guy. Can I compete with him? Are you just looking down on me?" When Lao Luo heard this, he smiled and gave Tao Kaishan another stir-fried chestnut.

"Please, Lao Luo, I'm driving. If you keep doing this, I won't care if there's a car accident." Tao Kaishan touched his head and shouted in protest.

The people in the car naturally couldn't help laughing when they saw this. After laughing, Xu Yongjun suddenly straightened his face and said: "Kaishan, did you mean it when you said you wanted to learn computers well just now?"

"Of course, Brother Jie is my idol. Can I talk nonsense in front of him?" Tao Kaishan replied.

"That's good. You were right when you said that our company's security is increasingly focusing on computer automation control. So the company may send a few younger security guards to participate in computer program control training recently. Since you have this determination, I'll count you a spot first." Xu Yongjun said seriously.

"Really? Captain Xu, are you kidding?" Tao Kaishan asked.

"Nonsense, can I make such a joke with you in front of Yun Jie?" Xu Yongjun glared.

"Thank you Captain Xu. Haha, I'm going to be awesome this time. I want to master two of the successful stunts in the 21st century at once. It seems I'm one step closer to becoming a real tall, rich and handsome man." Tao Kaishan was affirmed After the answer, I couldn't help laughing happily.

"Come on, Kaishan. If you keep working at Weida Company, maybe you will have some relationship with Funeng, but you won't have to think about being tall or handsome in this life." Lao Luo poured cold water upon seeing this.

"Tch, if I have money, can't I go for plastic surgery?" Tao Kaishan said unconvinced.

"Plastic surgery is fine, but do you think you can still grow taller?" Lao Luo rolled his eyes.

Tao Kaishan was discouraged when he heard this, but soon he cheered up again and said: "I'm not a woman. It doesn't matter whether I'm tall or handsome. The key is to be rich and talented. Do you understand?" ?”

While talking and laughing, the car drove to the Renjia Hotel branch in the city.

The cost of Ren's hotel is quite high in Jiangzhou City. Xia Yunjie remembered that the security guards used to go to small restaurants and food stalls to eat, but now they have changed to one of the best high-end hotels in Jiangzhou City. He couldn't help but sigh. Somewhat touching.

Although it is very snobbish and vulgar to judge the depth of friendship based on whether the hotel is high-end or not, it can still be seen that these former colleagues value him.

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