"Second aunt, this is Xuejiao, what's wrong..." Although her second uncle was not nice to her, Han Xuejiao never hated her because her second uncle was very good to her, so after answering the phone, she said politely asked.

"Xuejiao, please come back quickly. Your mother is lying in the hospital now." Before Han Xuejiao could say anything else, her second aunt's exaggerated anxious voice came over the phone.

"What? Why is my mother lying in the hospital?" Han Xuejiao couldn't help but said in shock and urgency after hearing this.

"It's not like your mother is stubborn. It's been five years since your dad's incident, but she still doesn't give up. I don't know what news she heard recently, saying that your dad was beaten up by Gu Yaofei, the deputy director of the town police station. And Han Biru was also threatened by Gu Yaofei, so she identified your father. She went to the County Public Security Bureau early this morning to file a complaint, but she didn't even think about it, but Gu Yaofei had already been promoted from deputy director to deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. Your mother went to the County Public Security Bureau to file a complaint. Isn’t that asking for a beating? It’s okay to ask for a beating. I don’t know what trouble it will bring to our family. That’s the deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. I’m offended. Can our family still have a good life with him?" The second aunt couldn't help complaining as she spoke.

"Was my mother beaten seriously? How is she doing now?" Han Xuejiao didn't care about her second aunt's complaints at this time. Her mind was filled with her mother's physical condition, and tears could not stop rolling in her eyes.

"Can you..." said the second aunt.

"Don't listen to your second aunt's nonsense. Your mother is fine. She just fell and bruised her skin. You just have to study in graduate school without worrying about this. Second uncle is here." The second aunt has not said anything yet. After that, the voice of Han Xuejiao's second uncle suddenly appeared.

"Second uncle, don't lie to me. How is my mother?" Han Xuejiao said in disbelief.

"Your mother is really fine. She is old after all. She hurt some bones when she fell. The doctor said she needs to rest for two days, so don't worry too much. My second uncle will take good care of her. You have just started school now, so don't worry. You can't be distracted. Only if you read the book well and are promising in the future, your father and your mother can feel at ease and prevent others from laughing at us anymore, you know?" When the second uncle saw Han Xuejiao say this, he just said wipe it off. She definitely didn't believe it, so she had no choice but to reveal some of the real situation, and then warned him earnestly.

"I know my second uncle, but I have to go home now. Without seeing my mother, I can't study with peace of mind." Han Xuejiao said with tears in her eyes.

"You, you child, why are you like this? I told you that your mother is fine, just study. Besides, besides delaying your studies, what else can you do by running back? Okay, listen to my second uncle, no Come back soon!" the second uncle said angrily.

"Second uncle, I, I..." Han Xuejiao felt particularly complicated after hearing this. On the one hand, she understood that what her second uncle said was reasonable, and that her return would be of no use except delaying her studies; on the other hand, she really couldn't trust her mother.

"Okay, let's put it this way, I still have something to do here." In order to show his resolute attitude, the second uncle dropped a sentence and hung up.

Seeing her second uncle hang up the phone, Han Xuejiao finally couldn't help but lay on the table and cried.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't tell Xuejiao, why did you call her!" Han Xuejiao's second uncle Han Yaochuan glared angrily at his wife Chen Dongmei in the corridor of Wenyong County People's Hospital in Dongtong City.

"If I don't call her, then who will take care of her mother? Didn't you listen to the doctor? She has a left ischium fracture, and it will take at least a month or two before she can get out of bed on her own. Do you want me to take care of her? ? I still have to work. How about you hire a nanny to take care of her, but where is the money for the nanny?" Chen Dongmei responded to Han Yaochuan with an even more angry tone and expression.

"That's my sister-in-law, we are all our own, why do you care so much? Besides, Han Xuejiao is now a graduate student. After she graduates, she will definitely find a good job, and she will also think of you as a good aunt." Han Yaochuan knew that his wife was so angry for a certain reason. Besides, his sister-in-law was lying in bed and needed his wife to take care of her. He didn't dare to really anger her. When he saw her angry, his tone immediately softened.

"A good job? You think it easy? These days, graduate students are no longer so rare. And I have inquired. Now, generally, even if you want to enter a hospital in the city, even a master's degree requires a certain amount of connections. Your Han family has connections in the city. Is that okay? It doesn’t matter. If you can’t get into the city hospital, you can only go to the county hospital. Do you think your sister-in-law has brought trouble to the county public security bureau? Does the county hospital dare to want her? Do you really think that the deputy director of the county public security bureau is Is it made of mud? Your sister-in-law is lying on the bed now, which is the best proof! According to me, you are the only honest person who is so concerned about your brother's affairs. Look at your sister-in-law's natal family and your brother. , your cousins, they are all smart enough not to wade into this muddy water." Chen Dongmei hates that iron cannot make steel.

"I don't care what others do, I know that is my eldest brother, my biological brother, I know he is not that kind of person, he is innocent!" Han Yaochuan said with a painful and firm expression.

"It's useless for you to tell me this!" Chen Dongmei replied coldly.

Han Yaochuan looked at Chen Dongmei for a long time after hearing this, and finally held his head in pain.

At first, his wife was like him, believing that his brother was innocent, but five years had already worn away that confidence and persistence. Now, like other relatives and friends, she was eager to cut ties with his eldest brother's family. .

"Xue, Xue, Xuejiao, don't, don't cry. Fa, fa, what happened?" In the graduate student's office, seeing Han Xuejiao suddenly crying on the table, Lin Zhuoyan couldn't help but feel at a loss.

But Han Xuejiao was in grief at this time, so she couldn't listen to Lin Zhuoyan's advice.

Seeing Han Xuejiao continuing to cry sadly on the table, Lin Zhuoyan was anxious, but the more anxious he became, the more speechless he became. Finally, he turned around and ran out of the office towards the teacher's office.

Seeing Lin Zhuoyan burst into the office without knocking, Liu Leehom and others couldn't help but frown slightly, thinking that the new students recruited by Teacher Xia this time were completely different from the previous three students. Those three students, as long as they were in the college, would come here every day to help their tutors clean the room and arrange the tables. However, they were not as polite as the student in front of them.

However, Xia Yunjie knew Lin Zhuoyan's character. When he saw him running in sweating profusely and his face flushed, he couldn't help but change his face slightly and said, "What's the matter with Zhuo Yan?"

"Xue, Xue, Xuejiao, she, she, she..." Lin Zhuoyan couldn't speak smoothly because of his impatience.

Xia Yunjie's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he stood up. Without saying a word, he left the office and went straight to the graduate student's office.

Lin Zhuoyan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the teacher walking straight to the graduate student's office, and hurriedly chased after him.

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