Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,112 It must be bragging

"No, I also see that your family is a family of people who value friendship. Although Zhizhi is not very good at studying, he is a sensible and caring person, so I am also happy to help." Xia Yunjie stopped Han who was really about to bow to him. Determined, he smiled.

"Thank you, Professor Xia. My second uncle, Dongmei, and this kid, Li Zhi, are really good people. If it weren't for them, I don't know if Xuejiao and I would have been able to survive the past few years." Wei Wanqiu said with red eyes.

"Good people should be rewarded! Xuejiao will learn medicine in the future, but you must remember the kindness of your second uncle and his family." Xia Yunjie nodded and said with a rare serious face.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely remember it." Han Xuejiao said seriously.

"Yes." Xia Yunjie nodded. As he spoke, the group of people had already left the hospital building and arrived at the parking lot in front of the building.

"It's just one car and can't accommodate so many people. You and Zhuo Yan can take a taxi home together. Zhizhi, your mother, your second uncle and your second aunt will take my car to go home. Regarding studying fashion design, I I still need to have a chat with him," Xia Yunjie said.

"Okay teacher." Han Xuejiao nodded and Lin Zhuoyan who followed also nodded.

After asking Han Xuejiao and the others to take a taxi at the intersection, Xia Yunjie led a group of people towards his white BMW car.

For Han Yaochuan and others from a poor family, anyone who can drive a car is already a big shot. Now that Xia Yunjie is driving a BMW, Xia Yunjie's eyes are even more intense and even awe-inspiring. Especially Chen Dongmei, who was relatively snobbish, had a particularly strong look of awe in her eyes.

Xia Yunjie was secretly amused when he saw this. No matter how Han Xuejiao brags about his identity, it is not as intuitive as a white BMW car.

At Xia Yunjie's invitation, Han Yaochuan and others got into the car cautiously, as if they were afraid of accidentally damaging the car.

After everyone got in the car and sat down, Xia Yunjie drove away from Wenyong County People's Hospital under Han Yaochuan's guidance. As for the threats made by the two policemen before they left, he had long forgotten them.

After leaving the county town, the road became smoother. Xia Yunjie turned to look at Han Yaochuan who was sitting in the passenger seat and said: "Brother Han, I didn't have time to elaborate on my determination to study fashion design just now. I was idle on the road. Let me mention it to you again.”

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Professor Xia, you are such a warm-hearted and kind person." Han Yaochuan and his wife nodded hurriedly.

"Haha, you're welcome." Xia Yunjie smiled, and then continued: "The fashion designer I mentioned before is not Chinese, but Italian, so if I want to learn from him, I have to go to Italy."

"What Italy!" The Han Yaochuan family's eyes widened when they heard this. They never dreamed that their son would not only have the opportunity to study fashion design, but also study abroad. Wouldn't that be the legendary study abroad?

"Yes, Italy is a fashionable country. Many world-famous luxury brands come from there. Since you want to become a fashion designer, Italy is naturally the best choice." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"But, but..." Han Yaochuan's family began to stutter.

Study abroad! And it is a developed country in Europe. This is simply an impossible dream!

"You don't have to worry about the expenses, including return air tickets, food and accommodation, etc. You don't have to pay a penny. I will help Li Zhi make the arrangements." Xia Yunjie knew why Han Yaochuan's family stuttered, so he explained with a smile.

"This..." Han Yaochuan's family was completely stunned when they heard this, and the entire carriage suddenly became quiet, with only heavy breathing. If it weren't for the fact that Xia Yunjie was Han Xuejiao's mentor and his identity couldn't be faked, if it weren't for the fact that he drove a white BMW, and if it wasn't for the fact that they were poor farmers and had nothing worth deceiving, they would really be suspicious. Xia Yunjie is a liar with a conspiracy, otherwise there would be such a good thing in the world, not only studying abroad, but also free of charge.

But even though they didn't suspect Xia Yunjie's intentions, they still felt that all this was exaggerated and almost unreal, and they had to wonder if Professor Xia in front of them was bragging.

Yes, it must be bragging! As a young man, if he has some ability, it is inevitable to brag and show off, not to mention that he became an associate professor at a young age!

"Well, it's too troublesome for you to go abroad, Professor Xia, and our family is determined not to know foreign languages. I wonder if you have any fashion designer friends in China. If you do, you'd better learn it in China." Xu Jiu, Han Yaochuan and his wife They looked at each other and then said cautiously.

"I don't have many fashion designer friends in China, actually..." Xia Yunjie didn't expect that sometimes when things are done too well, people will have other ideas and misunderstandings. He didn't realize that after he said these words, , both Han Yaochuan and his wife showed a hint of "Sure enough" expressions on their faces.

That's right, you are so awesome that you even know Italian fashion designers, how could you not even know domestic fashion designers? Obviously it was just a matter of fact, and nothing happened in the end, just like those officials in the town who came to the village and talked about it, but in fact nothing was implemented in the end.

"In that case, I won't trouble you, Professor Xia. I always feel that going abroad is too far, and we don't worry about it." Han Yaochuan interrupted with a "grateful" look on his face before Xia Yunjie finished speaking.

He couldn't say that Professor Xia was bragging, and he couldn't let him get off the stage. It was most appropriate to take the words at this time, just to give him a step down.

Although he is a farmer, Han Yaochuan still understands the sophistication of people.

Xia Yunjie couldn't help being slightly startled when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that he had said the matter so well that others became suspicious. He couldn't help but couldn't help crying or laughing. He thought about it and said with a smile: "Well, I'll invite that person later." My friend will come to China to meet Li Zhi. You can get in touch with him. If you feel at ease, let Li Zhi study with him. If you don’t feel good, forget it. Then I will find a way to find a job for him in China. A fashion designer.”

"This, how can this be done, how can this be so embarrassing, this is too troublesome for you and your friends, let's forget it, let's forget it." Han Yaochuan and his wife waved their hands hurriedly, but in their hearts they were even more convinced that this matter must be wrong.

"Haha, Xuejiao is my student, and you are Xuejiao's elders, so there is no need to be so polite. This matter has been settled. After all, we are going abroad, so you can rest assured after meeting each other." Xia Yunjie couldn't help but say .

Seeing Xia Yunjie's "resolute" attitude, Han Yaochuan and his wife could only nod their heads and said: "That's really troublesome for you, Professor Xia, but don't force your friend to do it for us. Everything depends on what he wants and what he wants."

Xia Yunjie smiled. He could naturally tell that the last words of Han Yaochuan and his wife were simply to help him get off the ground, but he did not explain it deliberately.

Anyway, they will understand everything after they meet Scola. He did not brag and lie to them.

So Xia Yunjie stopped talking to Han Yaochuan and the others about Han Lizhi studying fashion design, and instead turned to the matter about Han Yaochuan's brother Han Yaozong.

When the matter of Han Yaozong was mentioned, the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly seemed dull and sad, especially when Wei Wanqiu always shed a few tears when talking about her husband.

After learning about it all the way, Xia Yunjie finally understood the whole story.

The incident happened in Hanjia Village on a rice harvest day in the summer five years ago.

The father of the victim Han Biru was not in good health, so he hired Han Yaozong from the same village to help harvest rice, and left him to drink afterward. Han Yaozong was a good drinker. He drank a little late that day and returned home shirtless. Unexpectedly, the next day he heard about Han Biru's rape last night.

At that time, Han Yaozong and others did not think much about it. They just felt sad and angry for Han Biru and hoped that the police would catch the criminal as soon as possible. However, they did not expect that one day later, the police suddenly arrested Han Yaozong and took him to the police station, and took out Han Yaozong's police card. The clothes at Han Biru's house had traces of Han Biru's bites on them, which became physical evidence of Han Yaozong's crime.

Han Yaozong naturally denied it, but what people never expected was that Han Biru testified against him.

Even so, Han Yaozong refused to admit it at first, but then he admitted it for some reason.

Wei Wanqiu naturally did not believe that her husband was a rapist. Besides, when he came home that day, he drank a little more wine, and there was nothing strange about him. He also had a "fight" with her on the bed. How could he have raped a girl named Han Biru before? Woolen cloth? Therefore, Wei Wanqiu always suspected that her husband was beaten into a crime. So she kept running for this matter. Some time ago, she heard news that this matter was related to the instigation of the then deputy director Gu Yaofei. She said that she originally brought Han Yaozong to the police station for normal questioning, but he immediately concluded that this matter was caused by Han Yaozong. He did it, and tortured him many times, and finally he surrendered.

"Why did Gu Yaofei insist that it was your brother who did it? What good would it do to him? And why did Han Biru testify against your brother? Where are her family members now? Are they still in the village?" Xia Yunjie finished listening. After hearing the whole story, he asked with a slight frown.

"Han Biru's family moved out of Hanjiacun a long time ago, and no one knows where they are now. As for why Gu Yaofei recognized my brother, I heard..." Han Yaochuan looked back at his sister-in-law, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

"What did you hear?" Xia Yunjie asked.

"This..." Han Yaochuan began to hesitate.

"Second uncle, Professor Xia is not an outsider. Just say whatever you hear. Don't worry, I won't make trouble again. After this time, even if I don't think about Han Xuejiao, I still have to think about this child. I can't Because of our family's affairs, the child Li Zhi was also affected, but it only made Yaozong suffer!" As he spoke, Wei Wanqiu couldn't help but shed tears again.

ps: Two updates today, the second update will be uploaded soon.

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