Not to mention that Xia Yunjie felt a sense of amusement in his heart, but when Prince Narong and others saw Xia Yunjie, the devil, waving their hands to let them go, they immediately felt like they had received an amnesty, and in a blink of an eye, they all ran away without a trace.

Seeing this, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but shake his head in amusement, wondering how Han Tong and others would feel if they knew that their daughter's disciple was so spineless.

Mr. Di San and others were naturally dumbfounded. They were running too fast!

With a thought, Xia Yunjie had a cyan bag in his hand, which was filled with various magic weapons and storage rings.

Those who can follow Prince Rong and others are their cronies. All of them are above Tongxuan Realm. Their wealth is naturally stronger than that of ordinary Tongxuan Realm monks. The magic weapons they use are basically high-grade spiritual weapons. .

"Come, those who come to see you have a share." Xia Yunjie picked some high-grade spiritual weapons and distributed them to Master Tian Guan, Fairy Guangyue and their entourages, as well as the entourage of Third Young Master Di. As for Third Young Master Di, they were only high-grade spiritual weapons. Xia Yunjie gave the top-notch spiritual weapon, the Demon Soldier Long Banner, to Young Master Di.

Anyway, he doesn't like demonic things. Of course, giving this top-notch spiritual weapon to Mr. Di would have the effect of dragging him down. After all, this time they robbed the core figures of three major forces at once. Even if Han Tong and others did not immediately come to him for trouble, the relationship was definitely settled. With the power that Xia Yunjie currently controls, he has suddenly formed a conflict with the three major forces. This pressure is still very high. Under this situation, it is natural to win over the Di Mansion and let him help share some of the pressure.

And since Young Master Di had just brought him to this remote place on purpose to create an opportunity for Prince Rong and others to attack, Xia Yunjie would never believe it if there was no instruction from Di Yunqi, the head of the Di family. Since Di Yunqi wanted him to establish a relationship with those three major forces, he had to help share some of the pressure.

At the Wanbao Pavilion Treasure Sale not long ago, Tian Guanzhen and Fairy Guangyue both auctioned a high-grade spiritual weapon, with the price being more than 10 million sixth-grade spiritual crystals. The final auction on the last day of the treasure sale was A top-level spiritual weapon even fetched a sky-high price of 20 billion sixth-grade spiritual crystals.

Now what Xia Yunjie gave him was a high-grade spiritual weapon and a top-level spiritual weapon. You can imagine how valuable this gift is. Immediately, Master Tian Guan, Fairy Guangyue, their entourage, and the entourage of Young Master Di were so excited that they took it. The magic weapon's hands were trembling, and he thought to himself, this is what he calls a real giant. Prince Rong, Fire Phoenix Fairy, Qiu Feng, they are nothing compared to him, but he didn't even think about it. The things Xia Yunjie rewarded them were not brought to them by Prince Rong and the others, otherwise Xia Yunjie would not be able to just give them a high-grade spiritual weapon, no matter how generous he was.

In fact, let alone Master Tian Guan and others, they couldn't refuse this generous gift. Even Di Xuning, holding a top-level spiritual weapon, knew Xia Yunjie had the intention of dragging him down, but he couldn't refuse this heavy gift. In the end, he still He thanked Xia Yunjie for the reward with a grateful expression.

Although Xia Yunjie casually rewarded some, there are still hundreds of various magic weapons left, and there are more than a hundred storage rings. In addition to the red fire python whip and black water hyacinth that Xia Yunjie put into his body to warm and nourish, all other magic weapons were put into storage rings. As for the more than one hundred storage rings, except for the three storage rings belonging to Prince Rong, he specially He kept it in his sleeve pocket, and gave the other more than a hundred storage rings to Prime Minister Gui and others to keep, and they would count them and put them into the "treasury" for the Wu Xianmen's expenses.

Seeing that Prime Minister Gui, who was only about the same strength as him in the past and could not compare with him in terms of wealth, now not only has the strength to reach the Juxia realm, but is also in charge of such a huge wealth casually, Tian Guanzhen's eyes flashed deep in his eyes. With a thoughtful gaze, she seemed to be making a major decision, and Fairy Guangyue's pair of beautiful eyes were also shining, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

"Master Di, let's go." After dividing and putting away the magic weapon and storage ring in a few moments, Xia Yunjie said calmly to Di Xuning with a smile, as if nothing had happened.

"This junior cannot bear the title of senior son, so let's call him junior Xu Ning." Di Xu Ning is quite clever. Before, he relied on his status and tried to act like the son of the Di family, but now he has the humble attitude of a junior.

"That's fine." Xia Yunjie nodded when he heard this and was not polite to Di Xuning.

So the flying boat set off again, and Xia Yunjie continued to sit in the jade pavilion and enjoy the music. Only this time, the maid who helped make tea and the woman who played the guzheng all showed great care.

This was not only because Xia Yunjie had shown extremely terrifying strength just now, but also because of that high-grade spiritual weapon.

A high-grade spiritual weapon. Although they are all close to Young Master Di, they spent most of their life savings to purchase a high-grade spiritual weapon. Now they just help cook tea, pour water and play the piano to get a high-grade spiritual weapon. , if they don’t take it seriously, even they themselves will feel that their conscience will be condemned!

When Xia Yunjie made a fortune and was enjoying tea and listening to the guzheng very comfortably, high in the sky in the distance, Prince Rong, Qiu Feng, and Fairy Huofeng looked at each other with extremely ugly expressions. , with a complex look in his eyes. There is humiliation, hatred, fear, and incomparable heartache.

Because for this treasure selling event, they brought most of their wealth with them. Unexpectedly, this time the robbery failed, and instead they lost most of their wealth. What made them most distressed was that Xia Yunjie also took away the top-level spiritual weapon that they had sacrificed for many years and spent countless efforts and a lot of spiritual crystals on.

Now, except for the tattered cassocks they wear, it can be said that they are penniless and miserable.

"What should we do now? Is this the end of it?" Fairy Fire Phoenix asked through gritted teeth. The tattered robe could not hide the white and tender jade body inside, but she seemed not to know at all.

"What else can we do? Even people like Yu Huayun have been killed by that guy. Is there any way we can get revenge?" Yu Huayun said with a gloomy face.

"Of course we can't do it. Could it be that my father and your master can't do it either? I can't swallow this tone no matter what!" Prince Rong gritted his teeth, with incomparable hatred in his eyes.

"That's right, is it possible that with the combined efforts of our master and Prince Rong's father, we can't kill that guy?" Fire Phoenix Fairy said with fire in her eyes.

"Hmph, you think things too simply. Haven't you thought about why Xia Yunjie went with that boy Di Xuning? Do you still think that Di Xuning chose a remote way to avoid us? Is that so?" Qiu Feng said with a gloomy face.

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