"I will obey the Master's decree!" Zhen Mingshan and others all bowed to the order, with a trace of uncontrollable excitement on their faces.

They knew that the day of Wu Xianmen's rise had come.

After Zhenmingshan and others took the order and left, Xia Yunjie thought for a while, called Huang Ao's big bird over, and said: "Huang Ao, go to Jinchen Realm and ask Jin Jiao to come to Yuanmanjie Island."

"I will obey the Master's decree." Huang Ao Big Bird respectfully accepted the order, and then left the valley with excitement on his face.

After Huang Ao Bird left, Xia Yunjie issued several more orders. The disciples who received the orders all left the valley with excitement and went about their business.

"Elder Peng, we are going to build a witch ancestor palace here!" Xia Yunjie pointed to the place where the peach trees were originally planted and said to Peng Tianwu.

"Wu Zu Palace! Could it be..." Peng Tianwu couldn't help but trembled when he heard this. Although he had vaguely guessed that this valley must be the place where a powerful Wu Clan power was lost in ancient times, he did not dare to go to Wu Zu. think.

"This is the place where the witch ancestor Hou Yi fell!" Xia Yunjie nodded and said seriously.

Seeing that it was indeed the Witch Ancestor, Peng Tianwu couldn't help but tremble again.

"From now on, this Wuzu Hall will be a restricted area. Only the elders of your sect and the direct disciples of the headmaster can enter. The other disciples will only be allowed to enter and practice for one year if they have made great contributions to the sect." Xia Yunjie continued to look serious. typical.

The blood of Wuzu is not inexhaustible. As a sect, we must not only consider the current development of the sect, but also the long-term development of the sect. Therefore, Xia Yunjie wanted to build the ancestral witch temple at the place where Hou Yi's blood was strongest. On the one hand, it was to commemorate Hou Yi, and on the other hand, it was to control the escape speed of the ancestral witch's blood and prevent it from flowing away too quickly. As the Wu Zu Palace is located in the place where Hou Yi's blood is the richest, which is equivalent to the spiritual eye of the spiritual veins, Wu Zu's blood is in unlimited supply. Moreover, this palace is bathed in the blood of the witch ancestors, and the disciples who enter here to practice will more easily understand the witch clan's avenue.

"Yes!" Peng Tianwu and other elders as well as Yue Hengdao bowed solemnly.

"Okay, let's start building this Wuzu Palace now." Xia Yunjie said, a green light flashed in his hand, and four more peach branches appeared.

Xia Yunjie inserted the four peach branches in the southeast and northwest directions, and then used the magic formula in his hands to turn the four peach branches into towering pillars.

The blood energy center of Wuzu is extraordinary, and it cannot be contained without the branches of the innate peach tree as its pillars.

"These four giant pillars are the pillars of the Wuzu Palace." Xia Yunjie said, and then reported the required building materials one by one. After Lei Zhentian, Yue Hengdao and others took the orders, they left for transportation, while Xia Yunjie began Carve runes on four towering trees.

Since cultivators know magic, building a house is naturally not as time-consuming as ordinary people. What really takes time is arranging formations, carving talismans, or carving dragons and phoenixes and other detailed tasks.

Because there are four congenital peach branches serving as the four pillars, Xia Yunjie saves a lot of work.

The innate spirit plant is a supreme treasure. Although Xia Yunjie only broke off four branches, the positive and negative Yin and Yang Yin and Yang Sumeru formations built using these four branches can be used to form a large formation once an enemy invades. When activated, it is much more powerful than the Four Elephant Small Demon-Slaying Sword Formation he has on hand. I am afraid that even the immortals will not be able to enter the witch ancestor's palace.

Once the framework was in place, the rest was naturally simple. Xia Yunjie just gave a brief explanation and asked Peng Tianwu and others to implement it, while he began to take time to arrange the positive and negative Nine Palaces and Bagua Immortal Formations around the land of chaos.

The positive and negative not only made the Nine Palaces and Bagua Immortal Formation more dangerous, but also hid the truth about the Barbaric Land, making it impossible for outsiders to detect the fairyland scene of the Purple Energy rising in the Barbaric Land. .

The reason why formations are so powerful is because they have the magical ability to communicate with heaven and earth and borrow the power of heaven and earth.

Originally, it was difficult to arrange the positive and negative Nine Palaces and Bagua Immortal Formation with Xia Yunjie's current strength and the materials at hand. However, the entire chaotic land is stained with the blood of the witch ancestor Hou Yi, but Xia Yunjie has inherited the witch ancestor Hou Yi, but he can easily communicate with this land, and without much effort, he set up the positive and negative nine palaces and eight trigrams. .

Once the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams Immortal Formation was set up, the people living inside didn't feel much, but to the people outside, this chaotic place was shrouded in black air again, with a hint of sinister atmosphere. , people dare not step in easily.

"Finally it's done!" After arranging the positive and negative Nine Palaces and Bagua Immortal Formation, Xia Yunjie finally let out a long sigh of relief.

As the saying goes, a common man is not guilty of his own crime. Although the Far Barbarian Island has developed rapidly in recent years, to some big forces, it is still just a barren and backward small place that cannot attract their attention at all. Even if a strong man accidentally flew over the Far Barbarian Island, he would not take a second look. But now that the barbaric land has come to light again, not only is the aura extremely rich, there are spiritual herbs and holy medicines everywhere, but there is also the faint blood breath of the witch ancestor Hou Yi, which is like a piece of "spicy meat" placed in space. , sooner or later it will attract the strong ones.

Now that the Nine Palaces and Anti-Bagua Immortal Formation has been deployed, hiding all the chaotic land and the breath of Hou Yi's blood, Xia Yunjie can truly sit back and relax, and can truly rest assured that the disciples of Wu Xianmen can practice here day and night, and he will naturally Too.

So after setting up the positive and negative Nine Palaces and Bagua Immortal Formation, we called Jin Jiao, the real person who rushed to the Far Barbarian Realm Island, and asked about things in the Jinchen Realm first. After seeing that everything was fine in the Jinchen Realm, Then he began to instruct Master Jin Jiao to make arrangements for Wu Xianmen disciples to come to the barbaric land to practice. Of course, more than two hundred realms including Jinchen Realm still need Wuxianmen disciples to be in charge, so when Wuxianmen disciples come to the barbaric land to practice, a rotation system must be adopted. This is also the reason why Xia Yunjie called Master Jin Jiao over.

The disciples in Jinchen Realm are mainly led by Master Jin Jiao. He also knows the situation in Jinchen Realm best and needs him to arrange it.

After carefully explaining to Master Jin Jiao, Xia Yunjie went into seclusion to practice. As for Hanyue Palace, Xia Yunjie doesn't plan to send anyone to deliver the message yet. Firstly, Hanyue Palace is currently short of manpower and cannot redeploy personnel; secondly, Xia Yunjie is confident that he can achieve another breakthrough in a short period of time. After the breakthrough, he is ready to lead his disciples there directly. At that time, once the Yinshan Sect, If people from Xuantian Kingdom and Huoyun Sect still dared to show off their power, he wouldn't mind crushing them directly.

With absolute strength, Xia Yunjie naturally does not need to worry about the rules of the game between big forces.

ps: Sorry, there were some duplications in the concept, and some of the manuscripts I wrote were scrapped, so I didn’t upload them until now.

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