"I wonder if Ao Li can get a glimpse of the secret of Jinxian this time and open up the Purple Mansion!" Xia Yunjie quickly withdrew his gaze, thinking of Ao Li, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

When he came to the county this time, Xia Yunjie originally wanted to bring Ao Li to see the world. Moreover, the person sent by Immortal Lord Luo Tan last time also asked Xia Yunjie by name to bring Ao Li to the Biluo Fruit Fair. Unexpectedly, Xia Yunjie was there. Ten days before preparing to leave, after listening to Xia Yunjie's teachings, Ao Li suddenly seemed to have a glimpse of the secret of the Golden Immortal. He immediately retreated to meditate and was unable to accompany him.

Since the elimination of the Xihe Sect, Wenqiao Mansion has not only obtained a large amount of resources and property, but also obtained many surrendered troops, attracting many strong men to seek refuge.

Nowadays, the Wenqiao Mansion has gathered a group of Xuanxian-level masters. In addition to Ao Li, the Xuanxian in the Xuanying stage now also has Xue Yuanpeng. If nothing else happens, the Chi family brothers who have taken the Fire Spirit Fruit should also be able to In the past two years, he was promoted to the Xuanying stage of Xuanxian. With Xia Yunjie's guidance and help, Wei Chong and others thought they would be able to catch up with the Chi brothers sooner or later. But there is only Jinxian, Xia Yunjie has no one under his command, and the Chi family brothers and others are not very talented. There is little hope of discovering the secrets of Jinxian. Even if it is possible, it will take a long time. Only Ao Li is a descendant of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and his talent is far beyond that of the Chi family brothers and others. He is also his direct disciple and has been taught the "Dragon King Secrets". He should be the most promising of all people to uncover the secrets of the Golden Immortal in the short term. , became the first Golden Immortal under his account, so he still had high expectations for Ao Li and Xia Yunjie.

If it weren't for Bi Luoguo's difficulty in refusing this time, Xia Yunjie would definitely guard Ao Li personally, just in case.

Riding a clouded leopard horse and walking leisurely, after a while, Xia Yunjie saw a group of splendid palaces surrounded by city walls.

This is the Prince's Mansion, the city within the city of Shiqu County.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Prince's Mansion, Xia Yunjie and his party were stopped by the guards.

"This is the county prince's palace. The Biluo Guo Festival will be held soon. No one else can come near."

"I am Xia Yunjie, the magistrate of Wenqiao Mansion. At the invitation of Lord Xianjun, I came here to attend the Biluo Fruit Party." Xia Yunjie said calmly.

"Are you the magistrate of Wenqiao Mansion?" The guards guarding the gate of the Prince's Mansion were greatly surprised and looked at Xia Yunjie with surprised and amused eyes.

Apparently, the news about the Wenqiao Prefecture's order to kill the Xihe Sect has reached Shiqu County.

"It's me. This is my official seal." Xia Yunjie took out the official seal directly.

The official seal is shining with golden light, and the words Wenqiao Mansion Order are engraved on it.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xia, please come in." Seeing that he was indeed an official of Wenqiao Mansion, the guards naturally did not dare to stop him and hurriedly let him in.

Entering the Prince's Mansion is actually a city within a city. After entering the city gate and walking for a while, you really arrive at the Prince's Mansion.

It was a splendid hall. At the entrance of the hall, the steward of the county prince's palace and Luo Peng, the eldest son of the county prince Luo Tan, greeted the guests with smiles.

"By the order of Wenqiao Mansion, I came here to attend the Biluo Fruit Party at the invitation of Lord Xianjun." Xia Yunjie took Zhou Liang and Deng Ling to the entrance of the hall, smiling at the front, but there was a hint of trace in his eyes. The steward and Luo Peng, who looked puzzled at the question, held their hands in arms without being humble or condescending.

"So you are Xia Yunjie, the magistrate of Wenqiao Mansion! Then who is Ao Li? Why didn't he come?" When he heard that the man in green clothes in front of him was the magistrate of Wenqiao Mansion, Luo Peng's eyes lit up slightly, and he subconsciously He glanced behind Xia Yunjie and saw that there were only two Xuanlu stage Xuanxian, so he couldn't help but asked with some disappointment.

Apparently Luo Peng had heard of Ao Li's name and was quite interested in him, and Ao Li's weight in his mind was obviously greater than that of Xia Yunjie, the imperial edict.

This is not to blame Luopeng. In the battle with the Xihe Sect, Xia Yunjie only blew a breath of the Earthly Evil Wind, but Ao Li first suppressed the Xihe Sect's right protector Xue Yuanpeng with one move, and then broke the Tianhe Silver Dragon Formation and killed the Xihe Lao Ancestor is so powerful that even Immortal Lord Luo Tan became suspicious, thinking that the real person in charge of Wenqiao Mansion was Ao Li and not Xia Yunjie.

"Master Xia, this is His Highness the Crown Prince. I heard that your subordinate Ao Li destroyed the Tianhe Silver Dragon Formation and killed the ancestor of Xihe. I am very interested." The butler was afraid that Xia Yunjie didn't know Luo Peng, so he introduced him from the side. .

"It turns out it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Xia Yunjie heard this and bowed his hands to Luopeng again, and then said: "Ao Li just had some realization a few days ago and is in retreat at the moment, so he couldn't come to see His Highness the Crown Prince."

"That's a good thing. It's just a pity that I can't see him this time." Luo Peng said with a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Next time I have the opportunity, I will let him come to see His Highness the Crown Prince in person." Xia Yunjie said politely, and then presented the gift.

Luo Peng glanced at it and was slightly moved, because there were some good things on the gift list. There was no way that these things could be obtained by a lower-level government, but Luo Peng felt relieved when he remembered that the Wenqiao Mansion had just raided the Xihe Sect's home base some time ago.

Luo Peng smiled and said some polite words to Xia Yunjie, then called a servant and asked him to lead Xia Yunjie and the others in. As Xia Yunjie, he was not qualified enough to be led in personally.

Xia Yunjie had just entered the door when there was a voice from behind.

"His Royal Highness Ao Heng, the Tenth Prince of the Dragon Palace of the West Sea, has arrived!"

Immediately after Xia Yunjie, he saw a man wearing a purple gold crown with tied hair and a thin face but a huge frame walking out of the hall. It was Luo Tanxianjun, the king of Shiqu County.

The servant leading Xia Yunjie hurriedly pulled Xia Yunjie and the others aside.

"Haha, His Royal Highness the Tenth Prince is here. I, the Immortal Lord, am not far away to greet you." Immortal Lord Luo Tan has already reached the door and has already raised his hands towards the door.

At this moment, a person got out of the car at the door. This person was wearing a jade crown and was very tall and tall. His face was delicate and young, but he had a sense of arrogance.

It is Ao Heng, the tenth prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Ao Heng's mana is surging. If he stops there at will, he will feel as if an overwhelming wave is sweeping over him. He can't help but feel frightened. He is already in the realm of the Golden Immortal, but his mana is still more powerful than Immortal Luo Tan. A little less than a step or two.

"Luo Xianjun, you're welcome." Ao Heng cupped his hands and said proudly.

Seeing this, Immortal Lord Luo Tan had a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes, but it passed away in a blink of an eye and said with a smile: "Your Highness, the Tenth Prince, please take a seat inside."

There is no way, the Xihai Dragon Palace is extremely powerful, and there are so many masters in the palace, it can be regarded as a force in the entire fairy world. Although he, Luo Tan Immortal Lord, is the head of a county, he is still far behind compared with the Xihai Dragon Palace. This point can be seen from the fact that Immortal Luo Tan held a Biluo Fruit Party and clearly invited the Dragon King of the West Sea, but the next door neighbor only sent a prince to attend. This shows that Immortal Luo Tan is not qualified enough for the Dragon King of the West Sea to come in person.

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