Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,753 The approaching army

The momentum of the West Sea Dragon Palace army was already terrifying enough. Now coupled with the Shiqu County army, the momentum was simply unprecedented for all the forces in the Shiqu County area.

I saw flags flying in the boundless sea of ​​clouds, halberds shining, billowing helmets shining, layers of armor shining, and densely packed shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and heavenly soldiers and generals, just like the sand on the seashore.

The two armies marched toward Wenqiao Mansion in a mighty manner, with murderous intent rising into the sky and whipping up boundless strong winds. I don't know how many sects were frightened and their mountain gates were closed. Even Husha Mountain, Mingyu Mountain, and Wanmo Mountain were guarded by golden immortals. The top forces in Shiqu County also strictly ordered their disciples not to go down the mountain to cause trouble during this period. However, Great Immortal Huli, Master Kongchen, and the Red-haired Ancestor all went down the mountain one after another, following the army all the way towards Wenqiao Mansion.

This is a battle involving the Golden Immortal level, and the Great Immortal Huli and others are naturally not willing to miss it.

Of course, if Wenqiao Mansion wins this battle, the situation in Shiqu County will undergo earth-shaking changes, and it will inevitably affect their future situation in Shiqu County. Although the possibility is almost close to zero, they are not afraid of ten thousand. If anything happens, they still have to follow up and pay attention.

What if Wenqiao Mansion wins?

"Although I knew that Ao Heng had lost such a big face and that Xia Yunjie had taken away the Purple Kunluo in the Treasure Palace of the West Sea Dragon Palace, I would definitely not let it go, but I never expected that he would take action so quickly." Great Immortal Huli Driving a black tiger-like cloud, he said to Master Kongchen who was riding a sika deer and the red-haired ancestor who was driving a one-horned cloud beast.

"I wonder what benefits the West Sea Dragon Palace promised to Immortal Lord Luo Tan, so that he actually agreed to let the West Sea Dragon Palace army board Shiqu County in large numbers." Master Kongchen said with a trace of doubt while stroking his goatee.

"Don't forget that Immortal Lord Luo Tan also lost face at the Bi Luo Guo Conference. Moreover, the sudden appearance of such a powerful official in Shiqu County who did not sell his face also greatly threatened his position and authority. He must have wanted to Get rid of it quickly!" said the red-haired ancestor, his red hair dancing wildly in the wind, with a wild and unruly demonic nature.

"It's not that simple. We have all seen how powerful Xia Yunjie is at the Biluo Guo Conference. To be honest, none of us, not even Immortal Lord Luo Tan, can be his opponent. If it were me, he wouldn't be as powerful as him. As a last resort, we will definitely not take action against him. After all, uniting with the West Sea Dragon Palace is not a glorious thing for Immortal Luo Tan. If the heaven knows about it, I am afraid he will be held accountable. This is not the key, in case Xia Yunjie escapes , the ensuing revenge is the most disturbing thing. We all witnessed Xia Yunjie's fierce look at the Bi Luoguo meeting. He even dared to beat Ao Heng in public! "Kong! Chen shook his head and said, and at the end of the sentence, he couldn't help but show a trace of lingering fear in his eyes.

The Huli Great Immortal and the red-haired Ancestor were both fierce and bold people. When Kong Chen mentioned Xia Yunjie's violent beating of Ao Heng at the Bi Luo Guo Conference, he could not help but show a hint of fear in his eyes.

"My lord, it's not good, it's not good! The Shiqu County army and the Xihai Dragon Palace army have joined forces and are heading towards our Wenqiao Mansion. According to reports, it is said that this time the Shiqu County army is led by Immortal Luo Tan himself, and the Xihai Dragon Palace side It's the tenth prince Ao Heng, and four generals of the Golden Immortal Dragon Palace." In the lobby of the Wenqiao Mansion, a soldier knelt down in front of Ao Li in a panic.

"What? Immortal Lord Luo Tan personally led the army! Four golden immortal-level generals were actually sent from the West Sea Dragon Palace!" In the lobby, the Chi family brothers, Wei Chong, Xue Yuanpeng and others all turned pale with shock when they heard this, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. Zhou Liang and Deng Ling, who had participated in the Biluo Guo Party with Xia Yunjie, were no exception.

For people in a small place like Wenqiao Mansion, Immortal Lord Luo Tan of Shiqu County is actually an invincible existence and their heaven. As for the Jade Emperor, that was simply a legendary figure. They would never think of it because it was beyond their imagination.

Now the soldiers told them that Immortal Lord Luo Tan came in person to lead his army. You can imagine what shocking news it was for Wei Chong and others! As for the West Sea Dragon Palace, five Golden Immortals, including Ao Heng, came in person. It was even more terrifying news that made them tremble when they thought about it.

And the most important thing is that the army is approaching but their master is not in Wenqiao Mansion. This is what makes them feel most frightened.

"It came quite quickly. Let's explore again and see how many soldiers and horses they have. Who are the four Jinxian-level generals in the West Sea Dragon Palace? And whether the army is coming to Jinyang City in Wenqiao Prefecture or heading straight for it. Go through the mountains and leave." Only Ao Li still maintained a calm expression and ordered calmly.

"Yes!" Seeing that Ao Li didn't show any signs of panic, the soldier calmed down a little and took the order with a stern look on his face.

"Teacher, what should we do now?" Wei Chong asked after the soldiers took the order and left. Although his strength is not as strong as Xue Yuanpeng and the Chi family brothers, he is the second person under Ao Li in Wenqiao Mansion, equivalent to Wen Qiao. The manager of the Bridge Mansion.

"When the soldiers come, the water will come and the earth will cover them! Just wait and see what happens, and you just have to step up training the soldiers." Ao Li said in a deep voice, with a strong sense of confidence and domineering in him.

"But Immortal Lord Luo Tan's strength is extraordinary. The Xihai Dragon Palace, together with Ao Heng, dispatched five golden immortals. Now that the master is not here, how can we soldiers withstand it?" Wei Chong said with a bitter smile.

"They have Golden Immortals, don't we have none here?" Ao Li said coldly. A vast and domineering aura suddenly burst out from him. Not to mention that Wei Chong and others were suddenly like a giant mountain, and they had no magic power in their bodies. The method is working, and even Xue Yuanpeng, a veteran Xuan Ying stage Xuanxian, feels that it is difficult to operate the magic power.

"Teacher, are you a Golden Immortal?" Wei Chong and others were all shocked and looked at Xia Yunjie in disbelief.

Only Xia Yunjie, Yaochi Saint, and Gu Qianlin knew about Ao Li's breakthrough to the Golden Immortal. No one else knew yet.

"It's not just me. Madam is also a Golden Immortal, and even more powerful than me. So as long as the four Golden Immortals who came with the Tenth Prince from the West Sea Dragon Palace are not powerful Golden Immortals, we will have the power to fight. As long as we can hold on When the master returns, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will be fought!" Ao Li said coldly, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

When Wei Chong and others heard this, they were shocked again. Only then did they realize how powerful and terrifying their side was. You must know that at the Biluoguo meeting, their master easily suppressed Ao Heng. In total, they There are three golden immortals in Wenqiao Mansion!

The concept of three golden immortals in the Shiqu County area was beyond the imagination of Wei Chong and others. You must know that the top power in Shiqu County only has one Golden Immortal. Even in the county prince's palace, there is only one Golden Immortal himself, Immortal Lord Luo Tan.

Especially when Xue Yuanpeng heard this, his heart trembled violently, and he was frightened for a while. Only today did he understand what a terrifying person the ancestor of Xihe had offended back then.

Not only is the disciple a Golden Immortal, but my wife is also a Golden Immortal! How awesome must such a person be? It's ridiculous that they dared not take him seriously back then.

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