Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,795 Wait and see what happens [Fourth update]

"My dear, isn't that Vinayaka? Who is that person? You can actually fight him to a close!" Zhu Fengchun was someone who couldn't hold back his words. When he saw the shocking scene, his eyes widened on the spot. Zi, blurted out in surprise.

"That person is Xia Yunjie, the magistrate of Wenqiao Mansion!" Taibai Jinxing replied, with an expression of disbelief and shock written all over his face.

After he left Pixiang Hall, he never went back, so naturally he didn't know what happened next. I thought it was incredible that Xia Yunjie could destroy the Xihai Dragon Palace, but I didn't expect that he would actually fight with Vinayakadu, and the fight was evenly matched.

"Damn it, no, this Xia Yunjie is even more powerful than my Monkey Brother back then. Why did the Jade Emperor grant him such a big official? Does he want to force him to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace like our Monkey Brother? Not once?" Zhu Fengchun's eyes widened even more when he heard this.

Zhu Fengchun has a bold personality and has no airs. When Sun Wukong was an official in the Tiangong, he had a good relationship with him and became brothers, so he was called the Monkey Brother.

"Marshal Tianpeng, I don't know, so don't talk nonsense. If Your Majesty doesn't take him seriously, will you send you and Wen Tianzun to lead his troops down? Before, Xia Yunjie was very low-key, and Your Majesty didn't know he was so powerful." Taibai Jinxing saw Zhu Fengchun Mentioning what happened to Sun Wukong back then, Bai Huahua's beard couldn't help but tremble and she glared at him.

"So that's it. No wonder His Majesty ordered us down in such a hurry. But Taibai Jinxing, aren't you harming me, Lao Zhu and Wen Tianzun? Although we have some abilities, we don't have the eight or nine mysteries like our Monkey Brother. Kung Fu, immortality. How can we intervene in a battle of this level? If we are hit by the Vajra Concubine and the Hell Blood Sword, Wen Tianzun is fine. He is better than me, Lao Zhu, and he has Vajra training. You should be able to withstand the body protection method for a few times, but I, Old Zhu, will probably lose his arms and legs, and maybe die!" Zhu Fengchun knew that Sun Wukong's troubles in the Heavenly Palace were taboo in the Heavenly Court, so he stopped mentioning them. , but changed the topic and said with a bitter face.

Wen Zhong Tianzun has always been a serious person and a person who is not afraid of life and death, but this time when he saw Zhu Fengchun say this, he rarely nodded.

There was no way, one of the people fighting in that fight was Taiyi Golden Immortal! He doesn't have Sun Wukong's immortal body. If he really has to suffer the punishment of a Vajra, what's the point? To say the least is to strain one's muscles and bones, and may lead to one's death.

"Your Majesty just said, if Ruobinayajia comes out to help Xihai Dragon Palace, you go and tell him that the Yaochi Saint is a member of the Queen Mother and wants to take people away. Ruobinayaka refused, so he took action Help Xia Yunjie. But now it seems that Xia Yunjie is so good that he has nothing to do without us." Taibai Jinxing said.

As he spoke, Taibai Jinxing looked down again and saw someone flying towards this side of the crowd watching the battle. He recognized him as the Immortal Lord stationed in Taomu County and waved to him.

The Immortal Lord flew forward and paid homage to Wen Zhong Tianzun first, and then paid homage to Taibai Jinxing and Marshal Tianpeng.

Although Taibai Jinxing was a trusted official around the Jade Emperor, his prestige was not as high as that of Wen Zhongtianzun.

"How long have Xia Yunjie and Vinayaka been fighting?" Taibai Jinxing asked.

"Sir, Xia Yunjie has been fighting with Vinayaka for a whole day and night." The Immortal Lord of Taomu County replied respectfully.

"Why have you been fighting for a whole day and night?" Taibai Jinxing and others couldn't help but trembled when they heard this, with horror on their faces.

"Yes, it has been a day and a night! This Xia Yunjie is so powerful, even Sun Wukong was not so perverted back then! If it weren't for Penayaka to block it, the West Sea Dragon Palace would have been captured long ago. Sir, you don't know, This Xia Yunjie can kill eight or nine golden immortals with one strike!" said the Immortal Lord, and couldn't help but show a hint of fear in his eyes as he spoke.

It was obvious that the Immortal Lord was still frightened by the power of Xia Yunjie's sword before.

"Eighty-nine golden immortals with one sword!" Wen Zhong and others were naturally frightened when they heard this.

"Yes!" The Immortal Lord nodded, then looked at Taibai Jinxing and others with doubts on his face, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "My lords, why are you here..."

"The situation over there with Guiyuan and others is not good!" Taibai Jinxing did not answer the question from Taomu County Immortal Lord, but looked at the battlefield on the other side, stroking his snow-white beard and frowning slightly.

"Xihai Dragon Palace has a strong foundation. Without Yunjie, Guiyuan and others will still be inferior to others! Otherwise, help them. Anyway, His Majesty is not satisfied with Ao Run's leaning towards the Western religion and has long wanted to replace him. "Wen Zhong also glanced that way and said with a fierce look.

In ancient times, the infighting between the three religions was closely related to the instigation of the Western religion. Afterwards, the Western religion even killed or kidnapped many disciples of the Jiejiao, which made the Jiejiao disciples wither. It also teamed up with Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun to attack Tongtian. Zhong is the leading figure among the three generations of Jie Jiao and has always been loyal to Jie Jiao. Naturally, he hates Western religion very much in his heart.

"After all, Ao Run is also the Dragon King that His Majesty later personally conferred, and he has a Western religious background. If Xia Yunjie wins, it will be easy to say. The winner is the king and the enemy is defeated. Anyway, Ao Li is of the blood of the old Dragon King of the West Sea. It is said that it is an internal fight in the Dragon Palace. The canonization He is the new generation of Dragon King of the West Sea, and the Western Church has nothing to say. Anyway, they did the same thing back then, directly selecting the old Dragon King, forcing His Majesty to have no choice but to re-canonize the Dragon King of the Four Seas. But if we directly help Guiyuan and others attack the Dragon Palace of the West Sea , this is difficult to explain." Taibai Jinxing was a little moved when he heard this. He also couldn't bear to see Western religion meddling in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, but he still shook his head and denied it while stroking his white beard.

Listening to the conversation between Wen Zhong and Taibai Jinxing, Taomu Immortal Lord was already so frightened that his heart was trembling. When the conversation between the two stopped, he hurriedly bowed and left in a hurry.

Just kidding, something at that level can only be interfered with and known by him as a little immortal king stationed in the earthly immortal world?

"There are so many twists and turns. According to my old Zhu's temper, I'll wait until I get beaten!" Zhu Fengchun said carelessly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

He and Sun Wukong are sworn brothers, but Sun Wukong was suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain by Duobao, the deputy leader of the Western Sect. Naturally, he was not happy with the Western Sect.

"Marshal Tianpeng, don't talk nonsense. Can we talk about this kind of thing after a fight? You beat me hard. How will your Majesty reason with the two leaders Jie Yin and Zhunti?" Taibai Jinxing said to Zhu Fengchun. He was no longer as polite as he was to Wen Zhongtianzun. He glared at him angrily and said.

"Marshal Tianpeng, Master Taibai is right. Anyway, although Guiyuan and others are in a bad situation, the magic weapon in their hands is powerful, and they are all elite soldiers. They will not be defeated for a while. Let's wait and see. Change it." Wen Zhong said in a deep voice.


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