Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1872 The war begins

"Venerable Manjusri is right. King Shitu and the others must be worried that the protector will continue to attack them after defeating Xia Yunjie, so he specially invited Monkey King to come over. However, Monkey Sun is quite capable. If he interferes with Jukuzhou It's really hard for us to take down the Lion and Camel King." Pengmeng said with a hint of fear in his eyes.

He learned from Hou Yi, the witch ancestor, and his archery skills were unparalleled. There were few people in the immortal world who could resist Hou Yi's archery skills. But Sun Wukong is an exception, because he has immortality, and his archery skills can only hurt him but not kill him. Once he gets close, Fengmeng loses his greatest reliance.

If Sun Wukong helps the Lion and the Camel King and others, and the Lion and the Camel King and others are the top golden immortals, even if they are in trouble, they will not dare to conquer the Lion and the Camel Mountain.

"That's true. Sun Monkey has achieved immortality through cultivation, and now he has broken through and become Taiyi Golden Immortal. Even if the deputy leader comes in person, he can no longer be easily suppressed, which is a headache. But fortunately, he is just for the lion The Camel King and others are not here for this battle. As long as we kill Xia Yunjie, most of the territory of Jukuzhou will finally fall into our hands." Vinayaka said, what he really cares about is to attack Killing Xia Yunjie, as for the interest disputes in Jukuzhou, he didn't care much even though his roots were not in Jukuzhou.

"What Protector Yejia said makes sense. Xia Yunjie is the Immortal King of Jukuzhou who was personally consecrated by the Jade Emperor. He holds an orthodox righteousness. Once his wings are full, he can justifiably conquer the entire Jukuzhou. He is our real thorn in the side. As for the lion, After all, the Camel King and the others are just mountain demon kings in fur and armor. Even with the help of Monkey King, they can't make a difference. Over time, they can be slowly destroyed, but there is no need to rush at this moment." Manjusri Guangfa. The Venerable said in a deep voice.

He is the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Ancient Era, which in the fairy world is equivalent to what we now call a well-educated person born in a major. Even though the Lion and Camel King and others are very powerful, he still has a natural identity against them. He has a sense of superiority, so when talking about the Lion and Camel King, he will describe him as "the mountain demon king with fur and armor".

"Exactly! This son of Xia Yunjie must not be allowed to stay. Every day he is in Jukuzhou, he threatens our Western Sect's plans in Jukuzhou." Pengmeng nodded, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Since that's the case, there's no need to say anything more. Let's kill Xia Yunjie now to avoid a long night of nightmares!" Vinayaka said with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Dharma protector Yejia is impatient. It's not time yet. Besides, our troops are coming one after another." Venerable Manjusri Guangfa said with a faint smile.

"Basically all the people who are supposed to come are here, and there are not many people missing." Vinayaka said disapprovingly.

Manjusri Guangfa smiled and said nothing, obviously agreeing with Vinayaka's words.

"The time is coming soon. Brother Yejia, just wait a little longer." Pengmeng looked up at the sky with a smile, and then laughed.

"Okay then." Vinayaka could only nod helplessly.

"Your Highness the Immortal King, Xia Li wants to see you." Under the banner, Xia Yunjie was looking to the west, when Lord Pihan came forward and knelt down on one knee to report.

"Ask him to come over." Xia Yunjie sighed secretly, with a heavy heart but a trace of indescribable relief.

"Yes!" Seeing that Xia Yunjie was willing to summon Xia Li, Pihan showed a hint of joy on his face and hurriedly accepted the order.

He and Xia Li seemed to share weal and woe. Before, Xia Li was scolded by Xia Yunjie and he had been choking in his heart. Now that Xia Yunjie was willing to summon Xia Li, the thorn in his heart went away.

"I pay my respects to the Immortal King!" Xia Li came to Xia Yunjie, knelt down on one knee, and said with shame on his face.

Xia Li originally left angrily, but after he calmed down and thought carefully, he suddenly realized that Xia Yunjie seemed to be intending to provoke him to leave. Otherwise, he is a mere Immortal Lord. With Xia Yunjie's current status and strength, if he is angry with him for taking action without authorization, why would he personally come to Daqu County and angrily kill the enemy's two top Golden Immortals?

So Xia Li returned all the way to Jukuzhou. As soon as he arrived at Jukuzhou, he heard about the Immortal King's letter of challenge to the West to teach Jianshan Pengmeng the Dharma Protector. He became more and more convinced of his guess and hurried to Daqu County.

"Since you have left and are far away in Penglai Immortal Island, why do you need to come back?" Xia Yunjie looked at his son kneeling in front of him with a complicated mood.

"If there is no new order from His Majesty, the next day I will be the Immortal Lord under the Immortal King's tent! The Immortal King is going to fight against Xijian Jianshan. As the Immortal Lord under the Immortal King's tent, how can I escape from the battle?" Xia Li's heart was shaken by Xia Yunjie's complicated gaze, and his nose felt inexplicably sore.

At this moment, he finally confirmed that Xia Yunjie really wanted to provoke him away last time. As for why Xia Yunjie did this, Xia Li couldn't figure it out.

But all this is not important now. What is important is that the war is about to begin.

"Forget it, since you are determined to advance and retreat with me, just let me fight." Xia Yunjie looked at Xia Li's firm expression, and suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart.

This is my son, Xia Yunjie! Iron Zhengzheng, a man who is upright and upright!

"Take the order!" When Xia Li saw Xia Yunjie nodding, he felt inexplicably excited and excited. He straightened his waist and stepped back after the order.

Not long after Xia Li had just retreated, a fat man with bare chest and breasts stepped out of the air holding a vajra in his hand. Then he pointed the vajra at Xia Yunjie and said: "Xia Yunjie, farewell to the west sea, you are all right." ?”

"Very good, very good. I'm thinking of you, the protector." Xia Yunjie got off the clouded leopard horse and patted its head again. The clouded leopard horse rubbed against him, with a trace of reluctance in its eyes, and then left far away. , seems to know that this battle is no small matter.

"That's good. You and I should be done with it today?" Seeing Xia Yunjie stepping out of the air, overwhelming murderous intent emanated from Penayaka and swept over the Longhou Mountain, like a peerless ferocious beast heading towards Xia Yunjie rushed over.

"Haha, according to the protector, could it be that today is a battle between you and me? Aren't others involved?" Xia Yunjie smiled faintly, looking towards Peng Meng in the distance and Manjusri Guang, who was quietly walking around behind him. Venerable Dharma glanced at it and pretended to be confused.

Seeing Xia Yunjie facing the three Taiyi Golden Immortals, he was still chatting and laughing. Although they knew that he would definitely die in this battle, the spectators could not help but be impressed by his demeanor and felt deep admiration in their hearts.

"Xia thief, don't be pretentious. Anyone who wants to kill an unscrupulous person like you will be punished by everyone!" Seeing Xia Yunjie mocking him in person, Vinayaka shouted angrily, and Vajra shouted disobediently. Then Xia Yunjie was beaten.

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