Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 382 Sir, do you know Scola?

After much chatting, Xia Yunjie learned that the boy's name was Xie Simeng. Nowadays, I usually go back to China once every one to two years. His grandparents are still in China. His father came to Italy twenty years ago, and his mother came here fifteen years ago. At that time, the Chinese restaurant was just starting up and I didn’t have the energy to take care of my son, so he lived with his grandparents in China until he was five years old, and it was at that time that he learned Mandarin.

When he was five years old, his parents brought him to Italy. He went to a local kindergarten and learned the local language. Now he can speak Chinese, Italian and a little English. However, because I didn’t learn Chinese properly, I can only speak it now but can’t read or write it.

Xie Simeng's family is still Chinese nationality, but because they have stayed in Italy for a long time, they can sign free return visas for five to ten years at a time, which is convenient.

While they were talking, a pretty good-looking Italian woman who was about 23 or 24 years old came into the carriage to check the tickets. Xia Yunjie handed her the ticket, but was told that his ticket was not punched, which is the ticket inspection when entering the country. The woman told Xia Yunjie that he would be fined 40 euros.

"When I took the train from Rome to Florence, I was not asked to have my ticket punched before boarding the train, but the ticket inspector didn't say I violated the rules. Why is there a ticket punching here again?" Xia Yunjie asked in confusion.

"The last time you took the high-speed train, your ticket was for one person. If you missed it, it would be invalid. But this is a slow train, there are no seat regulations, and the ticket is valid for several months. You can ride at any time. If you are not on the automatic ticket checking machine There is no way for us to know if you have reused it by punching it. You see, there is a reminder on the back of the ticket." The ticket inspector looked at Xia Yunjie with a hint of doubt.

Obviously, although her words were said tactfully, the meaning was very obvious, that is, she suspected Xia Yunjie of fare evasion.

Xia Yunjie looked through his train ticket and found that there were indeed a few lines of very small English words written on the back, reminding him that it needed to be punched. He couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly. These different countries and cultures are indeed different. In the past, when taking a train in China, someone would usually check your ticket before getting on the train. However, Xia Yunjie didn't see the person checking the ticket here at all. He thought that people here obeyed the rules, so there was no ticket checking procedure. He didn't expect that he would need to check it himself. holes, and the validity period of train tickets is also very long. However, the words on the front of the Italian train ticket were all written in Italian, not even in English. Xia Yunjie never thought about it carefully, and this led to the misunderstanding.

Although the ticket inspector's questioning made Xia Yunjie a little unhappy, since it was his own negligence that violated other people's rules, Xia Yunjie could only abide by other people's rules and prepare to accept the penalty.

Forty euros is equivalent to a day's work pay for ordinary Italians. Xia Yunjie didn't care about the money, but Xie Simeng felt distressed and hurriedly explained to the ticket inspector in Italian.

Although Xia Yunjie didn't understand Italian, he could roughly guess that Xie Simeng was telling the ticket inspector that he was a tourist visiting Italy. He didn't know this rule and wasn't trying to evade the fare.

But obviously the communication was not very smooth, because in the end Xie Simeng shrugged helplessly, and then said to Xia Yunjie: "She said that although she believed you didn't mean it, she still had to fine you, but she took care that you were a foreigner without knowing it. Under the circumstances, she can only fine you half, which is twenty yuan, and I can only help you so much."

Xia Simeng's words surprised Xia Yunjie. What was surprising was not that the ticket inspector finally took a step back, but that Xie Simeng was able to handle such matters with a very independent attitude and negotiate with adults at a young age, and finally obtained some "discounts."

"This is already very good. You helped me save money for lunch and dinner." Xia Yunjie smiled and took out his wallet and prepared to pay.

"Aida, this gentleman definitely didn't intentionally evade the fare, so you don't have to hold him back." Just as Xia Yunjie was about to pay, an old man sitting diagonally across from him suddenly said to the ticket inspector in Italian. .

"Grandpa, how do you know he didn't intentionally evade the fare?" asked the woman called Aida, the ticket inspector.

"That man is the ticket inspector's grandfather. He is speaking for you. Maybe things will turn around." Seeing the old man speaking for Xia Yunjie, Xie Simeng could not help but explain to Xia Yunjie in a low voice with excitement on his face.

Xia Yunjie also guessed at this time that the old man was speaking for him. Hearing this, he couldn't help but look at the old man curiously. He was really a little surprised why he wanted to speak for him. In the impression, he did not know this old Italian man.

"Because he is wearing clothes that Scola personally designed and made for him." The old man said.

"Scola, are you talking about your former colleague Scola? How is this possible?" Aida obviously knew who Scola was, and her eyes widened in surprise when she heard this.

Her grandfather used to be a tailor, but he had never shown his prominence in the fashion industry. Now he is retired at home, but one of his colleagues is now very popular in the fashion industry and is a true master. Countless aristocratic ladies from the upper class wanted a piece of clothing designed and made by him, but they couldn't get it. Her grandfather's colleague was Scola, the fashion design director of Gucci. Of course, there is a huge difference in status between the two now, and they have almost no contact with each other, but he still has a photo of him and Scola when he was young in his home, and he also likes to talk about his affairs with Scola with others. This is his pride. .

Of course, a passenger who can wear clothes designed and made by Scola himself will not care about the ticket costing only a few dozen euros.

Of course, Aida was more surprised by how it was possible for Scola to personally design clothes for a person of Xia Yunjie's age, who was also Chinese? You must know that with Scola's status, he now rarely personally designs or makes clothes for someone. However, celebrities, nobles, celebrities and dignitaries in Italy and even around the world all own a Scola. Scola is proud of the clothes that Scola personally designs for her or him. In other words, wearing the clothes that Scola personally designs for her or him has become a status symbol. And now Xia Yunjie, the young man who was suspected of fare evasion by Aida, was wearing clothes designed and made by Scola.

"I understand Scola so well. He likes to leave his own mark on the right sleeve or right trouser leg of the clothes he makes. It's a very small "". It's hard to find if you don't pay attention. This mark can only be found if you really understand him. Only people will know, and don’t you think this gentleman’s clothes look very natural and elegant?” Aida’s grandfather explained, with a hint of smugness and pride on his face for revealing the truth.

Aida followed her grandfather's words and stared carefully at Xia Yunjie's right sleeve, and sure enough she found the letter "" embroidered in a color that was very close to the material of the clothes, but slightly different. It would be impossible to notice this letter without someone specifically reminding it and looking carefully.

"Do you know someone named Scola? It seems that he used to be a colleague of this old Italian man." Xie Simeng obviously doesn't pay much attention to things in the fashion industry. Of course, this is related to his age, gender and the industry he is engaged in. , He had never heard of Scola's name, so he secretly said to Xia Yunjie after hearing this.

"Yes, he is a tailor." Xia Yunjie smiled and nodded.

"That's right. The old man said that the clothes you are wearing were made by Scola and there were his marks on the sleeves, so he recognized them. But to be honest, your clothes are really good and you look very handsome. ." Xie Simeng showed a true expression and whispered.

"Why do you like it?" Xia Yunjie's heart moved slightly when he heard this, and he asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Xie Simeng nodded.

"If you really like it, I'll call Scola later and ask him to design a set for you, and let him try your Chinese food. I think he will be very happy." Xia Yunjie said with a smile, he thought Celebrity benefits.

Xie Simeng knew how to help him enthusiastically at a young age. Although it was only twenty euros, Xia Yunjie still appreciated his kindness. If Scola can be dragged to their restaurant for dinner, it should be able to cause a bit of a sensation.

"No, no, it's very expensive to ask a tailor to customize clothes." Xie Simeng waved his hands in panic when he heard this.

"It's okay, Scola and I are friends. He will definitely be happy to design and make clothes for you for free. You just need to provide him with a Chinese meal." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Our family owns a Chinese restaurant, so that's absolutely no problem. I also know a few good dishes and will cook for him personally." Xie Simeng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that customization was free, and said hurriedly.

"Sir, do you know Scola?" As soon as Xie Simeng finished speaking, Aida finally came to her senses and asked softly and politely. The look in her eyes at Xia Yunjie also changed obviously.

"Yes, he can be considered a friend." Xia Yunjie nodded.

"Ah ha, you are indeed Scola's friend. I am Scola's former colleague, and my name is Bernardo. How is Scola doing lately? I haven't met him for a long time." Xia Yunjie nodded and admitted. , old Bernardo couldn't help but stood up excitedly and took the initiative to shake hands with Xia Yunjie, and his face seemed to suddenly glow with glory.

"He's pretty good. He's still as charming as before." Xia Yunjie shook hands with Bernardo.

"This old pervert," Bernardo cursed with a smile, then pointed at Aida and said: "This is my granddaughter Aida. I think there must have been a misunderstanding between you just now, but the misunderstanding is over now. "

"No, this was caused by my negligence. Miss Aida gave me a 50% discount, and I'm very grateful." Xia Yunjie waved his hand with a smile, then took out twenty euros and handed it to Aida.

Aida looked at the twenty euros handed over by Xia Yunjie, and her pretty face turned red for a moment.

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