Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 407 Pick-up [Two chapters today]


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Two hours later, three black Mercedes-Benz cars were parked side by side at the Dingyuan City Airport.

Next to each big car stood a motionless man in a black suit with a stern expression. In front of three Mercedes cars parked side by side, there were three men, one older and one younger, standing in front of them, waiting eagerly.

The young man is the water demon Zhong Zhengxuan, and the older one is Zhong Zhengxuan's grandfather Zhong Yongfu, and the other is Zhong Zhengxuan's father Zhong Hong.

It is naturally a big deal for the Zhong family that Xia Yunjie, Senior Xia, and Master Xia come to Xiling Province. Although Zhong Zhengxuan has a good relationship with Xia Yunjie, they do not dare to neglect them at all. As soon as he received Xia Yunjie's call, he immediately reported the matter to his family elders.

As soon as Zhong Zhengxuan's grandfather and father heard that Master Xia was coming, they immediately dropped everything they were doing and drove from Xiping City, the capital of Xiling Province, to Dingyuan City Airport to greet him.

The Zhong family is a well-known family in Xiling Province. They have been operating in Xiling Province for many years. Their influence in the political and business circles is intertwined and is of great importance. The head of the Zhong family, Zhong Yongfu, Zhong Zhengxuan’s grandfather, once served as the deputy governor of Xiling Province. He retired fifteen years ago to cultivate his moral character at home and enjoy family happiness.

The Zhong family is different from the Li family in Yunling Province. They pay more attention to the development of the family in the political world, so many people in the Zhong family are engaged in official careers. Today, the highest-ranking member of the Zhong family in Xiling Province is Zhong Yongfu's nephew Zhong Hongzhi, who serves as the executive deputy mayor of Xiping City, the capital of Xiling Province, at the department level.

Xiaojiang County Magistrate Zheng Yijie was entrusted by Zhong Hongzhi to personally call Qiu Zhenqi, the chief of Yangguan Town Police Station, to ask him to release him.

Because there was just some dispute between some villagers and the factory, and the police station arrested some people, the Zhong family thought it was just a trivial matter for the county magistrate to ask them to release them. In fact, Magistrate Zheng quickly called back and said that he had been released. People, so the people of the Zhong family were relieved. But none of them, including County Magistrate Zheng, knew that the police station released the person at that time, but they arrested him again not long after.

The plane stopped not far from the Mercedes-Benz, the ladder was lowered, and Xia Yunjie, who was sitting in business class, took Shao Lihong and others out of the cabin.

Zhong Yongfu and the others saw Master Xia coming down the stairs and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Good evening, Master Xia. You've had a hard journey." Zhong Yongfu respectfully greeted Xia Yunjie on behalf of the Zhong family.

Zhong Yongfu can be regarded as the predecessor of mainland Xuanmen. I met him last time in Xia Yunjie, Yunling Province, and because he was Zhong Zhengxuan's grandfather, I was deeply impressed by him. Now that I saw him with silver hair, I came here specially When he came to greet me at the airport, he felt quite sorry and hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands with him and said, "It's so late at night, Mr. Zhong, you don't dare to come to greet me personally. Just let Zhengxuan come."

"Master Xia, your words are enough to kill me. You are a senior, and we have received many favors from you, so it is appropriate for us to come and greet you." Zhong Yongfu held Xia Yunjie's hand and said more respectfully.

Zhong Yongfu is already 80 years old this year. Because he was keen on official career in his early years, he did not pay enough attention to cultivation. In addition, most of the family-inherited mental methods were lost, so his realm cultivation has been stagnant until the Qi training stage. I thought that this level of my life would be the end, but I didn't expect that last year, after hearing Xia Yunjie's talk about the Way of Heaven and being praised by him, I broke through the qi training stage on the spot and advanced to the late stage of qi training, only one step away from entering the foundation building stage.

This foundation building period is completely different from the Qi training period. In addition to knowing some simple spells, monks in the Qi training period are just lighter and stronger than ordinary people, and they are healthier and live longer. But once you enter the foundation building stage, it is equivalent to being completely reborn. Not only is your body abnormally large, but your lifespan can reach at least 120 years without any accident. In the past, Zhong Yongfu certainly didn't dare to hope for the foundation-building period, but now that he was in the Qi-training period, he had more hope. Therefore, as Zhong Yongfu, he felt very uneasy when he saw Xia Yunjie being so polite and humble.

Xia Yunjie was also aware of his status in Xuanmen. Seeing this, he knew that if he continued to be modest, it would be counterproductive, so Jian Jian stopped being modest. He turned to Shao Yishu and his wife with a smile: "Uncle, aunt, let me introduce you. This is …”

"You, you are Vice Governor Zhong Yongfu." Before Xia Yunjie could introduce Zhong Yongfu's name, Shao Yishu looked at Zhong Yongfu in disbelief and said.

"Do you recognize me?" Zhong Yongfu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Because he saw Xia Yunjie calling Shao Yishu his aunt, Zhong Yongfu, although he was older than Shao Yishu, still used the old man's title.

"I recognize it, of course I recognize it. You have also come to our village to inspect the work." Shao Yishu saw that it was indeed Vice Governor Zhong Yongfu, and he couldn't help but be so excited that he almost couldn't speak clearly.

It's no wonder that Shao Yishu, after all, is just an ordinary farmer. Even a township or town mayor is considered a high official to them, let alone the deputy governor who came to the airport to greet him in person. No, exactly Said to welcome Xia Yunjie.

Seeing Shao Yishu mentioning his visit to their village for inspection, Zhong Yongfu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the plainly dressed old man in front of him should be the villager of Yunshan Village, Yangguan Town, Xiaojiang County, who had caused trouble before, and couldn't help laughing: " That was seventeen years ago, and now I have long retired and am no longer a deputy governor."

When Zhong Yongfu said this, Shao Yishu remembered that Vice Governor Zhong, who had a red face and seemed younger than himself, had retired many years ago. But the more this happened, the more shocked Shao Yishu was.

A retired senior official in his 70s or 80s not only came to the airport to greet a young man from other provinces, but he also behaved so respectfully, as if a junior was meeting an elder. This is impossible to understand with common sense.

"It turns out that uncle recognizes Mr. Zhong." Xia Yunjie didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. He was slightly startled, then smiled and continued to briefly introduce both parties.

After Xia Yunjie introduced and the two sides greeted each other, Zhong Yongfu said respectfully: "Master Xia, it is already evening. Do you think you will stay in Dingyuan City tonight? I have prepared a room for you."

"No need, I'm worried about home. I think it's better to rush back to Xiao Jiang first. But you and Hong don't have to accompany us, just let Zhengxuan accompany you." Xia Yunjie waved his hand.

"How can this be done? Come to our west..." Zhong Yongfu said in a hurry after hearing this.

"Mr. Zhong, Zhengxuan and I are friends. There is no need to be so polite between us. If I really need your help, I will tell Zhengxuan." Xia Yunjie interrupted with a smile.

Seeing Xia Yunjie say this, Zhong Zhengxuan felt proud of his face, and Zhong Yongfu and Zhong Hong's father were naturally elated.

Master Xia is a truly divine and first-class figure. If Zhong Zhengxuan can be called his friend, his future achievements will naturally be limitless.

"Well, since Master Xia said so, I won't be polite to you." Zhong Yongfu replied with a smile, then turned his head to look at Sun Zhong Zhengxuan, his expression immediately turned serious and said: "Zhengxuan, you must entertain Hao Xia Master”

"Don't worry, grandpa." Zhong Zhengxuan said with the same serious expression, as if entertaining Xia Yunjie was a very sacred and glorious task.

"Haha, don't be so serious, let's set off now." Xia Yunjie smiled helplessly when he saw this, and then urged.

Xia Yunjie knew that Zhong Zhengxuan had many things to ask, so he shared a car with Zhong Zhengxuan, and Shao Lihong's family and Zhu Xiaoyan shared a car.

Everyone got into the Mercedes-Benz and the Mercedes-Benz slowly drove away from the airport.

"No wonder Brother Jie was indifferent to Yang Xiaomei when he was in Chuncheng. It turns out that we already have two beautiful sisters-in-law at home." After Daben drove out of the airport, Zhong Zhengxuan said with envy and ambiguity: "However, Yang Xiaomei is famous now. Recently, several Italian luxury brands have announced that they will invite Yang Xiaomei to be their advertising spokesperson. Not only that, Hollywood Cameron also recently officially announced that he will invite Yang Xiaomei to be the female Chinese character in his new movie. Just two days ago , she also appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, which is really stunning. I heard that many wealthy and aristocratic people are trying to get her, but it seems that they have not succeeded for the time being. "

"What, you're also interested in her?" Xia Yunjie glanced at Zhong Zhengxuan and said, secretly surprised at how efficiently Mario and the others did things, and how quickly they promoted Yang Xiaomei to an international first-line star.

"Hey, I thought about it. But when I asked Gu Banxian to help me, I got scolded by him." Zhong Zhengxuan looked at Xia Yunjie and said more and more ambiguously.

"Gu Banxian has told you that Yang Xiaomei and I really have nothing to do with each other. If you really have an idea, you can go after her." Xia Yunjie said.

"Brother Jie, please stop scaring me, I'm a coward." Zhong Zhengxuan couldn't help being frightened when he heard this, and said with a crying face.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. How are things in Yunshan Village now?" Xia Yunjie saw that Zhong Zhengxuan was so frightened by his simple words that his face turned pale. He knew that no matter how much he explained that he had nothing to do with Yang Xiaomei, he He didn't believe it, but in fact, Xia Yunjie didn't seem to want Zhong Zhengxuan to pursue Yang Xiaomei. As for why, he couldn't explain clearly, so Yu Jian changed the subject.

"Brother Jie, don't worry. The matter in Yunshan Village is just a trivial matter. My uncle has already called the county magistrate of Xiaojiang County. He also called the director of the Yangguan Town Police Station. How dare he disobey the magistrate? In fact, if you hadn't always told me that everything would be dealt with after you come back, I would have sent people to demolish that bullshit electroplating factory. Damn it, I didn't even look at whose land Yunshan Village belonged to, and I dared to mess with it. He releases pollution and dares to beat and arrest people." Zhong Zhengxuan first confidently patted his chest to ensure that things were done properly, and then showed a ruthless expression as he spoke.

Also, in Xiling Province, aside from his identity as the Zhong Family Anxuanmen Family, they are also a well-known wealthy family in Xiling Province. How can they take a small electroplating factory seriously?

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