There is a saying that a real man should not live without power. Men who have tasted the taste of power understand this sentence best. Although Wang Zesheng has only been the secretary of the municipal committee secretary for a short time, and it is very hard for him to be a secretary these days, the feeling of being in control is so wonderful that he can't stop eating it. So although he knew that today's matter was going too far and that the matter was difficult, Wang Zesheng was never willing to give up. When he saw his family members nodding in agreement, he thought about his words and took out his mobile phone to give it to Feng Zhengcheng's former secretary. Liu Jiahui, the executive deputy county magistrate of Yang County, dialed the phone.

"Leader Wang, do you have any instructions?" Liu Jiahui's cheerful voice with a hint of humility came from the phone as soon as the call was connected.

There is no way, one moment and the other, now Liu Jiahui has been transferred away from the secretary and has become the executive deputy county magistrate of a county. Although in his own one-third acre of land, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, he is free and has the power to make his own decisions. He has grown up, but at the same time he has also lost his strongest backer in the past. He is no longer close to Secretary Feng, let alone his spokesperson. He can only be called a person of the Feng family. At this time, he has no way of knowing immediately what the leader has in mind. Like other officials, he needs to know the leader's thoughts in advance through the secretary around the leader, and he also needs to have good dealings with the people around the leader. Therefore, although Liu Jiahui is Wang Zesheng's senior, he has been with Secretary Feng for many years, but he is well versed in the way of being an official. Naturally, he will not act like a senior or senior in front of Wang Zesheng.

Seeing Liu Jiahui politely calling himself the leader, Wang Zesheng felt something strange in his heart and hurriedly said: "County Chief Liu, you are my senior, you are the leader."

"Haha, it's all over. Now you are the secretary's secretary. Tell me, what's the matter with calling me today?" Liu Jiahui has been a secretary for five years and has already matured. Wang Zesheng took the initiative to call, and now he has He was so polite, but he didn't know that he had something to ask him. After all, he has been Secretary Feng's secretary for five years. Among the officials in the entire Jiangzhou City area, he is the one who knows Secretary Feng best.

"County Magistrate Liu, I'm calling you late at night because I have something to ask you, my senior, and I would like you to give me some advice." Wang Zesheng said.

"Haha, I can't give you any advice. But Secretary Feng is a good secretary and a good leader, so I sincerely hope that you can become familiar with and competent for the position of secretary as soon as possible, and help the secretary reduce the burden as soon as possible, so if you have anything to ask, you're welcome. Liu Jiahui said sincerely.

"Thank you very much. That's it. My mother had a little misunderstanding with Professor Feng and Professor Yang tonight. I wanted to take my mother to apologize to them, but I only met the two old professors once. , we are not very familiar with each other, let alone understand each other, so I would like to ask you, how should we handle this matter more appropriately?" Seeing Liu Jiahui's sincere and enthusiastic attitude, Wang Zesheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked humbly. .

"There was a misunderstanding with Professor Feng and Professor Yang? Is it serious? If it is not serious, the problem is not big. The two old people are kind and generous people. They will not really care about it, let alone blame you for this matter. As for the seriousness, I think it is unlikely. Both old men are well-educated and well-established people. No matter how misunderstood, I think it is unlikely that it will become serious, so you don’t have to Keep it in mind." Liu Jiahui thought for a while and replied.

"I think, maybe, it's a bit serious because my mother scolded them." Wang Zesheng was a little embarrassed to say it, but he felt a little more relaxed. Because according to Liu Jiahui, it is obvious that Secretary Feng's parents are not the kind of people who care about everything and hold grudges.

"Your mother scolded them? This... Okay, then you'd better come and apologize to them. If you feel empty-handed, bring some fresh fruit. Don't be smart and bring expensive gifts. I think if it's just words, It's a bit unpleasant, but as long as you sincerely apologize, the problem shouldn't be too serious. At least you can rest assured that the two old people will not ask the secretary to settle the score with you because of this matter." Liu Jiahui was slightly startled when he heard this, and couldn't help but I secretly lamented that Wang Zesheng's mother was so tough that even the secretary's parents dared to scold her. However, he still gave Wang Zesheng his advice seriously, and knowing that Wang Zesheng must be feeling very uneasy right now, he even offered a special word of comfort.

"Thank you County Magistrate Liu, you have solved one of my boss' problems this time." Seeing Liu Jiahui say this, Wang Zesheng's hanging heart finally relaxed. He and his wife Luo Qiuping have always had the same view. They believe that the most critical thing is the attitude of the two old people. As for Xia Yunjie, he is just a young man after all, and he is Luo Qiuping's colleague. Let Luo Qiuping say a few good words, and it should be done. It's over.

"Secretary Wang, you are so polite. I have spent a lot of time with these two old people and know their temperaments. If you explain the matter clearly and sincerely apologize, the problem should not be big. Please be more relaxed." Liu Jiahui said with a smile.

"Thank you, County Magistrate Liu. Come to the city another day and I'll treat you to dinner." Wang Zesheng, who was relieved, began to speak more relaxedly.

"No problem, I will definitely look for you when I come to the city another day." Liu Jiahui smiled happily. Being able to have a good relationship with the secretary's secretary is naturally a good thing for Liu Jiahui who is now the deputy county magistrate.

"Then it's settled." After Wang Zesheng said that, he was about to hang up the phone. However, he still felt a little uneasy in his heart. Of course, part of it was also out of curiosity about the relationship between Xia Yunjie and the two old people, so before hanging up the phone, he felt As soon as he moved, he blurted out: "Oh, by the way, County Magistrate Liu, do you know about a young man named Xia Yunjie?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about him?" Seeing Wang Zesheng suddenly ask about Xia Yunjie, Liu Jiahui's heart skipped a beat, but he did not answer hastily, but asked a question instead.

That day, when Feng Zhengcheng and Liu Jiahui were talking about his transfer to Shangyang County, they suddenly received a phone call. At that time, Liu Jiahui clearly heard the secretary respectfully calling uncle, so he knew that the call was from Xia Yunjie. Later, the secretary answered the call. After the phone call, he was called in and asked about Wang Zesheng. Later, Wang Zesheng became the secretary of the municipal party committee secretary, while Zhao Shiyou was directly demoted to the deputy director of the local chronicle office with a transfer order. Later, he was interested and learned that Wang Zesheng's wife worked in Weida Company in the same unit as Xia Yunjie. Zhao Shiyou, the editor-in-chief of the Daily News, had a bad relationship with Wang Zesheng and often made trouble for him for no reason. With Liu Jiahui's IQ, he put this woman into trouble. A series of things connected together. If he hadn't known that this series of changes were related to Xia Yunjie, he would have been fired by Feng Zhengcheng long ago.

However, Liu Jiahui was a secretary and was always cautious in his actions and words. He also knew that Xia Yunjie always kept a low profile and did not want others to know about his affairs. This was also because he had been with Feng Zhengcheng for five years and was close to him. Feng Zhengcheng did not deliberately avoid him. Only then did I know that there was someone named Xia Yunjie. Now Wang Zesheng asked suddenly. Obviously, he didn't know Xia Yunjie before, but only recently, so Wang Zesheng didn't dare to answer rashly until he knew it clearly.

"Because Xia Yunjie is here today, and he seems to be very familiar with the two old people, so..." When Wang Zesheng heard this, he knew that Liu Jiahui also knew Xia Yunjie. He was slightly surprised, but he didn't pay enough attention. He always thought that as long as Xia Yunjie wouldn't have much of a problem if he could deal with the two old men.

"He's here too? Then your mother scolded him too? Then the matter may be serious." When Liu Jiahui heard that Xia Yunjie was also there, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and his tone of voice became serious.

"Yes. Secretary Liu, but the problem shouldn't be big. Although he is very familiar with the two old people, after all, he is only an employee of Weida Company and a colleague of my wife." Wang Zesheng's heart was lifted again when he heard what Liu Jiahui said. , but I always feel that the most serious situation should still be the matter of the two old people. After all, those two old people are the parents of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary. Even if Xia Yunjie's influence is great, can it be greater than that of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary's parents?

"I know this. If your wife hadn't been his colleague, do you think you could have become Secretary Feng's secretary? Do you think Zhao Shiyou would have been transferred to the local government as deputy director? Your mother is good. Teacher Xia is kind and kind to help her son. , she scolded him instead." When Liu Jiahui heard that Wang Zesheng's mother really scolded Xia Yunjie, he basically sentenced Wang Zesheng to "death" in his heart.

Just kidding, he is the uncle of the municipal party committee secretary. Not only that, when we were talking in the secretary's office, a central official came down. Even Secretary Feng had to respectfully call Director Qu, the big boss. When he was pouring tea, he saw him looking at Xia Yunjie. It's respectful.

For such a big shot, you are too late to express gratitude to people who are so kind and helpful to you, but it's better for you that you don't even know the heart of a good person and scolded them. Is it possible to still keep my position as secretary now?

"You mean, is all this really because of Xia Yunjie?" Wang Zesheng asked with his heart pounding. Although he had thought about this possibility before, he always felt that it was a bit exaggerated for a young man to have such a huge influence. It was probably mainly because the secretary was looking for a secretary. It happened that Xia Yunjie had some relationship with the Feng family and recommended him by the way. Then the secretary Seeing that he was very talented, he recruited himself. As for Zhao Shiyou, it was probably bad luck, not Xia Yunjie, who played the decisive role in deciding the surname. Now that Liu Jiahui said this, Wang Zesheng realized how terrifying Xia Yunjie's influence was.

He could be his own secretary, or Zhao Shiyou could be demoted to the local chronicle office.

"Otherwise, do you think that your talent alone can allow the secretary to promote you directly?" Liu Jiahui asked back, and then said: "Now you better hurry up and tell me honestly, what happened, and what is best?" Don't hide it or leave anything behind. The key issue now is Teacher Xia's attitude, not Professor Feng and Professor Yang."

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