Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 730: Bad luck in officialdom

There is a very strange but also very common phenomenon in Chinese official circles, that is, it is often difficult for the first and second leaders to pee in the same pit. The same is true for the top-ranking district party secretary and second-ranking District Chief Kong in Dongping District. On the surface, they maintain a harmonious relationship, but in fact they have a fierce struggle for power in private. It turned out that District Chief Kong was a very talented and ambitious official, and he gradually tended to come from behind in the fight between the two. However, District Chief Kong lost to fate. Before he could fight Secretary Zhang Huaiwen away and become the district party secretary, lung cancer took his life, and all the struggles turned into a void.

After the death of District Mayor Kong, Feng Xinxiong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau who had promoted District Mayor Kong, also retired a year ago. As the saying goes, once the emperor is the emperor, so are the ministers. Zhang Huaiwen will not give up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. . So he not only made great efforts to push a deputy district chief who had always been close to him to the position of district chief, but also took the opportunity to vigorously kick out the person who originally belonged to District Chief Kong from the center of power.

Wei Chen once served as District Mayor Kong's first secretary, and later as the government's chief steward. He was District Mayor Kong's most direct official, so Zhang Huaiwen would not let him go. So not long after the new district chief took office, Wei Chen, the secretary-general of the government, was directly demoted to deputy secretary-general because of a small oversight. And he was the kind of deputy secretary-general who was not in charge of anything. In fact, he was not only demoted, but also ignored.

It can be said that in the district government now, although Wei Chen holds the title of deputy secretary-general, in fact he cannot even be transferred to an ordinary clerk.

With such a strong status contrast between before and after, especially since he was still walking around in a familiar office environment every day, and being ridiculed and scorned by familiar people every day, Wei Chen naturally felt more useless. He would rather be relegated directly to a remote township to be the mayor or go to a Qingshui Yamen. It's just that since the death of District Chief Kong, Wei Chen has been unable to control everything.

Tonight, as Xia Yunjie guessed, Director Xu is the secretary of Dongtong City Mayor Qian Zhuofei who has only been in office for half a year. He is also the secretary of Dongtong City Mayor Qian Zhuofei who met Xia Yunjie once in Mantou Mountain, and Zhang Huaiwen is Qian Zhuofei. Zhuo Fei was an official promoted, so Wei Chen, in desperation, thought of becoming mayor Qian's secretary.

Shi Lingyue happened to be Xu Chuanyun's junior high school classmate, and Wei Chen had helped Shi Lingyue a lot before, so he asked her to come forward to help. But neither Wei Chen nor Shi Lingyue expected that since Xu Chuanyun became the mayor's secretary, he would be praised and flattered by the people below all day long, and his ego would begin to grow extremely. In front of the leaders of the municipal party committee, he will restrain himself and behave well, but once he is with the people below him, his true nature will be revealed immediately and he will become unscrupulous. Just like tonight, Wei Chen just wanted to ask Shi Lingyue to help adjust the atmosphere at the wine table, but when Xu Chuanyun saw how mature and sexy his former junior high school classmate was now, he actually started to move around on the wine table. . Shi Lingyue was a woman from a good family and not an immoral woman. Naturally, she couldn't stand Xu Chuanyun's behavior, so she inevitably gave in to her.

Xu Chuanyun was used to being praised by others, but now Wei Chen wanted something from him. Shi Lingyue looked at her and said, "That's okay." Xu Chuanyun walked away on the spot. This led to the conversation between Shi Lingyue and Wei Chen just now.

"Alas" After being dazed in the box for a while, Wei Chen shook his head and sighed, steeling himself and taking out his cell phone to call Leehom Liu.

Wei Chen still values ​​​​the friendship between classmates. Although his career is not going well now and he encountered something like this tonight, now that he knows his classmates are here, he still wants to go over to say hello and have a few drinks.

The call was quickly dialed and Liu Leehom was asked for his box number. Wei Chen rubbed his face heavily and let out a long sigh of relief. He seemed to want to adjust his mood and make himself look more sunny and natural. The wine glass left the box.

"I'm sorry, I was busy greeting the leaders just now, so I didn't have time to come over and have a few drinks with you." Wei Chen apologized apologetically as soon as he opened the door of the box where Liu Leehom and others were.

"Haha, Secretary-General Wei, you're too polite, you're too polite." Li Xiaoshi and others hurriedly stood up and said politely.

To them, the secretary-general of the district government was pretty awesome. Li Xiaoshi and others felt flattered that Wei Chen could take the time to come over and toast them. Liu Leehom, on the other hand, felt that it was a great honor to get up and flirt with Wei Chen. Shoulder said: "One generation and two brothers, I can understand if you don't come to toast. Oh, by the way, what is the origin of that Director Xu just now?"

"Mayor Qian's secretary." Wei Chen said.

"Secretary? Teacher Xia, you really got it right." Liu Leehom and others looked at Xia Yunjie in surprise when they heard this.

"What did Teacher Xia hit?" Wei Chen asked curiously.

"Just now we were all guessing who Director Xu was as the city leader. Teacher Xia said that he looked younger than you. In all likelihood, he was either the mayor or the secretary of the municipal party committee secretary. Unexpectedly, he was right. Liu Leehom replied.

Wei Chen himself was a member of the officialdom, so he didn't find it surprising. Plus, he was in a bad mood today. He didn't think much about it after hearing this. He smiled and said, "It seems that Teacher Xia usually prefers watching." Official novel.”

Xia Yunjie smiled noncommittally. Of course, he couldn't say that there were many government officials among his great-nephews. With more contacts, he naturally gradually learned more about some positions in the officialdom.

When Liu Leehom and others saw that Xia Yunjie did not refute, they all showed expressions of relief and smiled: "So that's it. I mean, Mr. Xia is so young, how can he know more about officialdom than us?"

While joking, Wei Chen politely toasted to Xia Yunjie and others one by one.

Because he was not in a good mood after all, Wei Chen toasted to Xia Yunjie and others one by one, exchanged a few pleasantries, and excused himself to leave on the pretext that he had something to do. Before leaving, Wei Chen said to Xia Yunjie and others: "Teachers, this time the landowner Liu Leehom is accompanying you, so I won't compete with him. Next time, if any of you come to Dongtong City, whether it's for private or official business, I will definitely If you want to call me, I will do my best to be a landlord. Oh, by the way, Leehom, if you need my help with anything these days, just give me a call."

Although they knew Wei Chen was speaking kindly, everyone was still impressed by it and said yes with a smile.

"Teacher Liu, you are a very good classmate. Although you have become a leader, you don't have the airs of a leader at all." Li Xiaoshi said after Wei Chen left.

"Yes, you are such a shameless young official now." Everyone nodded after hearing this, and Xia Yunjie also nodded in agreement, but there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Although he didn't go out of his way to help Wei Chen read his fortune just now, he was still vaguely aware that his official luck seemed to be very bad recently. However, the ups and downs of officialdom, peaks and troughs, are normal. Sometimes the troughs are also the training that an official should go through. In addition, it was the first time that he and Wei Chen met, so he didn't specifically ask.

"Of course my old Liu's classmate can still be worse?" Liu Leehom said proudly.

"Tch, give you some sunshine and it will be bright." Seeing Liu Leehom's proud look, Li Xiaoshi immediately rolled her eyes and said.

"Do I have one? Come, come and drink, drink." Liu Leehom smiled and picked up the wine glass.

The private room was filled with laughter and laughter again.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Xia Yunjie and others finished their dinner.

After leaving the hotel, everyone's stomachs were a little full. Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin suggested going shopping to digest the food in their stomachs.

When the lady suggested going shopping, Liu Leehom and other single men were of course eager to do so. So a group of people started shopping under the guidance of Liu Leehom.

Women are always particularly energetic when shopping. Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin visited the most famous commercial buildings in Dongtong City and also went to the night market, which was called to experience the nightlife of ordinary people in Dongtong City.

If Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin want to continue shopping, what can Liu Leehom and others do? Naturally, they will continue to "risk their lives to accompany the gentleman."

Once women start playing, they are sometimes crazier than men. This sentence is really true. It was almost ten o'clock after Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin visited the night market, and they were planning to go back to the hotel in Dongping Lake. Unexpectedly, the night market happened to be next to the most famous bar street in Dongtong City. Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin actually said that it was difficult to go out to play. In Jiangzhou City, they were afraid to go to the bar because of a woman. Today, they happened to have four men with them. So, I highly recommend going back to the bar.

Shopping is a chore for many men, but the bar has both fine wine and beautiful women, and if you are lucky, you can have an affair. It is naturally a place that men like to go, so Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin proposed this, Liu Leehom and others People's eyes immediately lit up and they all said yes.

So under Leehom Liu's guidance, everyone entered a bar called "Heartbeat Zone".

Ten o'clock in the evening is the time when the bar is busiest and the atmosphere is the most exciting.

As soon as Liu Leehom and others entered the bar, they saw several scantily clad girls pole dancing on the stage of the bar.

The hot and provocative movements made the atmosphere at the scene very exciting. However, Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin are university teachers after all. They rarely go to places like bars. But tonight, because it was rare to relax and they happened to be accompanied by four men including Xia Yunjie, they wanted to go to the bar on a whim. Unexpectedly, they suddenly As soon as they entered the door, they saw such a sexy and hot scene. Their faces immediately turned red and they wanted to turn around and talk back, but they were the ones who made the suggestion. After all, they were a little embarrassed to say this, so they had to bite the bullet and follow Leehom Liu. Wait for someone to go inside.

Liu Leehom and other men are all university teachers, and they are usually quite decent people. They rarely go to bars. Even if they go to bars, they usually look for the quiet ones who are relatively petty bourgeoisie. This is the first time that they start pole dancing as soon as they come in. . Suddenly Liu Leehom and others were blushing and their eyes were a little straight. If it weren't for the two female teachers Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin beside them, they would have probably squeezed to the side of the stage. Xia Yunjie, on the other hand, had worked in a bar before, so it was not surprising that he had seen this kind of scene before. He just glanced at it and looked elsewhere in the bar to find a suitable position.

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