Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 743: Slap in the face

Director Gong took out his mobile phone from his pocket and glanced at the number on the screen. It was an unfamiliar number.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Director Gong picked it up casually and said impatiently: "Who is this?"

Director Gong generally has records in his mobile phone of important numbers, such as district public security bureau leaders, district government leaders, etc. For example, Wei Chen's phone number is stored in his phone. Of course, Wei Chen's phone number is suddenly like this one now. Calls from unknown numbers are nothing.

Poor Director Gong never dreamed that sometimes unfamiliar numbers were not unimportant, but because he was not qualified to know them. Just like this number now, the mobile phone number of the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, he, the director of a small police station, is not qualified to know.

"Is it Comrade Gong Xudong?" Qin Lan frowned slightly when she saw that the voice on the other end of the phone was rude and impatient, but she still suppressed her unhappiness and asked in a very calm tone.

"I am Gong Xudong, who are you?" After all, Gong Xudong has been working in the official career for many years. When he heard the other party calling him by his first name and last name, and also adding the word "comrade", he was inspired and his attitude immediately became polite. stand up.

"I'm Qin Lan." Qin Lan replied in a calm tone.

When he heard the word Qin Lan, Gong Xudong couldn't recover for a moment, and subconsciously blurted out: "Qin Lan? Which Qin Lan? Have we known each other before?"

This is not to blame Gong Xudong. He never dreamed that the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau would personally call his little director, so his brain was short-circuited for a moment.

But as soon as he said the words, Gong Xudong's heart beat uncontrollably, and his legs subconsciously stood at attention. In a trembling voice, he said nervously: "I'm sorry, Director Qin, I'm sorry, Director Qin. Gong Xudong asks for instructions from the leader." "

"Let me ask you something, is your police station now detaining five teachers from Jiangzhou University?" Qin Lan naturally would not argue with Director Gong about such trivial matters, and asked directly after hearing this.

"Yes," Director Gong replied loudly, looking at Director Xu and Qian Kai with some doubts, wondering, could it be that this matter has alarmed Mayor Qian, and then Mayor Qian specially asked Director Qin? It seems that Mayor Qian really loves this nephew very much.

"Well, if there is no problem, you can let them go for now." Qin Lan frowned slightly when she saw that the person was indeed at the police station in the scenic area, and then gave the order directly in a tone that left no room for doubt.

"Let them go?" Director Gong was stunned when he heard this. He thought that Qin Lan was also standing up for Qian Kai. After all, Qin Lan had just taken the position of director, and the foundation was not stable enough. Moreover, it was said that Qin Lan was able to take the position of director this time not only because of the recommendation of Director Feng, but also A big reason is that Mayor Qian strongly recommended her. So now Mayor Qian's favorite nephew was beaten to a broken arm. In Director Gong's opinion, although it was a bit unexpected that Director Qin personally intervened, it can be explained. But Director Gong never expected Director Qin to call and actually asked him to release him directly.

"Why is there a problem?" Qin Lan finally had a hint of unhappiness in her tone.

"No, no, Bureau Qin, you said you wanted to release him, so we will release him of course. It's just that these five teachers broke Mayor Qian's nephew Qian Kai's left arm last night. Wouldn't it be a bit unfair if he were to be released like this? Is it appropriate?" Director Gong, of course, did not dare to take up the post with Director Qin, so he hurriedly and carefully explained after hearing this.

"Who is responsible? Have you investigated clearly?" Qin Lan asked, her voice becoming particularly cold. With Qin Lan's professionalism, she certainly knew what the problem was by now, and she also knew why Director Gong was so active in handling this case, because the person Xia Yunjie and others beat was Mayor Qian's nephew.

"The investigation is almost complete. The responsibility lies with..." Although Director Gong did not meet Qin Lan face to face, he seemed to feel a chill coming from the phone. He felt guilty for no reason. He had just negotiated with Xu Chuanyun and others. For a moment, I didn't even dare to say my conclusion, and became hesitant.

"Who is it?" Seeing Director Gong's hesitation, Qin Lan naturally understood more and more that there was something fishy in it, and asked in an increasingly cold voice.

"It's with the teachers from Jiangzhou University." In the end, Director Gong chose the conclusion he had made long ago.

"It seems that the quality of today's university teachers is very poor, and they are also very courageous. They came to Dongtong City for fun and dared to break the left arm of the mayor's nephew for no reason. Director Gong, you should be an old policeman too. Right?" Qin Lan's tone suddenly returned to its original calmness.

But I don't know why Qin Lan's tone suddenly turned down, but Director Gong started to sweat all over his body. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand unconsciously and replied: "Yes, I have been a police officer for fifteen years."

"Fifteen years, that's not a short time. After being a police officer for such a long time, you can't even analyze such a simple logic and dare to draw conclusions so easily. I think you have spent all these years as a police officer in vain. Let me go immediately." "People, go collect evidence and investigate the case from beginning to end. Besides, they are university teachers, so they are not afraid of crime and absconding." Qin Lan said coldly, and hung up the phone without waiting for Director Gong's answer.

Listening to the hang-up tone on the other end of the phone, Director Gong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked a little pale.

Having been in the officialdom for many years, Director Gong could certainly hear Director Qin's dissatisfaction, especially the sentence "I think you have been a police officer all these years for nothing" was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart, making him Feeling heart palpitations.

It's a very bad sign for the leader to say something like this.

"Is this the call from Director Qin Lan?" Xu Chuanyun and Qian Kai frowned when they saw that Director Gong's face turned ugly.

"Yes, Director Qin ordered me to release him," Director Gong said weakly.

"Release him? Didn't you tell her that the responsibility lies with the university teacher? She actually asked you to release him?" Qian Kai's expression changed drastically.

"Yes, and she doesn't agree with my investigation conclusion. She wants me to release him first, and then collect evidence again and investigate clearly." Director Gong replied with a look of helplessness.

"It was in vain that my uncle strongly recommended her. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be an ungrateful woman. Does that mean you have to let those people go now?" Qian Kai said angrily.

"The leader wants me to release him, but there's nothing I can do, Qian Kai, I'm sorry," Director Gong said.

"Holy shit" Qian Kai and Xu Chuanyun cursed at the same time. They knew that Director Gong and they would not be able to compete with Qin Lan unless Mayor Qian was persuaded to come forward.

"Three of you, please take your time and chat, I'll leave first." Wei Chen never dreamed that retribution would come so quickly. Before he went to find Qin Lan, Qin Lan personally called them and ordered them to release him. He looked at the three of them with helpless expressions. With an angry look, Wei Chen deliberately said hello to them, then turned around and left the director's office, feeling extremely happy.

He knew very well that Director Qin's order gave Director Gong so much courage that he did not dare to continue to detain Liu Leehom and others.

Seeing Wei Chen saying hello, turning around and leaving, he remembered that one moment they were laughing at Wei Chen for not having the qualifications to talk to Director Qin, and the next moment Director Qin actually called him personally and asked them to release him immediately. , Qian Kai and the others felt as if they had been slapped in front of their faces, and the slap was hard and loud.

"Holy shit" this time the three of them cursed together in frustration.

After scolding, Director Gong finally did not dare to despise the director's order, and said to Qian Kai with a helpless expression: "Qian Kai, I'm sorry, I'm going to let them go now."

"Damn it, why are we in such a hurry to release him? Isn't taking a confession also to collect evidence? I had my arm broken, and the facts are here. Does it mean that Qin Lan will release him immediately when she calls and says to release him? Could it be that my arm was broken in vain?" Qian Kai said with a very ugly face when he saw Director Gong rushing to release him.

When Qian Kai said this, Director Gong couldn't help but start to sweat on his forehead, and looked at Xu Chuanyun for help.

Darling, that's Director Qin. She's in charge of the entire police force in Dongtong City. You, Qian Kai, are Mayor Qian's nephew. Naturally, you can stand and talk without pain. But how can I dare to stand up to her? , unless you don’t want to be this director anymore. Besides, Director Qin is a well-known female detective in the entire Jiangnan Province police circle. It's okay that she didn't know about this case. Now that she knows, how can she still dare to mess around?

Xu Chuanyun is the mayor's secretary after all, so he is relatively calm when encountering such things. If he was just a university teacher, he would naturally not take it seriously, but now that Qin Lan had spoken, Xu Chuanyun no longer dared to be so presumptuous. After all, even his boss, Mayor Qian, has to respect her when facing the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, let alone him, the mayor's secretary.

"Qian Kai, Qin Lan is the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau after all. Since she said she would release him, we can only release him for the time being, otherwise we will not give her face." Xu Chuanyun hesitated and persuaded.

"What about me? Who can give me the face now? I have my arm broken, and I have to watch them walk away. I can't swallow this breath." Qian Kai said angrily.

"He is the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. If you can't swallow this breath, you have to swallow it now, unless your uncle is willing to stand up for you." Xu Chuanyun said.

"This..." Seeing Xu Chuanyun mention his uncle, Qian Kai suddenly felt a little scared.

Mayor Qian is still a person with a relatively strict style, and Qian Kai has a natural fear of him. If he was beaten for no reason, Qian Kai could naturally ask his uncle to help him out, but the problem is that he is the one who is wronged, so until now, Qian Kai has not dared to alarm his uncle, but Relying on his uncle's reputation to find someone to handle this matter. But Qian Kai never expected that Director Qin would be killed halfway.

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