Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 745 My name is Qin Lan

"Yes," Xia Yunjie nodded.

"Spend the night at her house? Damn it, you can't brag like this," Liu Leehom and the other three said with collective contempt. Even Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin couldn't help but roll their eyes at Xia Yunjie, thinking that he This bullshit was so big that only Wei Chen still stared at Qin Lan, wondering where he had seen this beauty.

Poor Wei Chen probably never dreamed that one day the beautiful director of the Dongtong City Public Security System, who was known for his tough style, serious attitude, and unsmiling nature, would one day dress up so fashionably and sexy, even wearing black stockings. Of course, he never imagined that Qin The director will appear here, hanging out with a young teacher from Jiangzhou University.

"Plop!" Qin Lan has a very good ear. Before anyone came closer, she had already heard the conversation between Xia Yunjie and Liu Leehom. Seeing that Xia Yunjie was collectively despised by his colleagues, she couldn't help but laugh.

Qin Lan's smile almost made Liu Leehom and the others' eyes drop to the floor.

Darling, the beauty actually smiled at me. No wonder as the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be lucky. Could it be that I went to the police station today and finally got lucky? Is it my turn to be lucky?

"Yunjie, are these your colleagues in the university?" Just as Liu Leehom and the other two were thinking about it, a pleasant voice sounded in their ears like a bolt from the blue.

"Yunjie? Damn it, right?" Not to mention Liu Leehom and the other three were completely dumbfounded. Even Li Xiaoshi and Yang Shuqin were dumbfounded. They all looked at Xia Yunjie and then at Xia Yunjie, who was beautiful, mature, and had a good temperament. Beauty, I couldn't believe that Xia Yunjie spent the night at her house last night.

At this time, of course they realized that they had misunderstood Xia Yunjie last night. Of course, it is impossible to find such a beautiful and good-tempered woman in a shampoo room in a dark alley.

But what made them even more dumbfounded was that the woman took Xia Yunjie's arm openly in front of them.

This time Liu Leehom and the other three male teachers really had the urge to stab Xia Yunjie a few times, "Damn, this is so exciting." The same man, the same teacher, that boy became an associate professor and a doctoral supervisor at a young age. Now he is even better. When he goes out to play, he has such a beautiful woman to spend the night and play with him.

Even Wei Chen, a man who was already married and had children, couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Yes, Sister Lan." Xia Yunjie nodded, and then said with a smile: "Let me introduce you both. This is the friend I mentioned to you before, Sister Qin Lanlan. I accidentally saw her on the street last night. , and then got off the car.”

Before, Wei Chen only mentioned Director Qin but did not mention Qin Lan's name, so the word "Qin Lan" had no special meaning in the ears of Liu Leehom and others. On the contrary, it was Xia Yunjie's subsequent explanation that made Li Xiaoshi and others understand. , it turned out that he got out of the car last night because of her. Of course, he also thought that this boy spent the night at her house last night. Everyone feels incredible but have to accept this reality.

Teacher Xia, the youngest associate professor in the college, actually has such a beautiful and sexy lover in Dongtong City

But when the word "Qin Lan" fell into Wei Chen's ears, it was completely different. It was like thunder.

He finally understood why he always felt that the beautiful woman in front of him looked familiar. Isn't this the newly appointed director of the Public Security Bureau of Dongtong City? He finally understood why Director Qin called Director Gong to let him go immediately. It turned out that Director Qin was Teacher Xia's friend. But there was one thing Wei Chen couldn't figure out. How could Director Qin hang out with a young administrative teacher from Jiangzhou University? And to be so intimate? And let him stay the night?

At this time, Wei Chen thought that Xia Yunjie's position in the school was similar to that of Yang Shuqin, an administrative and logistics position rather than a teaching teacher.

Of course, Wei Chen had no time to think about these issues at this time. After his mind went blank for a short time, he immediately rushed forward and stretched out his hand to Qin Lan, saying excitedly and nervously: "Qin..."

"My name is Qin Lan." Who is Qin Lan? Although she is not familiar with Wei Chen, she knew when Wei Chen looked like that that he recognized her. Before he could say the word "director" at the end, she had already smiled and typed After he finished speaking, his hand gently held Wei Chen's hand. But her pretty face was unknowingly blushing, and her eyes glared at Xia Yunjie shyly behind her brown sunglasses.

Naturally, she blamed him for insisting on bringing her here, but now she was recognized.

"Sister Lan, this is Wei Chen, the secretary-general of the Dongping District Government, and my high school classmate, Liu Leehom, who is my office colleague." Xia Yunjie introduced him in a timely manner, deliberately pretending not to see the embarrassed look Qin Lan cast at him.

He didn't make any special calculations about this matter, so naturally he didn't know that he would meet Wei Chen at the dock.

Hearing that the man who recognized her was actually the secretary-general of the district government, Qin Lan couldn't help but feel more and more shy. Fortunately, she was a police officer after all, and she was very good in both rationale and cover-up skills, so she didn't let Liu Leehom and others see the heresy. Of course, even in their wildest dreams, Liu Leehom and others would never have thought that the woman in front of them was not only stunningly beautiful, but also the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. At this time, most of their attention was focused on her expressions of excitement and nervousness. Compared with Liu Leehom and others just now, Wei Chen's performance was even worse for everyone. Everyone couldn't help but lament in their hearts.

It’s shameful that the dignified secretary-general of the district government can be so fascinated by women. It really damages the tall image of our government officials.

"It turns out to be Secretary-General Wei. Nice to meet you." Qin Lan said calmly and gracefully.

"Nice to meet you too." The person who can become the secretary-general of the district government is naturally a smart person. Soon Wei Chen recovered from the initial shock and nervousness and greeted him calmly. He said, but the hand holding Qin Lan was obviously shaking.

Can you not tremble? Wei Chen thought that his official career had come to an end and there would never be any chance of a comeback. But because of Qin Lan's unexpected appearance, he saw hope again.

If the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau follows Dongtong City's past practices, he will definitely be on the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. There are only eleven standing committee members in the entire Dongtong City Municipal Party Committee. Once Qin Lan becomes one of them, he will be a true municipal leader and one of the eleven giants who truly control major decisions and personnel appointments in Dongtong City. A leader of this level is incomparable not to mention Wei Chen's deceased leader Kong District Chief, but even the current Dongping District Party Committee Secretary Zhang Huaiwen is incomparable.

It is conceivable that if Qin Lan is willing to help Wei Chen, Wei Chen will naturally have a chance to make a comeback. Of course, it's still too far to say this now, but Wei Chen at least sees a glimmer of hope.

Liu Leehom and others naturally didn't know about these subtleties. After Wei Chen greeted Qin Lan, they all shook hands with Qin Lan and greeted him one by one.

"Ms. Qin, Teacher Xia and everyone else, please wait for a moment, I will arrange the yacht right away." Wei Chen said attentively after everyone else greeted Qin Lan.

"Excuse me, Wei Chen." Liu Leehom said.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Wei Chen waved his hands and said, glancing at Qin Lan secretly, and seeing her slightly nodding to him, it was like drinking a cold drink in the summer, it was extremely refreshing.

Although Wei Chen has now lost all his power and has become an idler in the district government office, after all, he has been in the officialdom of Dongping District for many years and has a wide network of contacts. It is still very simple to call in a yacht temporarily.

After a while, a yacht with a capacity of ten people stopped at the pier.

"Secretary-General Wei, today is the weekend anyway. If you have nothing to do, why not come with us." Xia Yunjie saw Wei Chen sending everyone to the yacht one by one, but he hesitated and did not dare to follow on his own initiative, so he smiled and said to him .

Wei Chen originally wanted to spend more time with Director Qin and deepen communication, but he was worried that Director Qin wouldn't like his interruption, so he kept hesitating in his heart. Xia Yunjie's invitation simply touched his heart, but Wei Chen still He did not dare to disembark at the invitation, but turned his attention to Qin Lan.

"Yes, Wei Chen, I know that as a government butler, you have a lot to do, but you should also relax for yourself when the time comes. Why don't we have some fun together today and be a tour guide by the way." Of course Liu Leehom didn't know that Wei Chen In fact, he really wanted to get off the boat, so he followed suit after hearing this.

"Let's come together, there are so many people." Qin Lan didn't have a good or bad impression of Wei Chen, but since Xia Yunjie took the initiative to invite her, she followed his wishes, but she pinched her hand secretly when others weren't paying attention. Give him a look.

That naturally meant that he knew that Wei Chen recognized him and actually invited him to play together.

Xia Yunjie was pinched by Qin Lan and couldn't help but smile bitterly, but his heart felt sweet. Of course he could see that even though Wei Chen recognized Qin Lan, Qin Lan didn't really want him to be an eyesore, but she still accommodated him.

But as Xia Yunjie said before, Wei Chen is a good person and a good official. Now that things have developed to this point, it seems that we are both destined and friends. Although he knew Wei Chen's intentions, Xia Yunjie let him leave in despair. I just can't bear it.

Naturally, Wei Chen didn't know that the real boss on this ship was actually Xia Yunjie. With Liu Leehom's relationship and Xia Yunjie's previous words, he was already destined to make a comeback, so when Qin Lan spoke, Wei Chen couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly said : "Well, I'm very happy to be your tour guide today."

Facts have proved that inviting Wei Chen on board was a very correct decision.

Wei Chen was born as a secretary and has good literary talent. He has been working in Dongping District since graduation. He is very familiar with the human geography, customs and history of Dongping District. Sitting on the yacht, following the yacht on the vast blue waves, Wei Chen listened to The eloquent introduction to Dongping Lake was indescribably pleasant, and made this beautiful Dongping Lake even more gorgeous and charming because of Wei Chen's wonderful explanation.

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