Director Lin actually knew who was right in this matter. He did not take any advantage from Han Xiaolong, and he also knew that Han Xiaolong did have a big background. He was even exposed by the provincial TV station once and still remained unharmed. , still openly and openly continue to use such despicable methods to deceive tourists. So no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, the outcome has already been decided.

However, after all, Director Lin knew that the fault of this matter must be Han Xiaolong and others, so he was unwilling to expand the situation and involve too many people. Since Xia Mingpeng said that it had nothing to do with that Xiao Zhang, he was not willing to involve him. When they came in, Director Lin was stunned. He waved his hand again and said, "Then you two will go to the police station with us."

Han Xiaolong moved his lips when he saw this, but finally closed his mouth. Even if he has support, he is still unwilling to make the situation worse.

After all, it is easy to deal with one family, but not so easy to deal with two families. Even if other tourists are like Xiao Zhang and many families join forces, I am afraid that Han Xiaolong will not dare to act so arrogantly even if he has support.

Xiao Zhang wanted to say something when he saw this, but after receiving a heavy pat on the shoulder and a glare from Xia Mingpeng, he finally clenched his fists and closed his mouth. He has now seen that Director Lin and Han Xiaolong are obviously a den of snakes and rats in this matter. Even if he really goes there, he may not be able to do anything. He may even be detained there and unable to escape. Otherwise, it’s better to stay outside. Maybe I can help with something. At least I can help out by running around, looking for travel agencies, looking for other departments...

The police car drove away quickly, and Han Xiaolong and several people in the store followed them to the police station. As for the tourists, they wanted to leave together with the police car, but they were blocked at the door by the people in the store.

"Damn it, our store was damaged like this, do you still want to leave like this?" The man with the manager's sign said with a ferocious expression.

"Then, what do you want? Forced buying and selling?" someone asked with a trembling voice.

"We are a store with integrity. Naturally, we will not engage in forced buying and selling, but we also ask you to be honest customers. Customers who have just issued a ticket, please go and pay the money, otherwise you will We also saw what happened just now, and we don't mind calling the police again." The man who looked like a manager touched his hair, a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes scanned everyone one by one with warning.

Those tourists who had already taken a fancy to some emeralds and asked the waiter to write a ticket and prepare to pay, but were later interrupted because of Xia Mingpeng, all changed their faces, with angry and unfair eyes in their eyes, but under the manager's warning gaze Under the eyes of the tough men in the store as if they wanted to kill someone, he finally paid the bill obediently.

Seeing those tourists paying their bills obediently, the manager and others showed a look of pride on their faces. Although they are also afraid of trouble and things like today, watching these tourists obediently pay money to buy things under their intimidation, they feel an indescribable sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in their hearts, as if these Everyone is trampled under their feet, and they can knead them as much as they want.

After shopping and leaving the store, everyone started looking for a tour guide, but the local tour guide did not come. Instead, it was the Jiangnan Provincial Travel Agency, the tour guide who organized their Hong Kong and Macao tour.

"Director Gu, what's going on? Is your travel agency trying to trick us?"

"You must give us an explanation"

"After returning to Jiangzhou City, I will definitely expose your travel agency to the newspapers."

As soon as they saw the tour guide coming from the travel agency, the tourists immediately regained their courage, and they all pointed at the tour guide and yelled at them with indignation.

A look of contempt flashed in the tour guide's eyes, and he thought, Damn, everyone in the store just now was like a turtle. If you have the guts to go to the store and get angry, it's nothing to get angry at me.

Of course, I felt contempt in my heart. After all, the tour guide was from Jiangzhou City, so he did not dare to confront them. He said with a smile: "Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, you are the conscience of heaven and earth, this matter really has nothing to do with me. Think about it carefully, have I told you before departure that the last stop on your Hong Kong and Macau tour is Dongzhu City, so you must be cautious when shopping, as the water here is very deep..."

The tour guide kept talking, and some of those who had suffered a small loss began to lose their temper gradually. At the same time, they also adopted the mentality of doing more and doing less, and stopped yelling at the tour guide. Some of the ones who had suffered a greater loss or had a bad temper still continued to yell at the tour guide.

"Auntie, eldest sister, as the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. When it comes to this place, we don't make the rules. I can only remind you in advance that you can only rely on yourself to do other things, otherwise I will be They caught them and threw them into the Pearl River. I'm really not joking. In fact, their deceptions only come and go in just a few tricks. As long as you calm down a little bit..." The tour guide explained so hard that his mouth almost broke. Finally, I started to get a little annoyed.

"You mean we are stupid and we deserve to be cheated?" The middle-aged woman who had been close to Han Xiaolongtou before jumped up, pointed her finger on the tour guide's nose and yelled angrily.

"Scream, scream, scream, you are stupid to begin with. It's not you who are stupid. Will Uncle Xia and Aunt Jiang conflict with them? Will they arrest you? They all reminded you that there is a problem in this store, and everyone is still greedy. Later, Uncle Xia started fighting with them. Now he was really fierce. What happened just now? He didn't even dare to fart." Xiao Zhang was already in a bad mood. When he saw the middle-aged woman jumping up and down, he finally pressed the button. He couldn't help but jump out and curse.

"That's what they deserve. If they weren't so troublesome, we wouldn't be in such trouble," the middle-aged woman blurted out.

"Say it again." When Xiao Zhang saw that the middle-aged woman actually said such a thing, he was so angry that he stepped forward and grabbed her collar, staring at her with burning eyes, and almost slapped her in the face.

After all, the middle-aged woman still felt guilty. When she saw Xiao Zhang getting angry, she immediately shut her mouth, while the other tourists lowered their heads one after another, with a hint of shame in their eyes.

In fact, they all knew very well that if they had united just now, Han Xiaolong and the others would not have dared to be so arrogant and lawless, and the police who came later would certainly not have dared to be so partial and arrest people so randomly.

But for the sake of protecting themselves and the fear of being shot first, they are only willing to see others stand up like Xiao Zhang, but they are not willing to stand up first.

The tour guide was a smart man. When he saw everyone bowing their heads, he knew that his crisis should be over, so he hurriedly said: "Okay everyone, everything has happened, there is no point in thinking about it anymore. Next time, be more careful, here." It’s different from other places, and we have to catch an afternoon flight, so we’d better leave here early.

"What about Uncle Xia and Aunt Jiang?" Xiao Zhang couldn't help but become anxious when he saw the tour guide said to leave.

"Mr. Zhang, you also saw that Mr. Xia and Ms. Jiang smashed their shop into this state. They will definitely not let them go for a while. We can't delay the entire group's trip because of the two of them, right? ?Besides, it's useless for us to stay here. Our travel agency still needs to come forward to negotiate with them about this matter. But how to negotiate specifically? I'm just a small tour guide. I can't get involved. My responsibility now is to bring you safety belts. Go back to Jiangzhou City." The tour guide said to Xiao Zhang with a wry smile.

"Yes, Xiao Zhang, Lao Xia and the others smashed their shop into such a state. They will definitely not let them go like this. We can't stay here because of them, right?" Most people agreed with the tour guide's words. .

After only a few days of friendship, they were unwilling to stay in Dongzhu City for Xia Mingpeng and his wife. Moreover, after something like this happened, they were eager to leave the place of right and wrong.

"Did Uncle Xia and the others smash up that store? And you should check your conscience. Why were Uncle Xia and the others arrested?" Xiao Zhang asked with his face flushed with anger.

Everyone lowered their heads again, and after a while a girl with a ponytail came out and said: "It is true that we are ashamed of Uncle Xia and the others, so I will stay. Although I can't help much, at least I have to take a look. How will they deal with Uncle Xia and the others? If they need to bring a message to their family or something, there must always be someone here."

Seeing the girl with a ponytail coming out, Xiao Zhang's eyes lit up, and then he glanced at the tourists one by one, but they all ducked away and boarded the tour bus silently, and then quickly The tour bus drove away, leaving Xiao Zhang and the girl with the ponytail behind.

"Zhao Jie, I didn't expect you to stay." Xiao Zhang said.

"I didn't expect you to be so brave," the girl named Zhao Jie looked at Xiao Zhang and said.

"What's the use of being brave?" Xiao Zhang sighed, with a trace of confusion in his eyes. He also acted bravely for justice several times, but his former girlfriend laughed at him for being stupid.

"Anyway, this way we can have a clear conscience. Oh, by the way, what should we do now?" Zhao Jie asked.

"Go to the police station and wait first." Xiao Zhang said.

At Jiangzhou University, Xia Yunjie packed up the books on his desk and prepared to go out for lunch with Yang Shuqin after get off work.

But for some reason, Xia Yunjie suddenly thought of his parents. After hesitating, he picked up the phone and dialed his father.

"Who?" The phone was picked up, but the voice that rang was not his father's.

"Who are you? How come my dad's cell phone is in your hand?" Xia Yunjie suddenly frowned and asked.

"Are you Xia Mingpeng's son?" The person who answered the phone was Director Lin from the police station. He asked without answering.

"Yes, who are you?" Xia Yunjie asked again.

"I am from the Nanhuan Street Police Station in Xinping District, Dongzhu City. Your parents got into a fight with someone here and smashed their jade shop, causing huge losses. They are currently being interrogated by us." Lin The director said.

∶ I’m really busy these days, so updates will be sparse and unstable. We’ll stabilize them as soon as possible after the 12th. Please forgive me.

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