"Really? Then I'll call her and call her, so you can catch up on old times." Xia Yunjie didn't notice the depression in Xiao Zhang's mood and smiled.

Although the status gap killed Xiao Zhang's budding feelings, he still had an unspeakable affection for Zhao Jie. Naturally, he still liked to see her again, so he immediately said after hearing this: " That’s good.”

"Then it's settled, I'll call Zhao Jie now." Xia Yunjie hung up Xiao Zhang's phone and then called Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie was equally surprised and excited when she received Xia Yunjie's call.

"Is it Mr. Xia? Why did you suddenly remember to call me?" Zhao Jie was obviously a cheerful girl. As soon as she answered the phone, she first asked Xia Yunjie.

"Why don't you follow Xiao Zhang's approach to outsiders? Why don't you call me Mr. Xia? Just call me Ajie or Yunjie." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll call you Ajie." Zhao Jie is a little older than Xiao Zhang. At the same time, there is a gap in status and social experience. In terms of worldliness, he is not as smart as Xiao Zhang. When he heard this, he didn't say anything about Brother Jie. He just followed Xia Yunjie's wishes and called Ajie.

"That's right. Are you free tonight? I would like to invite you and Xiao Zhang to have a meal together. I didn't thank you properly for what happened to my parents last time." Xia Yunjie said.

"Ah, tonight" Zhao Jie called out.

"Why are there already arrangements for the evening?" Xia Yunjie asked after hearing this.

"I'm sorry, Ajie. I'll treat you to another day. I really have something to do tonight," Zhao Jie said.

"Haha, what are you sorry for? I didn't think carefully. I didn't expect your schedule to be so busy. I should have acted first. If it doesn't work this time, I will get together with Xiao Zhang in the evening and ask him then. Whenever I have time next time, I will make an appointment with you in advance." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Hehe, okay, let's make an appointment next time." Zhao Jie smiled and chatted with Xia Yunjie for a few more words before hanging up the phone.


I don’t know if Leehom Liu is obsessed with the atmosphere of the bar or the beauties in the bar, and now he is constantly suggesting that he go clubbing.

"It's not the weekend, what kind of bar are you going to?" Xia Yunjie said without politeness, slapping Liu Leehom's hand away.

"I really don't understand you, Mr. Xia. If there were three beautiful lovers in my bar, I would definitely hang out in the bar every day. Why do you feel like dragging you to suffer every time I call you?" Liu Leehom said nonchalantly. He put his fat hand on Xia Yunjie's shoulder again.

"You also said it was you," Xia Yunjie rolled his eyes.

"Damn it, you little Zi Niu, why don't you go and pull me down?" Liu Leehom depressedly hit Xia Yunjie's shoulder hard and sat back down.

Since the last fight in a bar in Dongtong City, Liu Leehom and others were determined not to go to the bar as long as Xia Yunjie didn't accompany them. Of course, apart from the safety and security of life, there is another advantage of working with Xia Yunjie, that is, you can enjoy the treatment of super VIPs.

"It's not that I won't accompany you, it's that I already have arrangements for the evening." Xia Yunjie explained with a smile when he saw Liu Leehom sitting back down depressedly.

"Are there any arrangements? Have you picked up a new girl? You are really good at it." Liu Leehom, who was still looking depressed, immediately became energetic again.

"Can't you have something healthy on your mind? It's a date with a male friend."

"No, when did you change your sexual interests?"

"Go away" This time it was not only Xia Yunjie who scolded Liu Leehom, but also Li Xiaoshi who really couldn't bear to listen.

As a chef, Xiao Zhang has always had a dream in his heart, that is, one day he can cook in the kitchen of Renjia Hotel. At the same time, he also has an idol in his heart, and that is Mr. Ren Yongqiang, the chairman and chief chef of Renjia Hotel. It's a pity that with Xiao Zhang's current qualifications in the chef world, he can't enter the kitchen of any hotel. It has now become a palace of culinary arts. Not only can you learn cooking skills, but the salary is also much higher than that of other hotels. I don’t know how many chefs have struggled to get in, but how could it be his turn to graduate only two years ago? A technical secondary school student who was still working as a chef in a small hotel. Even Xiao Zhang didn't dare to step into the door of Renjia Hotel, because he was just a wage earner with little money in his pocket, and the consumption of Renjia Hotel was obviously not low. So when Xia Yunjie mentioned Ren's Hotel, Xiao Zhang was really excited.

At half past six, the lights have just started to turn on in Jiangzhou City.

Standing in front of the Renjia Hotel, which is decorated with antique yet magnificent neon lights, looking up at the four characters "Renjia Hotel", Xiao Zhang's eyes showed enthusiasm and admiration, as if those four characters represented It is like a sacred place in the culinary world.

"Zhang Yifan, look no further. You will never step into the kitchen of Renjia Hotel in your life." Just as Xiao Zhang, that is, Zhang Yifan looked up at the four big characters "Renjia Hotel", a sarcastic voice sounded in his ears. a familiar female voice.

When Xiao Zhang heard this voice, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the woman who spoke.

It was a young woman with an oval face, peach blossom eyes, and a graceful figure. At this time, her hand was tightly holding the arm of a middle-aged man.

Xiao Zhang's hands clenched into fists subconsciously, and veins popped out in the darkness.

Of course he recognized this face, it was a face he would recognize even if it turned into ashes. Once he was fascinated by the owner of this face. He once worked hard and practiced cooking skills for the owner of this face. He once worked hard to save every penny he could for the owner of this face. Just so that she can marry in a glorious future, just so that she can have a small home in this city in the future. But the result? After putting in her emotions and sweat, when she hooked up with a rich man, she threw herself into his arms without hesitation.

And the middle-aged man in front of him is the rich man.

"Actually, there is hope of joining the kitchen of Ren's hotel to cut vegetables. As long as you kowtow to me three times, I will tell our hotel manager." The middle-aged man said with a disdainful expression on his face, with a slight flash in his eyes. A look of jealousy.

He is jealous that Xiao Zhang is younger and more handsome than him, so he doesn't mind stepping on his ex-boyfriend in front of his woman to let her see clearly what kind of trash her ex-man is.

"Yes, Zhang Yifan, Zhu Dazhou is the deputy sales manager of Renjia Hotel. It is easy to arrange for you to enter the kitchen of Renjia Hotel." The woman looked at Xiao Zhang with a playful look of contempt and said.

She regretted her ignorance and naivety back then. Only now did she realize how stupid she was before. She actually believed in the wonderful prospects described to her by this poor boy and wasted a year of her good youth in vain. So now she wants to humiliate the poor boy in front of her who once wasted her youth, and also wants to prove to Zhu Dazhou that she really has nothing to do with him now and has no feelings for him at all.

Xiao Zhang clenched his fists tighter, breathing heavily, and his face turned red under the light. It was obvious that he was trying to control his anger.

He knew that he was just a low-level wage earner in Jiangzhou City. If he really got into a fight, not to mention losing his current job, he might not even be able to find a job once he had a criminal record at the police station. What's more, this is Renjia Hotel, and the man in front of him is the deputy sales manager of Renjia Hotel. If there is a fight, I am afraid that Xiao Zhang will be beaten by a group of people soon.

Seeing Xiao Zhang clenching his fists and breathing heavily, a trace of disdain and pleasure flashed in the eyes of the woman and Zhu Dazhou.

"Coward," the woman cursed in a low voice, then held Zhu Dazhou's arm intimately and whispered: "My dear, let's go."

The word "coward" finally completely angered Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang couldn't help but growl at the two of them: "You, stop right there."

Under the light, Xiao Zhang's eyes were red, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Turning around and seeing Xiao Zhang's red eyes, the disdainful expressions of the woman and Zhu Dazhou were frozen on their faces, and they stepped back involuntarily.

But when Zhu Dazhou found out that he was intimidated by a poor boy who came to work in Jiangzhou City, he quickly became angry and pointed at Xiao Zhang: "Boy, why are you so arrogant? Do you want to fight?"

The quarrel between Xiao Zhang and Zhu Dazhou happened in the parking lot of the hotel, which is also the main entrance square of the hotel. When Zhu Dazhou pointed and yelled, the customers who came and went didn't feel anything. You don't see any disputes these days, but the hotel's The carriage boys and security guards recognized Zhu Dazhou, so they naturally would not sit idly by and walked over when they saw what was happening.

"What's going on, Manager Zhu? Who wants to fight?" A man in security uniform asked Zhu Dazhou, but he looked at Xiao Zhang unkindly.

When you are a hotel security guard, you naturally have some discernment. He knew at a glance that Xiao Zhang was just like them, a poor migrant worker, not here to eat, so he did not hide the fierce look in his eyes, and his tone was very harsh. It seemed that as long as Zhu Dazhou expressed dissatisfaction, he would dare to wave He picked up a stick and beat Xiao Zhang. Otherwise, how could he dare to do this to another customer?

The hotel is open for business, so it naturally has hotel rules.

"Isn't he this kid? He wants to enter the kitchen of our hotel, Ren's, and he doesn't even urinate and take a photo of himself." When Zhu Dazhou saw the security guards approaching, he naturally became more and more arrogant, pointing at Xiao Zhang and despising him.

"You should be the one to take a pee and shine it on yourself." A cold voice suddenly rang.

When Zhu Dazhou and the others heard this, their expressions suddenly changed. They suddenly turned their heads and looked behind them, and saw a young man holding a bicycle and looking at him with very cold eyes.

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