Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 796: Don’t mess it up

Excited, Liu Jiahui told Xia Yunjie the situation and difficulties in Shangyang County without stopping.

Naturally, Xia Yunjie had no experience in managing a county, nor did he understand economic construction planning. However, Liu Jiahui explained a lot, but Xia Yunjie understood one thing clearly: Shangyang County was short of money and urgently needed preferential local policies to attract outsiders. Enterprises invest in Shangyang County. As long as foreign companies invest in Shangyang County, it will not only solve the employment problem, but also increase local tax revenue...

It is obviously unrealistic to ask Mr. Xia, a university teacher, to invest in Shangyang County. In fact, Liu Jiahui made a big deal just because he wanted Xia Yunjie to speak on behalf of Shangyang County and ask Secretary Feng to give the county some preferential treatment to attract foreign investment. policy.

As long as the policies are favorable and attractive, there will naturally be no need to worry about foreign investment not coming in.

"County Magistrate Liu, do you mean that as long as we can attract investment, a series of problems such as education, medical care, transportation, etc. in our county can be solved?" Xia Yunjie asked after listening to it for a moment.

"Yes, with enterprises, there will be jobs, and there will be taxation. With taxation, the government will naturally be able to vigorously improve education, medical care and other work if it has money. But these days, big companies are crowding into big cities. Shangyang County It is just a medium-sized county. Without good preferential policies, such as cheap or even free land transfer, tax incentives, etc., those big companies will not invest money in Shangyang County." Liu Jiahui said pitifully, From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Feng Zhengcheng from time to time.

For the development of Shangyang County, Liu Jiahui, the county magistrate, has worked hard.

"You don't have to look at Zhengcheng. I just want to attract some companies to invest in Shangyang County. Wherever I need it, I will even transfer the land to them for free. This will not give them the resources of Shangyang County for free. How can this work? Especially if It's even worse if the other party is a foreign company. It hasn't contributed to the economy of our Shangyang County yet, but it has gained a lot of benefits." Seeing Liu Jiahui eyeing Feng Zhengcheng, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Liu Jiahui originally wanted to use Xia Yunjie's favor to hope that Secretary Feng would provide more preferential policies to attract foreign investment. Unexpectedly, it was fine if Xia Yunjie did not speak for him. He even said that investors could not be given a free advantage. If this was the case, then who would be willing to come? Invest in Shangyang County? If Secretary Feng really refused to give any preferential policies because of Teacher Xia's words, wouldn't Liu Jiahui be so smart that he was misled by his cleverness and shot himself in the foot?

So as soon as Xia Yunjie finished speaking, Liu Jiahui became anxious and said: "Mr. If we want to bring in his capital, their technology, and their advanced management methods, we have to make some sacrifices."

"Teacher Xia, what Comrade Jiahui said makes sense. The key is to master this degree. You can't do it for a long time. Not only do you not get any benefits from foreigners, but you make the country's resources cheaper for foreigners and hurt the local people." The heart of an entrepreneur." Feng Zhengcheng knew that his uncle didn't know how to talk clearly in this aspect. Seeing that Liu Jiahui was anxious, he was afraid that his words would not be good enough to make his uncle unhappy, so he took over and explained.

"Haha, although I am only a technical secondary school student, my previous major was also a business assistant, so I still know a little bit about these things. But I can't control other places. This Shangyang County is my hometown, but I can't take advantage of those people. Foreigner." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

Seeing that Xia Yunjie was still the same, Liu Jiahui became even more anxious. Just when he was about to speak again, Xia Yunjie stopped him with a smile and waved his hand, saying: "County Chief Liu, don't worry, I grew up drinking water from Shangyang County. Since I encountered this incident today, so naturally I have to make some contribution to my hometown. As for attracting investment, it’s simple, just go back to Shangyang County and wait. After a while, some foreign companies will come to you to discuss investment. All you need to do is remember, don’t give them any preferential policies, if they bargain, just kick them out.”

County Magistrate Liu was stunned for a moment after hearing Xia Yunjie's words. He only knows that Xia Yunjie is now a teacher at Jiangzhou University and is Secretary Feng's uncle. He has been familiar with foreign-funded companies since then. He even listens to his wishes. As long as he speaks, those foreign-funded companies will come to Shangyang obediently. For county investment, is it possible not to provide preferential policies? When did the local government become so awesome? Aren't they like the God of Wealth every time a foreign company comes to supply and demand land? If they want land, give them land. If they want low taxes, then low taxes?

Liu Jiahui was stunned for a while, but Secretary Feng's eyes turned green after hearing this.

No one sitting here knows his uncle's extraordinary abilities better than him. If he says that if foreign companies come to discuss investment matters, then there must be them. If he says that they won't give preferential policies, then they will definitely not give preferential policies.

"This, this, Teacher Xia, you are not only from Shangyang County, but also from Jiangzhou City. Do you think you can also find some foreign companies for our city?" Secretary Feng said to Uncle Feng shamelessly and cautiously. I begged.

"You Zhengcheng, doesn't Shangyang County belong to Jiangzhou City? If foreign capital comes to Shangyang County, doesn't it mean that foreign capital comes to Jiangzhou City?" Xia Yunjie shook his head and pointed at Feng Zhengcheng with a smile. .

Feng Zhengcheng had always been dignified and steady when facing others, but when facing his uncle, he could only laugh at him.

"Okay, then I will attract a few more companies, but there is one thing you have to understand. This time they are begging to invest in us, not us begging them to invest in us. The difference cannot be confused. ." Xia Yunjie saw Feng Zhengcheng looking at him with a sneer, smiled again, pointed at him with his finger, and then said.

Hearing Xia Yunjie's words, Liu Jiahui and others felt like they were listening to heavenly scriptures. Their minds were filled with confusion. When did foreign capital become so worthless that they actually asked us to let them invest?

Only Feng Zhengcheng couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this. He quickly stood up and bowed to Xia Yunjie, cupping his fists and saying, "Teacher Xia, on behalf of the six million people in Jiangzhou City, thank you."

Although Liu Jiahui's mind was confused by Xia Yunjie's words, seeing Secretary Feng standing up and bowing, how could he dare to neglect, so he hurriedly stood up and bowed to say thank you.

"Okay, don't forget that I am also from Jiangzhou City." Xia Yunjie waved his hand and smiled.

Only then did Feng Zhengcheng and Liu Jiahui take their seats again.

The official business had been discussed, and the rest was naturally a casual conversation. During the conversation, Xia Yunjie looked at Feng Zhengcheng several times with strange eyes, which made him feel a little nervous. He didn't know what he said wrongly and offended his uncle.

Just when Feng Zhengcheng was feeling terrified and trembling, Xia Yunjie asked Feng Zhengcheng: "Have you contacted Guoming recently?"

The Guoming mentioned by Xia Yunjie is naturally Feng Guoming, Feng Zhengcheng's son studying in the UK.

"I haven't contacted him recently. Is there something wrong?" Feng Zhengcheng couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

My uncle would not mention his son's affairs without any reason.

"I can't tell. It seems like a happy event but it doesn't seem like it. You can call Guoming and have a look." Xia Yunjie had a look of doubt on his face. He also accidentally discovered that Feng Zhengcheng suddenly seemed to be rich with children and grandchildren, but there was another layer of darkness hanging over him.

Xia Yunjie still knew about Feng Zhengcheng's personality, and there was no way he could raise his lover and have an illegitimate child outside. Since it wasn't him, it was his precious son who was studying in England and had been accepted by Xia Yunjie as a disciple of Wu Xian.

Seeing what his uncle said, Feng Zhengcheng didn't dare to delay. He immediately got up and left the table and called his son, but the phone was turned off. If it were in the past, Feng Zhengcheng would definitely forget it. After all, there is a time difference and it is early morning in the UK. However, his uncle's words made Feng Zhengcheng feel very uneasy. After thinking about it, he called the apartment where his son lived.

Although Feng Guoming is a second-generation official, and his aunt's husband's family is one of the most wealthy in Hong Kong, because of his strict upbringing, he lives in poverty in the UK. He is not like some second-generation officials who spend a lot of money, but like the two rich second-generation officials. People who were both studying in China pooled their money to rent an apartment.

The phone rang for a long time before someone picked it up. A confused voice came from inside, speaking English.

Feng Zhengcheng heard that the other party's English had a Chinese accent, and knew that he was a Chinese student who shared the apartment with his son, so he asked directly in Chinese: "I'm sorry to disturb your sleep. I am Guoming's father. Is Feng Guoming here?"

When Feng Zhengcheng said this, the person on the other end of the phone seemed to suddenly wake up and said politely: "It's okay, uncle, but Guoming hasn't been back for almost a week, and he can't see anyone else in class. When I call him, his phone is turned off. We've been thinking about calling you for a few days."

"Thank you, I know about this matter, so you don't have to worry about it." When Feng Zhengcheng heard that his son had not returned to the apartment for a week, he couldn't help but feel anxious. However, he was the secretary of the municipal party committee and was in a hurry, but he still spoke calmly.

"Why, Guoming hasn't seen anyone for a week?" Xia Yunjie asked in a deep voice when he saw Feng Zhengcheng return with a worried expression.

"Yes, this kid usually doesn't do things so unreasonably? Uncle, could he have..." After all, he is his son, and he is far away in a foreign country. Suddenly he hasn't seen anyone for a week. As Feng Zhengcheng, Secretary of the municipal party committee, the title "uncle" popped out of his mouth uncontrollably in a hurry.

"Uncle" In addition to Liu Jiahui who had known about the relationship between the two for a long time, not to mention Zhang Yifan and the others, even Ye Hongbo didn't know. Now that the dignified secretary of the Municipal Party Committee opened his mouth to call Xia Yunjie his uncle, he almost gave them all away. Fainted from fear.

At this time, Xia Yunjie naturally couldn't blame Feng Zhengcheng for calling him "uncle". Moreover, Feng Guoming mentioned that he was also a disciple of his Wu Xian sect. He, the sect leader, felt anxious. Hearing this, he waved his hand to signal Feng Zhengcheng not to say anything, and then closed his eyes slightly. , his fingers kept counting under the table.

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