Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 799: Trip to England

When Liu Jiahui saw his secretary holding the phone with a complicated expression and looking at him strangely, he knew there was something wrong with the phone and couldn't help but ask: "Whose phone is it?

"Morgan family." This time the secretary didn't even bother to tell the other party's name, and directly reported the famous Morgan family.

It has to be said that the strong economic and military power of the United States gave them a strong reputation, so much so that when the secretary mentioned the four words Morgan family, Liu Jiahui, the county magistrate of China, immediately knew that this was a family as famous as the Rockefeller family.

"From the Morgan family?" Liu Jiahui was shocked, with the same weird look on his face.

If there is a guy who whimsically pretends to be a member of the Rockefeller family to defraud, it has been a rare occurrence in thousands of years. Now another guy comes out and pretends to be a member of the Morgan family, then this matter has become weird, at least for Liu Jiahui It seems so.

"Could it be?" Liu Jiahui is a smart person after all, otherwise he would not have been able to stay with Feng Zhengcheng for several years, and it would be even less possible for him to be placed in such an important position as county magistrate by Feng Zhengcheng after he resigned from his position as secretary. After discovering that today After the strange thing happened, Liu Jiahui finally thought of Xia Yunjie.

Although he was not sure, at least he still thought of Xia Yunjie.

"Give me the phone." Liu Jiahui reached for the phone.

The words on the other end of the phone were almost identical to what Harper said before. Liu Jiahui, who had gained experience, dealt with it with ease and once again handed over the arrangement of the meeting to his secretary.

The secretary hesitated several times, but was dismissed by Liu Jiahui with a wave of his hand.

However, not long after the secretary was dismissed, he came in with a phone with a strange expression on his face.

This time it was a call from Italy. It was a luxury brand, saying it wanted to set up a processing branch in Shangyang County.

After experiencing the affairs of the Rockefeller and Morgan families, Liu Jiahui's nervous endurance was obviously much stronger. He heard that an Italian luxury brand wanted to open a processing branch in Shangyang County. Although he was surprised and happy, I was still able to talk to the other party calmly.

However, although Liu Jiahui's nervous endurance has obviously become stronger, when one after another Italian companies, many well-known group companies in Europe and the United States, and of course Japan's Aso Corporation and other Fortune 500 companies, as well as a major Hollywood film and television company also called When Liu Jiahui said he wanted to go to Yuhuang Mountain in Shangyang County for filming, his nerves were finally overwhelmed. He sat on the armchair behind the executive desk, his whole body was like a sculpture, and he was dumbfounded.

Compared to Liu Jiahui, Feng Zhengcheng is much better than him in terms of reaction ability and nervous endurance. When he also received a request for investment inspection from a large consortium at the same time, he immediately thought of his uncle. When he answered the phone one after another, apart from admiring how awesome his uncle was, he thought of nothing else. It was all excitement.

These are all great things that benefit the six million people in Jiangzhou City, and they are great political achievements that cannot be denigrated.

But two days later, when groups of inspection groups arrived in Jiangzhou City and Shangyang County, and when negotiations were carried out at a frighteningly smooth speed, not to mention Liu Jiahui, even Feng Zhengcheng's nerves almost collapsed.

There are no preferential land policies, no tax preferential policies, or any preferential policies at all. The conditions are set by the Shangyang County Government and the Jiangzhou Municipal Government. There is no room for bargaining. Not only that, many multinational groups have also taken the initiative to offer free services to the government. Shangyang County and Jiangzhou City invest money to develop education, develop transportation, protect the environment, etc.

For example, the Rockefeller Foundation invested money free of charge to build many schools and built roads in some mountainous areas of Shangyang County. Many companies also invested money to establish scientific research and innovation funds at Jiangzhou University. Currently, Jiangzhou University has two scientific research and innovation funds. Hundreds of millions of dollars, this is the free investment of those guys who are cautious and cautious. If Master Xia really opens his mouth, I am afraid they would dare to spend tens of billions of dollars on it. However, Jiangzhou University's abundant scientific research funds still make many domestic academic celebrities blush. Many professors cannot resist the temptation of money and have switched jobs to Jiangzhou University. Of course, all this is a story later.

Xia Yunjie is still as laid-back as ever. He goes to work when it's time to go to work and off work when it's time to go off. As for the recent heated scientific research and innovation fund incident at Jiangzhou University, and the foreign faces that appear in the school from time to time recently, he doesn't bother to bother at all. And attention, as for Shangyang County and Jiangzhou City's number of investment attractions, which jumped to the first place in the country and made headlines, he actually asked about it.

Because it was impossible not to ask questions, Jason and others simply did not use money as money in order to please this living god. Just ask them to show some interest, and at least 20 billion U.S. dollars will be spent. If they don't get restrained, I'm afraid they will continue to spend more, and they may even move their headquarters to Jiangzhou City.

One cannot become fat in one bite, and the same applies to the development of cities. Xia Yunjie didn't want his good intentions to do bad things, so when he saw something was wrong, he called Jason and others again, and then the investment craze in the spring gradually subsided. Wen Lai. However, this time many multinational enterprise groups suddenly invested in Jiangzhou City, especially Shangyang County, which still attracted a lot of attention, even Beijing was alarmed.

However, with Mr. Huang and Qu Weiguo in Beijing, Xia Yunjie naturally didn't need to worry about it. As for the outside world, Jason and others aside, no one would have thought that the initiator of this incident would be just a university teacher.

The 40uu is currently the longest aircraft in the world's civil aviation industry. It is 4 meters longer than the Boeing 74400 and 3 meters longer than the Big Mac RU.

Xia Yunjie took off from Shanghai to London this time on the aircraft with the longest fuselage among civil aviation aircraft in the world.

The UK is an island country with a typical temperate maritime climate. It is shrouded in humid climate almost all year round. The sky is always gloomy and it rains so much that it can make people moldy. So when I watch TV and movies made in the UK, what impresses me deeply is a British gentleman holding a black umbrella that can be used as a cane. When watching Harry Potter movies, you can always see the sky being dark, as if evil forces are coming. In fact, when people actually arrive in the UK, they will find that it is just a normal natural phenomenon.

Because of the climate, the season that is really suitable for traveling in the UK is actually very short, from May to June and from September to October, which are rare days with clear weather and sunshine in the UK.

The date Xia Yunjie chose to go to London happened to be May 1st. It was the May Day labor holiday and the season was suitable for traveling to the UK. The plane was destined to be full of people traveling to London.

During this trip, Xia Yunjie did not disturb anyone, nor did he take up any working time. He applied for a tourist visa by himself and bought his own plane ticket, economy class. At heart, Xia Yunjie is still a farmer's child. Even when there is no need to waste, he still chooses to be frugal. Anyway, he was traveling alone, and the more than ten hours of flight passed in the blink of an eye, and it was the same wherever he sat.

40 is a large plane. There are two aisles in the economy class. There are two side-by-side seats by the window in the two aisles, and four side-by-side seats sandwiched between the two aisles.

Sitting side by side with Xia Yunjie were two women in their twenties and a British man in his forties.

Neither woman could be called beautiful, at least not to Xia Yunjie, who was used to seeing beautiful women. However, the most important thing is that you are in your youth, and you still exude a youthful and attractive atmosphere, which makes you unknowingly attracted to the opposite sex.

Even Xia Yunjie is no exception. After all, he was a man, and spending more than ten hours with two decent-looking young women was more pleasant than spending more than ten hours with two unfamiliar grown men.

I guess the same is true for the two women. It is better to fly with a handsome young man like Xia Yunjie for more than ten hours than to fly with a Chinese aunt for more than ten hours. So from the moment Xia Yunjie helped them stuff their bags to the moment they saluted Inside the cabinet, the two women had happy smiles on their faces. They were obviously very lucky to have met such a young and handsome guy like Xia Yunjie during the trip.

But the British guy was a bit annoying. He was an uncle-like figure in his forties, not handsome, but he felt very good about himself. From time to time he would strike up a conversation with the woman sitting with him.

"What I hate the most is this kind of foreigners who behave like old fritters in China. They think they are great because they are Europeans and Americans, and they think Chinese women will stick to them." The woman sitting next to Xia Yunjie probably couldn't stand it and couldn't bear it. He whispered to Xia Yunjie.

"Since you don't like seeing him chatting up your friends, just send him away." Xia Yunjie smiled after hearing this, and he felt more and more fond of the women around him. As a Chinese, he naturally hates this kind of chatting up and showing off in front of Chinese women. of foreigners. Of course, I also hate the kind of women who stick to foreigners when they see them, as if the hair on their bodies is covered with US dollars and euros, which is a disgrace to the Chinese people.

Seeing what Xia Yunjie said, the woman was about to ask him how to speak. Xia Yunjie had already leaned forward slightly, turned his head and said to the British guy in pure London accent: "I'm sorry, sir, the smell of your mouth is very strong, which makes my mouth smell very strong." My friend feels uncomfortable, please don't disturb her anymore."

The two women didn't expect that Xia Yunjie would send the British guy away so directly. They couldn't help but widen their eyes with a trace of panic on their faces.

But there is one thing we still need to admire about the British. They still pay more attention to gentlemanly behavior in front of ladies. When the British guy heard this, he didn't get angry like the Chinese. Instead, he said sorry and hurriedly got up and walked to the bathroom.

It's so shameful and disgraceful to have a strong smell in your mouth.

"No, is this okay?" Seeing that annoying British guy getting up and walking to the bathroom, the two women opened their eyes wide and looked at Xia Yunjie in disbelief.

"What's wrong? You guys are just too tolerant. If you hate him, just tell him clearly and just ignore him. Why should you be polite to him? We don't owe him anything." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

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