It was not until the evening that Wang Yue returned home.

Hearing his return, Alfia came down from the attic with a book in her hand.

After the two had their second treatment today, Wang Yue took out something

"Alfia, this is for you"


The woman took what Wang Yue brought back, opened it, and then took it out and held it in her hand.

"Pendant? She asked, looking at the pendant hanging from the golden necklace in her hand.

Wang Yue explained:"This is a magic tool produced by the Almighty. It has the effect of cognitive obstruction, which can reduce the recognition of the wearer's appearance, and can Change appearance to some extent~"

After listening to his explanation, Alfia looked a little interested.

What Wang Yue didn't notice was that there was a flash of emotion in her eyes.

Alfiya handed the pendant to Wang Yue.

After Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, he took the pendant, came behind the woman, and placed it around her neck.

In order to put it on smoothly, he even stroked his beautiful white hair with his own hands.

When the long hair is teased, it emits a pleasant smell.

Alfia put on the pendant and tried to activate the effect of the magic tool.

Her long white hair suddenly seemed to be dyed with black ink, quickly turning into pitch black. After doing this, she opened her closed eyes again.

Wang Yue discovered that her pair of heterochromatic pupils had turned into an ocean-like blue at this time.

Corresponding to her fair skin, she looks like a sickly beauty.

Alfia looked in the mirror and looked at her changed appearance. She was not very satisfied.

"Although the appearance has changed, the temperament cannot be changed easily. In this case……"

Alfia used the magic tool again, and a mole of tears appeared on her face.

It was just a mole, but it caused a huge change in her temperament, making it impossible to associate her with that silence.

If there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's that graceful figure

"This way you won't have to worry about being recognized, and if you want to go out occasionally, that's no problem."Wang Yue nodded and praised the Almighty in his heart.

Apart from the sage who took the mystery to the extreme and created the Philosopher's Stone eight hundred years ago, Yasi Fei should be the ceiling in this field.

And that The sage was smashed by the Lord God because of the Philosopher's Stone, and created the secret method of immortality. As a result, the secret method backfired and turned into a skeleton that neither hunger nor thirst, and the ability value cannot be updated.

But Yasi Fei is still there. Growth period.

It may be possible to surpass the sage in the future

"Thanks. Alfia thanked her in a low voice, then stood up and returned to the attic.

From the next day, there was a beautiful clerk in Wang Yue's workshop.


On this day, the door of the workshop was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Yue saw There have always been people coming here, but the one who stood out the most was the short-haired little human girl with pink hair.

"What, it’s Laila"


Laila looked unhappy.

"What is it, what is it? It’s Laila, hello! Are my words disappointing to you?"

"No more"

"cut! Laila bared her teeth, and then suddenly showed a proud expression and said:"Guess what I came to see you for?""

"Don't guess"

"Nani! You can’t stop guessing, guess quickly!"

She rushed up and grabbed Wang Yue's arm and kept shaking it. Wang Yue was so shaken that he couldn't hold her back and had to surrender.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Wang Yue, who was forced to do nothing, raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Laila smiled, held the short knife behind her waist with her backhand, and pulled it out.

"It responded to me! My Zanpakutō!"


As soon as he heard Laila's words, Wang Yue suddenly became energetic.


"Hum, let me show you!"

The little human girl looked like she was showing off.

She held the knife behind her back, with her thumb, index finger and little finger raised, and the other two fingers rested on the handle of the knife.

Wang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw it.

This posture is not bad.

As we all know. , the Shinigami world is very trendy. Whether or not the movements you perform when liberating the Zanpakuto are cool or not will greatly affect the perception.

If you look at it from this perspective, Laila's talent is quite good.

"Weave a web, Spider Banshee!"

The Zanpakuto lit up, and the short sword in Laila's hand turned into a pair of black gloves to wrap her palms.

There were two spider-shaped decorations on the back of the black gloves, and there were metal protective gears on the nails. (Read Baoshuan novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It was really liberating."Wang Yue looked at the Spider Banshee in Laila's hand with some surprise.

But Laila suddenly smiled proudly.

The next second, Wang Yue suddenly saw something in the air reflecting the sunlight, and faintly visible threads could be seen. Crystal clear.



The spider silk that is imperceptible to the naked eye has spread all over the surroundings at some point.

As Laila contracts and pulls, the spider silk tightens instantly, tying up Wang Yue.

Is this?

Wang Yue felt the spider Seeing the tenacity and contraction strength of the silk, he nodded and also discovered that these spider silks actually contained a slightly cool toxin.

He deliberately did not resist.

Then he discovered that the toxin was not simple.

His thinking actually began to sluggish.

If it was before, He may not be able to notice this subtle but fatal change.

But since awakening [the price of disaster is small], he has become accustomed to active thinking[]

So you can notice it immediately.

Could this poison affect the nerves?

There is a difference in the senses.

There is a separation between somatosensory time and real time.

This reminded Wang Yue of the"Superman Medicine" developed by Niryuri, captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13.

It just has the opposite effect to Lyra's spider venom.

Lyra's spider venom dulls one's senses.

Superhuman medicine makes people's senses more sensitive.

Or"too sensitive"",""It's too sensitive."

Just like a drop of water falling from above, the physical time of this process is 1.5 seconds, but if people focus on the drop of water, they will feel that these 1.5 seconds have been extended a lot.

Superman Drug It is the medicine that allows people's senses to break through the limits.

What is originally a moment will be extended infinitely under the senses of a superman.

The superhuman medicine targets pain nerves.

In other words, the pain that originally lasted for one second will become extremely long..

Nirvana was once used on the 80th blade Sal Apollo, which extended the pain of the opponent's heart being pierced to about a hundred years.

That is, under the senses of Sal Apollo, he saw it with his own eyes His heart was pierced, but he couldn't do anything, and he still had to bear the pain of having his heart pierced. This experience was unbearable for ordinary people even if it lasted for 10 seconds, let alone a hundred years. What was even more terrifying was that he could not even endure it for 10 seconds. He can't do it even if he goes crazy. The senses strengthened by the superhuman medicine will allow him to experience all this with incomparable clarity.

Every cell and the feeling of every layer of skin being punctured will be clearly reflected in his mind and body.

Even in the Nirvana Cocoon In Lee's research, superhuman medicine also belongs to a drug with a high"inhumane" level...

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