On this day, on the walls of Eulali.

The blonde-haired elf leaned to the side, watching the battle in front of him.

In other words, it's a competition.

It's just that this ferocity has completely reached the level of a life-and-death battle.

"Make your senses sharper, your movements are still confused, what are you hesitating?"


A girl named Gojono Kaguya slashes at the black-haired boy.

Blade collision.

Wang Yue immediately moved to the right against the blade of the sword.

In the face of Lv2's Kaguya, even if he wanted to pull away the opponent's weapon, he couldn't do it.

You can only use your strength to go around to the other side.

And Kaguya's other small sword had already blocked his way.

"The intent is too obvious! The direction of your feet has betrayed your thoughts, and the range of movements should be smaller and more subtle. "


The small knife slashed through Wang Yue's arm.

At the moment of pain, Wang Yue's attention was all on Gojono Kaguya's body.

In the past two months, he has asked the other party to train him in his actual combat skills.

The two of them have the same type of weapons, and he has also seen many times in the battle how powerful the girl's swordsmanship is.

Even in this Eulalie, it is a difficult opponent.

Because there is a way to treat himself, Wang Yue took the initiative to say that he didn't need to spare his hand at all, and it didn't matter if he saw blood.

As a result, once, his abdomen was directly pierced, and what was even more terrifying was that when he dared to move because of the pain caused by the abdominal penetration, Gojono Kaguya did not stop.

As a result, he was stabbed twelve times.

Since then, he has not dared to relax even if he is injured, and now he is used to pain.

Swords collide, several times in a row.

Wang Yue tripped over Kaguya because he neglected his feet.

The battle is over.

The reason why the abdomen was pierced and didn't stop, but it ended only because of the fall, Kaguya once explained.

"Even if the abdomen is pierced, and it does not die immediately, the feet are still standing on the ground, the hands are still holding the weapon, the strength is not exhausted, and the mind is still clear, how can you think that you have won?"

As for her explanation, because it was too reasonable, Wang Yue did not refute it except for accepting it.

On the contrary, if he is tripped up, the enemy can take his life immediately if he does not hesitate to strike.

Ryu was present because she was also very interested in Kaguya's swordsmanship.

Although these two occasionally quarrel, their relationship is actually very good.

"It's hard work, it's over like this for the time being." Wang Yue said while using the Hui Dao to recover from his injuries.

Kaguya was slightly stunned, and a hint of reluctance flashed in his eyes.

She asked, "What happened to you?" "

Wang Yue said "en".

Then he told her, "It's a matter of the workshop." "

Kaguya blinked, then let out an "ah" and remembered something.

"That's it, it's done."

"It seems so."

Ryu stepped forward and smiled, "The workshop is finished, and Alyse should be happy too." "

Thinking of how hard Alice has worked to earn 100 million faris in the past two months, Wang Yue also felt a burst of amusement.

Even so, she did not relax the order in the city, so that Wang Yue always sighed that the justice in her heart was really amazing.

After saying goodbye to the two, he came to the Guberniu family.

Like the Hephaestus family, Gubernius was a productive and commercial family, but on a smaller scale.

The Guberniu clan is also engaged in the customization, repair, and transformation of weapons and armor, and the quality is not inferior to that of the Hephaestus clan.

In addition to this, they have a construction business.

This time, he came to find the craftsmen of Guberniu for acceptance.

Two months ago, he spent 35 million yuan to commission the craftsmen of Guberneon to build a forging workshop for him.

Today is the day of delivery.

"Look, this is the workshop that our high-level collectives have built!"

The craftsmen of Guberniu proudly announced.

Wang Yue stepped into this forging house that belonged to him, and felt the warmth as soon as he entered the door.

For the forging house, the inside of the forging house should not be cooled suddenly, otherwise it will have a serious impact on the forging, even in the hot summer.

Wang Yue also planned to forge something other than the Slashing Sword, so these configurations were necessary.

"The furnace is built as you said, and this hammer, how is it, are you still satisfied?"

Wang Yue picked up the sledgehammer in his hand.

In the past two months, his ability has improved a lot, and now his strength has reached the A level, and his stamina is only a little bit worse.

Once the ability value exceeds C, the difficulty of increasing it is simply several times.

Sometimes because the promotion is too difficult, it will make him wonder if his growth has completely stalled.

"It's very good, I'm very satisfied."

Wang Yue put down the hammer in his hand.

The craftsman said, "Of course, this is Oreja steel, and do you know how much effort it takes us to make this thing into a hammer?" "

Oreja steel, the hardest of the metals, is commonly used in safes, treasury gates, important fortifications, and equipment that produces indestructible properties.

Because of its hardness, it is time-consuming and laborious to process, and it is a nightmare for blacksmiths and craftsmen.

"Upstairs is residential, and the isolation floor is very well done, guaranteeing that your life and work are divided into two worlds."

"Thank you."

"Ha, it's nothing, the responsibility is, then these three keys will be handed over to you."

Wang Yue took the key and put it in his pocket.

After seeing off the craftsmen of Guberniu, he walked around the house again.

Now he has a house in this world.

Although the deposit was spent a lot at once, he would soon have another 100 million falis in his account, so he didn't have to worry.

Alychee has reached the limit of Lv2, and she only needs to achieve great deeds before she can upgrade to Lv3.

Leila had already been upgraded to Lv2 last month, making Wang Yue the only Lv1 trumpet in the team.

Before they formed a team, Lyra had been stuck at Lv2 for nearly two years, and she was very happy after the upgrade.

The head of the Asteria family, the sword of Arisea, Wang Yue decided to forge the moon.

This was his first attempt at forging a sword for a captain-level figure.

The moon is a hot slashing knife, and wrapping the blade around the flame to increase attack power is just the basic, and it can also scorch and detonate opponents, which is very compatible with Alychee's magic and skills.

After that, it's him.

The gray cat and the glazed peacock were forged by him according to the demand of more than two months ago, and since these two knives are not the type that is known for their attack power, he plans to forge a new knife.

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