The battle was over, and the maidens of the Asteria clan were treated in their place.

Gareth was surprised and even shocked when he learned that Kaguya and Ryu had actually fought Valetta.

The highest combat power of the Sanatos clan.

Lv5 Level 1 Adventurer.

These two little girls are only Lv3, even if there are two people, but they can actually resist each other, it can only be said that it is incredible.

Between adventurers, even a gap of just one level is insurmountable.

It's common sense.

But these two people fought directly over the enemies of Lv4 Lv5 and were intact!

Is it because of the slashing knife?

No wonder Finn and Riveria cared so much about the boy.

It's a pity that he has already signed a contract with Tsubaki.

Equipment crafted by other smiths cannot be used.

I'm really curious what kind of weapon the Slashing Sword is, and it has such a huge boost to the improvement of combat effectiveness.

"The Ganesa clan's Ganesha's Ganesa Scepter will come soon, and the investigation will be handed over to them, so go back and rest."

Gareth, as the commander on the spot, made the decision directly.

"We're fine, but I didn't expect you to be dispatched."

"Haha, it was that guy Finn who asked me to come over, using a wonderful spell that speaks directly in my head, even though I am in the Tower of Babel, but I can talk to the old man in the Pavilion of Dusk."

"Talking in your head?"

597 "That's right, and this spell seems to have been used by the young swordsmith. "

"Swordsmith boy? You mean Wang Yue? "

"That's right, it's him, and it was abruptly interrupted soon after."

Sudden interruption?

Kaguya and Ryu glanced at each other, then immediately set off and ran in the direction of the Tower of Babel.

The other girls of the Astriatic clan reluctantly followed after looking at each other.


I don't know how long it took.

Wang Yue's consciousness gradually recovered.

But he felt very tired all over, his eyelids were heavy, and his hands and feet could not exert their strength.

But he could hear the voice.

"The eyelids are moving!"


"Wang Yue, Wang Yue, are you awake!"

"No, no response."

"By the way, Lord Asteria, are you okay, why don't you replace me as a pillow?"

"Hehe, it's completely fine, this kid is my savior, and that's all I can do to repay him."


It seems, Alexie's voice?

And Ryuwa Kaguya, and - Goddess Asteria?

Wait a minute.

The touch of this pillow is so soft and elastic. (bfdb)

There is also a faint fragrance that smells very good.

and the smooth jade hand that brushed his forehead.

This is?

Knee pillows!

Suddenly, Wang Yue opened his eyes.

Then, the faces of many beautiful girls such as Alyse, Kaguya, and Ryu squeezed into his field of vision.

"Wang Yue, you've woken up! That's great! "

Looking at the concerned looks of his companions, he felt a tingling pain in his head, and then the memories of before he passed out slowly surfaced.

That's right.

He collapsed after using the Heavenly Ting Kongluo.

The overload of spiritual pressure has caused a severe burden on the physical body.

Blame had to be able to move.

I'm afraid all the muscles and nerves are broken.

This kind of injury, ordinary people must be paralyzed, but he is a god of death, as long as he repairs it with a return channel, it won't be long before he can resume his actions.

"Alychee... Ryu, Kaguya, ahh "

Behind the maidens of the Asteria clan are still half-dwarves with Far Eastern blood.

Seeing her made Wang Yue a little surprised.

"Wang Yuezai, you finally woke up, what's wrong, are you so surprised to see me."

"Of course, you're a busy man." Wang Yue didn't give Chun the slightest step down, and said it directly.

Tsubaki simply stopped hiding and explained, "Okay, it's our goddess who asked me to take care of you instead of her, you won't be disappointed, right?" "

Wang Yue glanced at her angrily. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Immediately, Tsubaki's eyes turned, the corners of his mouth raised an arc, and he said in a strange tone: "Well, too, there are so many cute confidantes, it doesn't matter if I am alone." "

She looked emotional.

But there is cunning in his eyes.

This woman!


A pleasant laugh came from the back of his head.

At the same time, a slight tremor came from the back of the head.

Wang Yue suddenly noticed that his companions were all in front of him, so who was providing him with knee pillow services?

He tilted his head a little with difficulty.

Try to look up.

but only saw a pair) (.

As if reading his intentions, the other man raised his hand, brushed his hair behind his ear, and then lowered his head to meet him.

"Are you still sleeping soundly, boy?"

Pander to!

Goddess, Astria.

Wang Yue's eyes widened slightly.

The thighs, which are delicately balanced between softness and elasticity, actually belong to this goddess.

And he actually lay on it?

"You can't move yet, because you're badly injured."

Asteria gently stroked his cheek with both hands and said, "You have done a good job, thanks to you, both the gods and Olalie have been protected, and it has worked hard. "

Wang Yue felt the tenderness and love of the goddess, and her heart trembled.

From the other person, he could feel sacred.

This is not the result of the power of the gods, but an innate nobility.

"Really, you're too messy, I heard you used the number seventy-seven trick?" Kaguya criticized seriously: "Didn't you say that you can only use the forty and below now, what if the risk exceeds your estimate, have you considered it!" "

Leila, who was standing on the side, suddenly spoke at this time: "Don't look at Kaguya saying that, she was very worried about you just now, and she was so anxious that she was about to cry." "

"Who is crying?" Kaguya immediately retorted.

Wang Yue looked at Kaguya, who was a little red in the corners of his eyes, and smiled: "Thank you for worrying about me, Kaguya, I'm sorry, I won't next time." "

It's true.

There shouldn't be a next time.

Although the feeling of being worried was unexpectedly good, it even made him enjoy it a little.

But no.

You can't make the people you care about scared like this.

Be stronger.

You have to get stronger.

Dark valve.

It is suitable as nourishment and stepping stone to become stronger.

"This is the Dian Kate family's healing home, the guild has already paid for you, you just need to recuperate."

Dean Kate family?

Wang Yue was stunned.

It turned out to be the Tower of Babel. []

It's just that the floors are different.

This is the high-level healing home for the Deankite family, which can also be understood as the ICU of this world.

His injuries were probably not serious enough to require ICU.

As for recuperation.

Then it is even more unnecessary.

This level of injury can be healed quickly with a return path, and as we all know, the body of the Grim Reaper is a mystery, and the flesh of the flesh is enough to eat a few captain-level hatred points for a person.

It was so crisp that it was cut off the line on the spot.


Feeling the treatment of heaven, he decided to explain it a little later.

Người mua: KamiGami

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