It's a matter of angle.

Speaking of which, it has been heard somewhere that there are many bones in the human body that can cause damage to the blade of a sword.

For example, the sternum, the skull.

So, if you want to attack the heart, you can aim from under the chest or from the lower part of the throat near the collarbone.

This angle does not touch the bone and avoids damage to the blade.

In other words, against the goblins, the penetrating attack of that kind of power just now has obviously overflowed the power.

Wang Yue examined himself and sorted out the problems in the battle.

As long as you can improve these issues in the next battle, you will be able to turn experience into a boost in strength.

Becoming stronger is definitely not just a stacking of values.

The third encounter with a monster.

It's still a goblin.

Wang Yue tried to deal with it with white fighting.

The goblin's claws and teeth were sharp, and he withdrew his left arm, his gaze falling on the goblin's body, confirming the position of its center of gravity through its movements.


The goblin let out an ugly cry, and its sharp claws scratched at Wang Yue's face.

Wang Yue leaned forward, dodging his claws as he drilled forward, his arched right arm bursting out under the goblin's forearm.


The Goblin Attack's arm is bounced away, and its center of gravity is tilted, and its whole body is full of flaws.

Wang Yue's right fist reaches the heart of the goblin.

The fist rotates inward as it accelerates, completing the second acceleration.


The goblin screamed, went into cardiac arrest, and died instantly.

"The third. "

Picking up the pitiful size of the magic stone, Wang Yue continued to go deeper.

But the monster seemed to disappear.

Until he entered the second level, he did not encounter the fourth monster.


This is the weakest floor in the upper floor.

It's not just that the monster itself is weak, but the speed of re-spawning is also quite slow.

Because a dungeon is a large labyrinth, the rate at which monsters spawn has a decisive impact on how dangerous they are.

For example, in a circular passage, the adventurers cleaned up the monsters at the door, and went deep into it, and before they had time to clean up the monsters inside, the monsters at the door completed the refresh and joined the battle, which would form a situation of being surrounded by the front and back, outnumbered.

Obviously, this level simply won't encounter that situation.

"It's not an online game that has just been launched, there are more people than monsters, it's really..."

Wang Yue entered the second estate.

After exploring for nearly 10 minutes, there are still no monsters encountered.

If this situation continues to the third layer, Wang Yue is afraid that he will not be able to help but violate the agreement with his own goddess.

They said they wouldn't come down to the third estate.


The abnormal movement of the wall immediately attracted Wang Yue's attention.

He took a few steps back, and instead of drawing his longsword, which had been blunted, he gripped the shallow blow.

Click, click!

Under Wang Yue's astonished gaze, four lizard-like monsters crawled out of the walls of the dungeon.

As soon as they crawled out of the walls, the cracked walls were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then they stared at Wang Yue in front of them.

Two of them crawled down the wall to the ground to attack, while the other two crawled on the ceiling.

Somewhat disgusted, he dodged the saliva dripping from above, and Wang Yue looked at this monster.

Dungeon lizards, with an activity range of 2-4 floors.

Is it actually that big?

1.8 meters, 1.9 meters

Maybe it's two meters long.


Wang Yue took a quick step, and in the blink of an eye, he came behind the two dungeon lizards.

He cut a seemingly small but deep wound on the head of the dungeon lizard, and blood spurted like arrows and sprinkled on the ground.

Eliminating the two on the ground, he raised his arm and extended his index finger to aim at the target on the ceiling.

"The Fourth Breakthrough White..."

Just as he was about to attack with white thunder, Wang Yue felt a breeze blow out from the depths of the dungeon and gently slapped him on the back.

This made him stop moving.

Now he is only a third of the second estate.

Wasting precious spiritual pressure here and using the ghost path just to kill two dungeon lizards is too cost-effective.

As for throwing the longsword?

If you don't kill it, the sword sticks into the ceiling or is taken away by the lizard, and you're in the blood.

"I'll let you go today. "

Wang Yue sighed and turned to go deeper.


During the two-hour exploration, he collected a total of 16 magic stones, and the reason why they were described as pieces was because the volume of these things was not worthy of such units as "pieces" or "blocks".

Chopping, punching, walking, and ghosts have all been exercised a little.

Let's go back like this.

Wang Yue looked at the deep passage and thought that now is not the Orali of the main story.

In the current Oralie, the dark faction is rampant.

Just like the murderous guild in SAO, it is full of perverts, and there is no shortage of murderers.

The sun should be setting outside by now, so let's go back to be on the safe side.

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