Did Mr. Xu Confess Today?

Chapter 321: Anti-architectural loneliness

  Chapter 321 Loneliness Against Architecture

  A good relationship is that even if two people don’t talk, they can make ripples in their hearts as long as they look at each other.

  Looking at each other for a long time, Xu Jun squeezed her face.

  "My words are not finished yet, you are the chief designer, I am your assistant designer, I will design with you, okay?"

   is not good at all, who would dare to ask for such an assistant designer?

Xu Jun’s design style is completely the same as Luo Xin’s. Luo Xin seems to have seen Xu Jun’s design in competitions and the personal customization he gave to others. His design style tends to be minimalist. .

The style is minimal, and to a certain extent, it is a sense of anti-architectural loneliness. Coupled with his personal narrative style, his design will show sharp edges and corners and the dilution of colors. The lightness makes people feel as if touched. Just the sense of alienation of ash annihilation. There are also differences in materials, such as the large white space in Xu Jun’s design style and the large-scale use of floor-to-ceiling glass. Although the use of this kind of glass increases the light transmission, the glass material will face great challenges. Jane, but the materials used are exquisite, and the overall decoration cost is very high. Therefore, Xu Jun's design style needs to meet the soulmate. When encountering the soulmate, it is Yangchun Baixue.

  Luo Xin-like design style: the unity of nature and man.

  She likes to use Party A’s expectations to complete the mission of the building, increase the sense of copywriting in the architectural design, and complete the building as a contract of the soul. Every detail focuses on the humanities and emotions, and emphasizes the immersive experience of getting along day and night.

Their design styles are two different factions, and they are both very accented designers. The two people are in their own styles. If they are forcibly merged, they will definitely inevitably switch and collide with various design styles, like Luo Xin. Unwilling to conflict with Xu Jun, but in the actual implementation process, the two people leading a design will definitely cause conflicts and conflicts.

  Of course, Xu Jun knows what the little girl thinks. She is a designer with independent thinking and willingness to innovate. She reserves the right to her own design style. At the same time, she does not want to influence her basic judgment of design quality because of Xu Jun’s design style.

  "Afraid that I will influence you?"

  The two of them hand in hand is not a combination of two swords, but may become one plus one less than two.

If you don’t follow your heart and be influenced by others, you can easily become four different things if you make a little compromise. The designer himself is the last regret. The most famous modern designs are basically based on one person’s thinking, big designs. There is a main designer town, and other designers are mainly responsible for structural design and facade details. Xu Jun is with herself. To be honest, she is really hard to use her fist.

  "If it weren't for me, who would you like to be the structural design?"


  "Ali? Would you rather Ali not choose me?"

Come on, this guy is jealous. Luo Xin seems very helpless. He is obviously his subordinate. And although Mr. Ali is also an independent designer and independent copywriter, compared with Xu Jun, Mr. Ali is more likely to be persuaded by Luo Xin, she herself It is very clear that as long as Xu Jun reveals his face and the voice of his own BGM, she will lose. Let alone persuasion, it is estimated that the discussion with him will be directly killed by the second, maybe she will not even have a scum left. Now, the bones can be chewed up by him.

   "Look, if I just said, and you didn't speak, I became a scourge again?"

  "No, no, no! The main thing is that you win as soon as you speak. I can't say about you at all. Then if there is a conflict between us, should I favor you or protect myself?"

  The conversation between the two of them continued. They discussed the design style and each other's weaknesses in each other's design. Let the discussion go on, and there is no final conclusion about cooperation or cooperation. Just considering the style, Luo Xin seems to lose.

  If you don’t come to disturb me anymore, both of them will be bothered.

   Fortunately, Ah Hei came down from the sky to save this unresolved discussion.

  Ahei brought his herbal tea to Junxian. This was his first visit to Xu Jun’s company. Alice was shocked when he saw the incubator in his hand.

   "Brother Ah Hei? Why are you here?"

  The question is natural. Even when Ahei’s Lengda barbecue restaurant is 500 meters away from their company, he never came to Junxian. Today, it is more than five kilometers away, and he actually came.

  "Here are two bags of herbal tea, one for Xiaojun and one for little puffer fish."

  A bright preference.

  "Can't you give me a bag?"

"you do not need."


  "Full of breath, nothing is wrong."

  Actually, Alice was attributed by Ahei to being able to eat and sleep. The quality of sleep is high, the body bounces and the stick is eaten. It is in the category, logically and clearly stated, and the behavior is very honest to tell her that she has no share.

"Oh, by the way, the one who is afraid of hardship asked her to cushion the tangerine peel. Tomorrow you two will come back and pick up two bags. The two girls are very busy every day, and I don’t know what the rush is, so I have to send them to them. This is still work!"

  Ahei talked to himself and turned to leave.

  Alice pulled Ahei, and asked the white bone spirit to call Xu Jun quickly. Alice meant: This is the first time Ahei has come to Junxian. There is a sense of ritual no matter what, Xu Jun can't leave. And Ah Hei didn't think about any sense of ritual, he really came to deliver herbal tea, and there was nothing else.

   "What are you pulling me for."

Brother Ahei tried to shake off Alice, but where would Alice let him go, he called Xu Jun while dragging Ahei. Xu Jun knew that Ahei had come and was naturally happy, and came out to meet Ahei with Luo Xinsi. Hei scratched his head embarrassedly.

   "Little Duo must hold me, I didn't want to see you here."

   "Yes, yes, you don't want to see us, but we want to see you."

  Luo Xin seemed to speak nicely, and Ah Hei responded with a smile. But this is indeed true. Xu Jun smiled rarely after seeing Ah Hei, and Mr. Ali looked dumbfounded.

   "I'll go, he just smiled, right? I'm not dazzled, right?"

  As an old friend of Mr. Ali, Zhong Cui urged mercilessly to laugh at Mr. Ali, which is rare and weird.

  "We both had a quarrel just now. Fortunately, Brother Ahei, you are here. You are a flying fairy from the sky. Save me in the deep water!"

   There is no problem with this sentence originally, but the last word in question is the last two words in dire straits!

   "Has the big devil be so bold enough?"

  Zhong urged them to quickly switch to the melon-eating mode, and their eyes became round.

  Ahei just came to deliver the herbal tea. He was really uncomfortable being surrounded by such a group of people for no reason. He picked up a head and instructed the herbal tea eating method, and hurriedly fled from the Junxian company with his hands behind his back like an old man.

  As soon as Ah Hei walked away, Xu Jun suddenly turned into an ice cube face:

   "Go ahead, toothache? Stomachache? Why don't I know?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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