Did Mr. Xu Confess Today?

Chapter 357: Use his own way to treat his body

  Chapter 357 Using His Way to Treat His Body

  Mr. Ali and Zhong Cui reminded, and A Cai pushed to change the cup, one cup after another, and there were three more cups after this cup, and they were drunk and Fang Xiu posture.

Luo Xin seemed to receive Luo Xinyou's call and asked her to go home quickly. At 9:30 in the evening, Luo Xinyou behaved like an ant on a hot pot, and Luo Xin didn't seem to think about how to tell her about the program today. Behavior, Alice transferred part of Junxian's monitoring to Luo Xin, it was the scene of the program making a big fuss, Luo Xin seemed to look at the phone and said nothing.

  "Tell her the facts. Whether she believes or not is not in your control."

Luo Xin seemed to nod his head. Fortunately, the program did not receive confirmation that Luo Xinsi was related to Xu Jun. Otherwise, he would start intercepting the recording to make the facts. Mr. Guan didn't tell the program what the relationship was between them. He only talked about the legal person. This is also where Mr. Guan is shrewd.

   called Ruoruo, and the white bone spirit volunteered to send them off, so she shouldn't be with these big drunks, the wine was so unpleasant. It just so happened that Xu Jun's identity could not be given away now. Her sister saw it and there was a big deal. The white bone spirit finally got the two of them to go home, and he had already stared at this excuse.

Xu Jun was relieved to see them to the bones of the luxury car. Xu Jun turned and walked into Mr. Ali’s wine bureau. Of course, he didn’t drink, and a cup of tea watched them talk about the wine, talked about their dreams and fell into reality. Although worried in my heart, but powerless to make Xu Jun feel a lot of frustration, and don't want to go back alone to accept the inner judgment, it is best to stay here to kill time.

   Luo Xin seemed to be sitting in the car of the white bone spirit. If Ruo killed the Quartet today, he had spent a lot of brain cells. After all, he was a child and was already asleep at this time.

   "Sister Yanyan, please send us back personally."

   "It's okay. I just want to go. Alice and Acai won't let me out. It's my excuse to send you."

   "Thanks to you for the cheating thing this time, sorry for causing you trouble."

"What I see is Xu Jun’s face, and I can’t get used to Cheng Runze. You don’t have to be sorry. If you are not my food, of course I will not help, but I will help to the end. However, the little puffer fish is the most interesting Do you know what the unexpected thing is?"

  Luo Xin seems of course not to know, their thinking is too difficult to guess.

"It was when Xu Jun was looking for me. When he said this, I thought he was crazy. I looked down on you for a long time and hated you because I think Mr. Xu is crazy, and your presence will aggravate him. Crazy. I have been in Junxian for a long time. At that time, in my opinion, he was ruining Junxian."

  Luo Xin seemed to know that at that time Xu Jun's frequent departure from the company turned out to be dealing with changes in the business license and articles of association. She cherishes her talents It is precisely because of Xu Jun's talent that she chooses to stay here.

"and after?"

  "Later I found that you are still a little bit ink. Xu told me a few times. Finally, I saw Ruoruo and saw that you paid for your sister. I recognized your character, so I agreed."

Legal persons are not a good thing, especially Junxian's legal persons, which are stared at by many people. Legal persons have to bear many legal consequences, and the lunatic Cheng Runze always calculates Junxian regardless of all means. Xu Jun wants to be good for Junxian. It is necessary to give up positions to people who have nothing to do with the Xu family, and the bone spirit is the best choice.

   "Thank you Sister Yanyan."

What Bone Bone Spirit said to her was the truth, and she didn’t know when she started to treat Luo Xin differently. Perhaps Xu Jun told herself that he was going to change legal person to prepare for the golden finger and stayed by herself. This company has been loving the atmosphere here for so long. Although she has a bad face, she really likes it in her heart. For the long-term stability of this company, and for her company not to be miserable by Cheng Runze, and she also invested. When Kendang and Junxian were in conflict, it was the bones who invested a sum of money to expand other lines of business.

  In the final analysis, she is also for the company and career.

  Luo Xin seemed to look out the window, and it was another battle to go home. Although Xu Jun asked Alice to hand over the video data and the program data obtained from the second brother-in-law to Luo Xin, she was still frightened.

  "Are you sure of your sister?"


   "So simply?"

   "There is no chance of winning at all. She is not a reasonable person, and lacks reason and emotion."

  Yes, you reasoned with her and she used emotions to kidnap morally, you told her emotions, she said that her starting point was for others, and she used her seemingly humble heart to deceive the other's reason. Rafting with other people's emotions, using her own emotions to forge a line of defense, persecuted delusions filled all her reason.

  "Little puffer fish, if you can’t stand it, you can leave her without forcing yourself."

   "I can, whether it's her or Xu Jun."

  This girl has a bit of gritting her teeth and not letting go. The white bone spirit knows that she will not give up, but her neurotic sister is not something ordinary people can withstand.

  The car went to the community, Ruoruo also woke up, Luo Xin seemed to take her to thank the bone spirit, sighed, and went to face the storm.

Luo Xinyou only turned on the reading light, and she shrank on the sofa, telling herself that everyone had her temper. Luo Xin seemed to look at the coffee table, not knowing which bottle of Penfolds, she did not earn much and was not familiar with it. The rich and the noble life is always above the petty bourgeoisie but not the exquisiteness. The clothes all over the body are full of the smell of RMB, and even the feet are the manicures just done tonight, beautiful rhinestones and exquisite patterns.

   "Are you back? Ruoruo came to mom."

Ruoruo didn't want to go, instinctively hiding behind Luo Xin, Luo Xinyou leaned forward in a hug pose, but before she came to run, Ruoruo forgot the feeling of running towards someone. Luo Xin seemed to turn on the headlights, and Luo Xinyou looked decadent like when her ex-husband divorced her.

   "Drink so much alcohol?"

   "There is still in the cabinet! I found someone to make a wine cabinet, and it happened to be delivered today, you see."

   Constant temperature wine cabinet, wine is not as expensive as wine cabinet.

  Luo Xin seemed to turn around and send Ruoruo back to the room, Luo Xinyou jumped off the sofa barefoot, she always had to make a little movement.

"My heart is like, when will you resign? The program says that he went to your company today. You were scolded by so many people on the Internet. He thinks you are my sister's face to help. Don't you thank me? Your company solves it. I'll help you solve the things that can't be done! Don't doubt the program in the future, okay?"

Luo Xin seemed to push Ruoruo into the room and turned back to face her. She put the video out, the program looked embarrassed, she said how despicable the program was, Luo Xinyou said it was not true, the program told her Luo Xin seems to be framing herself, because she was deceived by Jun Xian!

   "Luo Xinyou, if you dare to contact the program, I promise to ruin him!"

  (End of this chapter)

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