Did Mr. Xu Confess Today?

Chapter 423: Dirty

  Chapter 423 Dirty

At least two of the four people have nasty thoughts, one is staring at the hotel, the other is staring at the bruises on his knees, and the other can't guess at all. In front of these two, Luo Xin seems to be crazy in every aspect. , I can only eat ice cream.

   "Let you dip in hot coffee to eat, and then try to eat cold drinks this evening, I will confiscate your quota for ice cream!"

  Alice laughed, especially evil.

  God, earth, Alice is laughing crazy.

  "Did you click the smile? You are crazy or what's the matter?"

  Alice really laughed and tears burst out, Xu He also tried to hold back the laugh. The two laughed for ten minutes, and Luo Xin seemed stunned.

   "You two, are you okay?"

  It's okay not to speak, her innocent questioning made them both laugh for another five minutes.

   "If my girlfriend is scared, neither of you will be innocent."

   "Laugh again and watch out for wrinkles."

  Xu He and Alice finally stopped laughing unreasonably under Xu Jun's coercion and temptation. I don't know why they want to laugh when they look at the little girl. Perhaps it is the magic of the little girl.

Finally, I was able to sit down and have a discussion. From the perspective of bystanders, Xu He's approach between Xiao Gongzi and Wu Di was obviously intentional, and it was aimed at people from the Xu family. No matter why it was not a good idea anyway, Either preemptively sue them, or just swallow your anger and stop going to their territory.

   "If we sue them, maybe the board will be implicated, and Alice and I will be on the cusp."

   "What they want is this effect, so you don't dare to make trouble."

  This is a practice that hurts one thousand people and hurts oneself eight hundred, and no one will make this step if it is not necessary. Such an arrogant scheme is a dumb eating coptis, and there is hardship to tell.

   "They are too bad things."

   "Be prepared for the worst and plan to move forward."

   "I can drink eight hundred cups of this soul chicken soup a day, but it has no effect. It is equivalent to taking myself down the stairs."

  Alice's words hit the nail on the head, silent.

  Xu He looked at the three people, took a sip of lemonade, and began to state his thoughts.

  Her meaning is very simple, see tricks! When they use this obscure way, they break the defense.

  Young Master Xiao was warned by them.

  Wu Di will also try to tell him that if they know, they will start to fight, let them know that the Xu family is also prepared, and their Xu family is not easy to bully. If anyone takes me down, I will retaliate! Just like that, you must compare the baht, and see who dares to talk about these nasty things.

   "Then if someone asks my brother why did he go to Xindi Hotel?"

   "Go and go, tell him about the wool!"

  Xu He’s processing method is very hard-core. This girl outputs the feminine thoughts in her bones in the hardest-core way.

  Xu He’s methods are very enjoyable every time. People who have walked through the darkness can better understand the darkness in the corner. She knows how to treat her body in her own way.

   "I understand, I will figure it out."

"That won't work. If I were you, I would let your girlfriend understand, instead of trying your own way. Her experience is too shallow. If you encounter these things, your mind will be blank, and our family must be able to learn Wu, you have to shamelessly treat those who are shameless."

  Alice raises her hand and adds one, Luo Xin seems to also raise her hand.

"plus one."

   "Like a heart!"

   "Sister He is right, don't always hide from me, but also tell me that I will not drag you down."

Three votes in favor and one objection. Xu Jun was alone and helpless. The little girl so easily united with her shrewd second sister. She is a full-fledged demon with a devil living in her heart. The little girl has no idea about his second sister. What a vicissitudes of life in my heart.

  The Zhai coffee made by Xu He himself has a sweet aftertaste, and it is bitter and sour when you drink it right now, making it hard to swallow.

   "Let me think about it."

  Alice and Xu He looked at each other and smiled. This Mr. Xu’s heart is always forbearing and restrained.

  Xu Jun always thought about protecting her with all his own strength, but in the end, whether it was a golden finger or something else, Luo Xin seemed to break through himself, and it seemed that he was too nervous.

  The discussion of the matter came to a conclusion, Xu Jun opened Xu He's medicine cabinet again.

  "Didn't you apply the medicine just now? Apply it again? Your house is myrrh? You must show affection in my place."

  Xu Jun does not make stubbles, Xu He is a clever tooth, so he will not be fooled by stubbles.

  Apply the medicine again, continue to hug the princess and return to the car. Xu He and Alice were stunned.

   "Who said my brother is not romantic anymore? It's sultry every minute."

   "He is only romantic to someone, and it is the first time I have seen him such a caring girl."

  Walking out from the alley, the parking distance is still a bit far.

   "Why don't you put me down."

"be honest."

  Attracted glances around, Luo Xin seemed to be embarrassed and buried him in his arms, but he looked serious and unaffected at all.

After finally getting into the car, Luo Xin seemed to take a deep breath.

   "It's my fault today. Forget about your night blindness."

   "No, then who could have imagined that the emergency lights and corridor lights of such a big hotel are actually broken."

Xu Jun took this to his mind. Xindi Hotel was unclear, and Wu Di was the cheapest. It seemed that he had benefited a lot from it, but Xu Jun was very strange that his aunt Alice’s mother didn’t. discover? It's not like her style.

  Xu Jun shared his opinions, Luo Xin seemed to nodded his head without comment, and the two went home in a daze.

  Of course, Luo Xin seemed unavoidable to be nagged by him. He pressed the bruise for a while and rubbed it for a while. In short, he did both the good and the bad.

  At work the next day, Luo Xin seemed to yawn, and Alice ran over to take a look.

   "He looks haggard, my brother is too violent!"

   "Sister, my leg is still hurting, so don't tease me, okay! I don't understand what you are talking about!"

  "Don't call my sister, call my sister to listen."

  Luo Xin didn't seem to want to pay attention to her. She did have a knee pain. Yesterday she was pinched by Xu Jun, but it hurts even more, **** Wu Di! Nothing good.

  Luo Xin seemed to have just finished speaking, and Zhong Zhe urged over there to come straight.

   "The **** Kendang restaurant, Xindi Plaza, was actually checked by Party A, saying that their design was not up to the standard. I was really **** obedient and shameless."

Luo Xin seemed to look at Alice so quickly. Wu Di acted fast enough. The key is that Xu Jun didn’t know where he was going. Zhong Chui seldom scolded swear words in public. It seems that he was angry this time. !

  Zhong Sheng is angry, the consequences are serious!

  "Stop kidding, this is obviously disgusting operation, let's see how to deal with it."

   "Who called you?"

   "Paramecium worms!"

  "Ignore him, we are responsible for the new store. The red line is given by them, and everything else is ignored."

  (End of this chapter)

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