Did Mr. Xu Confess Today?

Chapter 498: I want (thanks to pathy_h2o monthly pass)

  Chapter 498 I want to (thanks to pathy_h2o monthly pass)

  Luo Xin seemed to pull Xi Yunxi to see the Huizhixian Pavilion, but Xi Yunxi still said not to listen.

   "This is it."

   "Similar to the picture. In this place, you actually compare it to Zhuji Lane? I think it's a lot worse."

  Before Xi Yunxi came here, he first went to Zhuji Lane, which Luo Xinsi used to quote.

   "Since you don't like it, don't toss here."

  The boy's voice on the roof shocked Xi Yunxi and the bodyguard who looked after her.

   "Who are you? Come down."

   "I don't know how you are other people's bodyguards. I have been sitting here for a long time and you haven't noticed it."

  They were all heard outside the door by the little boy.

  "Mo Tsai, come down quickly. Uncle Mo will hit you with a big pipe in a moment."

   "I won't let it go! Tell me first, who is she? Was it the rich man who bought this place?"

  When Xi Yunxi heard that someone was more stubborn than himself, he immediately became energetic, pinched his waist and looked at the roof. The little boy was buckling tiles on the roof, sitting cross-legged, just like that.

   "I'll tell you when you get down."

  The little boy glanced at her, and still went his own way. Xi Yunxi asked Luo Xinsi about the origin of the little boy. Luo Xin seemed to tell the story, and Xi Yunxi immediately came to fight.

   "You don't like me to buy it. I want to buy it. Huh, what do you think you can do with me?"

  The little boy has a big temper. He climbed down from the back of the house and was caught by the bodyguard when he passed the bodyguard. Xi Yunxi raised his hand and asked them to let him go.

"You think it's great to have a few stinky money! Sister Xin said that you are an educated person. I think it's just under the skin of a rich man! If you don't know the history here, just take Zhuji Alley to talk about it! What about Zhuji Alley? Yes, if you have money, you can buy him and remodel it, why buy us Xianguan!"

   "This is not easy to explain, you are not so famous here."

   "You! You deceived people so much. Although you bought it, you don't understand it."

The twelve or thirteen-year-old Mo Tsai is not young, but he is here after all. When he meets Xi Yunxi, he can only jump his feet. There is no other way. When it comes to excitement, he jumps up and screams. Xi Yunxi is a weird person and likes to tease. Mo Tsai, flush Mo Tsai's little face.

  "If I want to know, you, a teenage child, can you spread it to me?"

   "Me! Of course I can!"

The Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high. Only Xi Yunxi can cure Mo Tsai. I don’t know if this is not a breakdown therapy. Every problem Xi Yunxi has can make Mo Tsai feel angry. The village’s history speaks eloquently, telling in detail about the origins of the fairy hall, and he wanted to protect the ancestral hall. He wanted to preserve the ancestral hall. The whole village felt that as long as the ancestral hall was not moved, no one would fight against the immortal hall. A twelve or thirteen-year-old young man with fresh clothes and an angry horse.

   "Only you are opposed, what do you think your winning percentage is?"

  "No matter how old you are, I have to try it! Didn't you learn how to cross the river when you were a kid?"

   "Haha, the pony crosses the river? In what grade did you learn this?"

   "Second grade, can't it?"

   "Okay! Very good! Very good!"

  Luo Xin seems to be able to only smile at the conversation between the two of them, and Xi Yunxi is also a child, and he is tit-for-tat against Mo Tsai, and will not let anyone else.

   "History tells you, can you return the fairy hall to the village?"

   "Is there no one in your village? Let your child negotiate with me."

  Mo Tsai said nothing. He was the only one who cared about Xianguan in the entire village. This is an indisputable fact.

  "Give me your design drawings."

  Luo Xin seemed to look at Xi Yunxi, not knowing what she was going to do. In the end, Chen Chen took out the drawing from Luo Xin’s backpack and gave it to Xi Yunxi.

"Boy, you can see clearly, what I want to build is a bookstore, a bookstore where you can drink tea and coffee, and it can be regarded as a small club. Your poor women, if they could read books like you did, they could gain knowledge, maybe Not so pitiful, right?"

  It is rare for her to speak seriously, not only seriously but also serious.

  I have to admit that Xi Yunxi has some aura on her body. Her seriousness reveals a force that cannot be rejected. Mo Zai carefully looked at the picture, and then looked at Luo Xin.

   "Will she take away the fairy hall?"

"No, we are all letting this fairy hall see the sky again. In the way that suits her best, if this fairy hall is no longer maintained, one day it will no longer be a protection unit, and Miss Xi's Jiuxi Guild Hall is also somewhat Historically, she knows how to pass on history. She and her family have this ability."

Luo Xin seemed to show Mo Tsai the encyclopedia and photos of Jiuxi Bookstore in her mobile phone. Mo Tsai looked at Jiuxi Guild Hall and Xi Yunxi. For the first time, her stubborn little face stretched her frowning brows.

  "Is this a letter? Don’t worry, with your heart sister, I won’t change it by magic. I will ensure that the antique charm remains the same. You can also come to the bookstore every day to read. I don’t charge your membership fee, how about?"

   "I have money, I can come by myself!"

   "That's not necessarily true, we are a membership system, and you are not yet of age!"


  "Don’t worry, I’ll give you a VIP card. It is specially approved that classmate Mo can come to Jiuxi at will, how about?"


  Mo Tsai turned his head to leave, Xi Yunxi couldn't help but continued shouting: "Hey, little guy, if you like history and culture so much, when you grow up, if you are still interested, how about Jiuxi Guild Hall leaving a place for you?"

   "What did you say? Can't go back!"


  Retracting the hook seems to be a unified way of commitment across the country, and Retracting does not forget to stamp it.

  The little boy happily ran into the village.

   "This time I know why you keep the traditional design concept. Why don't you tell me about Mo Tsai?"

  "We only learned about Mo Tsai after we came back."

  Luo Xin seemed to say that they have been unable to reconcile with Mo Tsai, and that the person who has to untie the bell must be tied to the bell. What he is looking for in the end is just a word from Xi Yunxi.

  "Children attach great importance to promises. You can do what you promise him."

   "Who is not a kid anymore, I also value commitment."

  Luo Xin looked at Xi Yunxi in front of him with a smile, her character is really the same as that of Mo Tsai.

   "But he really seems to care about their village."

   When Xi Yunxi took over the cultural and creative affairs of this village, he did not hear of any objection, but instead successfully won the project.

"They attach great importance to it. When we were designing, they specifically stated that no structure could be changed, so the only thing we can move is the location of the light well. By the way, come and take a look. I designed the light well using the names of your three brothers and sisters. "

  (End of this chapter)

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