Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Chapter 4: Brothers grabbed brother in love

Lin Ziran had just sobbed with the system for a long time, and finally lost to Mo De's emotional system. After all, he still failed to have God's perspective. +++Mobile phone reading visit m.readwn.com

Okay, you won :)

But even if I don’t look at it, I know what happened! I am a man with a script.

Presumably, Lu Sui has blocked Wen Yu in the bathroom at this moment, and has begun to dominate the presidential style (qiang qiang)! Wen Yu was also unforgettable about Lu Sui’s complex mood, but since he was now his brother’s boyfriend, he could only refuse mercilessly, but Lu Sui must have reminded him of the feelings of his heart many years ago, this **** and sweet-fateful Reunion!

Lin Ziran suddenly felt that this was actually quite good for cp.

Although the dog is a little bit blood... but the thorn-exciting plot is not too much!

He reached out and patted his little throbbing heart. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from the door, and immediately withdrew the expression on his face. He continued to play the perfect boyfriend and gracefully greeted Wen Yu.

Wen Yu looked at Lin Ziran's profile. The man's face was elegant and his eyes were gentle like water. He was always so considerate, sometimes even perfect, unlike real people. It was only recently that he suddenly realized that he also had a vivid side. Although the eyes are as deep as ever, they seem to contain more complex emotions, making people want to explore more involuntarily.

Lin Ziran’s goal today has been achieved, and the line is over, and he wanted to go back to the drama early, so he said to Wen Yu affectionately, "Are you tired? Or should I send you back?"

Wen Yu withdrew his eyes and raised his lips slightly: "Okay."

Lin Ziran stood up, and then he glanced at Lu Sui. Although he knew that your heart was itchy and unbearable, after all, Wen Yu was still my own. At this time, you should consciously avoid it.

Lu Sui didn't care, he waved and said teasingly: "Brother, send him back, I'll just go back later."

The bear child did not add to his confusion, Lin Ziran nodded comfortably, and then left with Wen Yu.

Wen Yu also has an apartment in the city. Lin Ziran was quietly watching him while driving, and soon went outside the Wen Yu's community. Seeing that Wen Yu was about to get off and leave, he suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute." "

Wen Yu had long discovered that Lin Ziran was secretly watching him, but he did not move. Until Lin Ziran spoke, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Lin Ziran coughed: "That's it. I have a friend who is your fan. I want me to ask you for a signature."

Wen Yu seemed to be a little surprised, and definitely looked at Lin Ziran's eyes.

[System: You are out of nowhere. 】

Lin Ziran was blushing and panting, and took out the photos and signature pens he had prepared before, and handed them to Wen Yu with a smile.

Wen Yu stared at him for a moment, then suddenly chuckled and said, "Okay."

He picked up the pen and wanted to sign it, but when he was about to write the pen, he made a move and looked sideways to Lin Ziran: "What is your friend's name, do I need to write a few more sentences?"

Lin Ziran looked at the clear face of the man in the night (color) because he leaned closer, the moment the other side turned his head, the tall nose bridge seemed to pass by his forehead just a little bit, warm breathing When the wind came, his heart tightened, and then he continued shamelessly: "Oh, he called'ran chasing the stars and forgetting to eat.' As for the rest, you are just fine, he will not pick it."

Wen Yu nodded, then overlaid the photo on the car window and began to bow his head to write.

A minute later, he gave Lin Ziran the signed photo and smiled slightly: "Your friend likes me is an honour. It will be fine if you need to say it next time. I will sign it in advance and give it to you."

Wow, is it so good to be a star boyfriend? Suddenly Lin Ziran was a little bit reluctant to score, thinking of the sad story behind him, why did he still have a face to find Wen Yu to sign?

Forget it, you should be enough, after all, it is not really love beans, almost. Although npc is indeed very attractive, it is not enough to make him give up his pursuit of school!

Lin Ziran said: "Okay, you go back to rest early--"

Then he opened his eyes wide and stared dullly at the person in front of him. Wen Yu leaned over and supported his side with one hand, holding his back neck with his warm lips against his, this ( Kiss Wen) came so suddenly that Lin Ziran was completely unprepared... By the time he recovered, Wen Yu had already let go.

"Good night (kiss wen)." Wen Yu stared at Ruoxi, then smiled and turned away.

Lin Ziran: "..."

bad! Is there a plot in the script? Why is there no impression at all? Did you miss it yourself? And how can the protagonist suffer (kiss wen) a man other than a real attack... Wasn't Wen Yu not always active? !

Lin Ziran quickly opened the light curtain to check the plot, but...

[Lin Ziran: Why didn’t you write (fa) what happened here? Just look at the words "Lu Zhen sends Wen Yu home after dinner". Is this script too crude? 】

[System: It’s a little simpler. After all, it’s not a main storyline. If you elaborate, you probably won’t have the inexplicable idea of ​​asking him to sign. 】

Lin Ziran: ...

Forget it, a good night (kiss wen). The two serious couples are gay, and it’s strange enough not to go to bed. It’s impossible to have a kiss (kiss wen)?

So no need to worry about it at all!

Lin Ziran returned to the car again, only to remember to see what Wen Yu just wrote to him.

To chase the stars and forget to eat: Chasing the stars is fine, but be sure to eat on time and take care of yourself. Wen Yu.

The font is clean and powerful.

Wow, this love bean is really heart-warming. In fact, he also took the screen name casually, but he was once watching the drama-addiction and forgot to eat... Lin Ziran immediately took a photo of the autograph, and then proficient Landed on his bib trumpet, Miziz uploaded this photo, and attached a text description: I saw the reputation today, and I got an autographed photo. He is better than TV and has a sweet voice. [Refill], always love him.

Just a few minutes after it was sent out, I immediately gained a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Well, it's real enough and cool enough, this game really feels good.


Lu Zhen and Wen Yu are very busy people, and naturally it is impossible to fall in love as if they were glue, so Lin Ziran did not meet Wen Yu again for a few days. He also has to play the role of his president (color).

Recently, the company did set up a plot and planned to build a new hotel chain. In addition, it also invested in several projects. Lin Ziran had to deal with many things. At this time, he was particularly grateful for the existence of the system. He basically only needed It's enough to be an obedient tool, and you can organize your work in an organized way without using your brain.

Lin Ziran came back from the meeting late that day, and when he entered the door, he saw Lu Sui lying on the sofa in the living room and playing with his mobile phone. Although he was a little tired, he still gave him a gentle smile and expressed concern: "Did you not go out today? "

Lu Sui looked up at him and said, "No."

Lin Ziran saw his unconscionable appearance, and he knew all day long to eat (sleep Shui) (sleep Shui) to play wild time, but he was working like an old father outside (fuck cao), wishing to grasp His collar says when are you willing to return to the company! Leave Laozi to do housework without going to work!

Lin Ziran said softly, "Then I won't disturb you."

He took a deep breath and walked forward. His heart was really strange. Seeing the bear kid playing mobile phone at home was even more angry than he grabbed his boyfriend. It was simply not doing business...I suddenly understood the mother's anger when he was at home during the summer vacation...

Lin Ziran's footsteps were heavy. He had just reached the second floor, and suddenly there was a voice behind him: "Brother."

Lin Ziran quickly put a smile on his face and turned back: "What's the matter?"

Lu Sui made a long leg, stood up from the sofa, and said lightly: "I thought about it... There is nothing wrong with this time, so go to your company."

Lin Ziran's sullen eyelids widened a little, and his eyes were full of surprises (sex), and he was so excited that he was incoherent: "Okay, okay, okay!"

He finally waited until this day!

He is willing to go to work!


Lu Sui finally returned to work in the company. The plot finally advanced to this point. Lin Ziran was full of fighting spirit and determined to give him a heavy responsibility.

The next day Lin Ziran took the landing and went to the company. The board of directors was appointed to appoint Lu Sui as the deputy general manager of the company. At the same time, he was in charge of the human resources and planning department, and he also assigned several recent projects to him.

Lu Zhen owns 50% of the shares, has absolute say in the company, and Lu Sui’s academic background abroad has been very bright in the past few years, so it has not been hindered by much.

For other members of the board of directors, as long as they can make money for them, it is Lu Zhen's business to manage the Lujia company.

What's more, Lu Sui is not an outsider, so it's harder to say more.

Lin Ziran upholds the idea of ​​more exercise for young people, and does not hesitate to add tasks to Lu Sui. If he is not afraid of doing too much to cause Lu Sui to be alert, he can also arrange more work for Lu Sui! And he didn’t worry about Lu Sui’s messing up at all, because as a genuine and overbearing president, Zuo Gong, although he was criticized for his emotional issues, he had absolutely no problems with his basic skills as a president. Lin Ziran believed he would do better than himself. .

Successfully let Lu Sui work overtime instead of himself. Lin Ziran, the unscrupulous blackheart boss, has no guilt, but is proud.

Besides, he is all in the plot, and Lu Sui will definitely be happy to take over these tasks, so that he can master the company faster, differentiate from the inside to break through, and give Lu Zhen a blow in the aftermath of the crisis.

So this is a win-win!

Lin Zi sat leisurely in his spacious office that day, and finally found the joy of going to work (Mo), secretly opened the video software and started chasing the drama. This game is simply a treasure. How can it give people so much happiness?

By the way, he took time out of his busy schedule to buy a pair of rings. According to the plot, he should be preparing to marry Wen Yu. After knowing his plan to marry, Lu Sui accelerated the pace of winning love. This proposal of course certainly did not end, and at the same time laid the groundwork for Lu Zhen and Wen Yu's breakup.

Thinking of everything going according to plan, Lin Ziran was in a happy mood. At this time, the phone rang, and the news from the bib came. He set Wen Yu's special attention, but whenever there is news, he will notify him as soon as possible. Lin Ziran opened it. It turned out to be a promotional video filmed by Wen Yu for a clothing brand. In his white (color) suit, he has an excellent figure , The slightly open collar can be seen that nothing is worn in the suit.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" A voice came from above.

Lin Ziran was so excited that he snapped the phone face down on the table! No, the star chase at work was discovered by his brother! Will he find that he actually just wants to squeeze him and make himself happy...

Because the incident was too hasty, Lin Ziran's expression was a little stiff, and he blinked: "Are you looking for me?"

Why didn't you hear the knock on the door just now...

Lu Sui withdrew his gaze, although Lin Ziran quickly put down his phone, but he still saw the flashing content on it, huh... If it wasn’t for him to see it, it was unimaginable, and the brother who had always been indifferent, would also be addicted. When he came to this point alone, Lin Ziran's hot eyes just now saw him clearly.

Although he had investigated Lin Ziran's current situation before coming back, he never thought that Wen Yu must be pulled into the water, but what he saw and heard these days all showed that Lin Ziran was passionate about Wen Yu.

So if I take him away, you will be very sad, right?

Lu Sui's eyes were dim, and the darkness in his heart began to grow again. He smiled. "I have some questions about the construction of the new hotel. I'm going to ask you for an open tender for this contractor. Bidding documents, you can see if there is any need to add or modify."

Lin Ziran glanced at the thick bidding document in the book. Yun Dan smiled lightly and looked at him with trusting eyes: "Since I hand this project over to you, you can decide at your own discretion, no need to ask again Me, I believe you have the ability to deal with it."

Just kidding, was he too lazy to read such a thick file?

Lu Sui (Bao Bao) sipped his lips and seemed to see through whether Lin Ziran was really telling the truth or not. This is a project with a total investment of over 100 million, but he really gave it to him without even looking at it. There is no doubt in your eyes...so, do you really trust me that much?

Lu Sui picked up the document again, and when he turned around, he saw a blue (color) velvet box resting on Lin Ziran's desk. His eyes flashed, his eyebrows raised in surprise, "Brother... this is... …"

Lin Ziran placed it in a place that was not particularly conspicuous and could certainly be seen. When the landing came, he asked, his eyes seemed to dodge, and he punched his lips over his face: "It's nothing."

After all, the marriage proposal has not been successful, so I am embarrassed to tell others.

Lu Sui had already guessed it, and no more questioning, God (skin) was indifferently ready to go out.

Lin Ziran suddenly stopped him, saying, "I will not go home for dinner tomorrow night, you don't have to wait for me."

"Okay." Lu Sui nodded and turned to leave.

Lin Ziran looked back and left, then immediately picked up the phone to send a message to Wen Yu: Is there time tomorrow night? I want to invite you to dinner.


Although the shooting of the new movie is over, Wen Yu is both the first star and one of the investors in the movie. In fact, there is still a lot of work to be done later. When he received Lin Ziran's text message, he was meeting with the team.

Thinking that Lin Ziran finally thought of meeting him, he couldn't help but feel a little bit happy, so he replied without hesitation: OK.

The assistant glanced quietly with Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes and saw the conversation between Wen Yu and Lin Ziran. We thought that we will have another event to participate tomorrow night? Quite important, did Brother Yu forget it?

He was about to remind him, and he heard Wen Yu said lightly: "I will not participate in the event tomorrow night. You can help me push it to the organizer."

Assistant: "...oh."

Wen Yu tapped his finger on the table lightly: "We continue to discuss where we just said."


One day passed quickly.

Lu Sui closed his eyes and sat in the office. Although he didn't return to the company for a long time, he was already very familiar with it. His office and Lu Zhen were on the same floor, so the other party's itinerary was basically under his eyes.

This is also what he planned at the beginning, first returned to the company to gain trust, and then further find opportunities to aerial Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen dealt with it better than he thought, unsuspecting. How did he experience those things... and still trust him so purely, that he would not care?

Because people who have not lost, do not know the pain of losing...

People can't help ruining all this.

Lu Sui's lips were icy cold. He opened his eyes and looked at his watch. It was only 4:30 in the afternoon. Lu Zhen should not have time to go to the appointment.

Lu Sui got up and pushed out the door.

Wen Yu had a video call with several investors in the morning, and the film's release date was initially finalized. In the afternoon, he should be invited by a well-known magazine to shoot a group of blockbuster films, which was regarded as the early publicity of the film.

When it was busy, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon. Wen Yu politely declined the invitation of the editor-in-chief to dinner and hurried down the stairs by elevator.

When I first entered the underground parking lot and was about to open the door to get in the car, I heard a low voice from the side: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wen Yu turned his head to see Lu Sui who was standing in the shadow, first wondering, then frowned slightly: "Are you looking for me?"

Lu Sui raised his eyes: "Is it convenient to talk somewhere else?"

Wen Yu paused and said perfunctoryly: "Next time, I still have things now."

Lu Sui pretends to think for a moment, looking at Wen Yu's eagerness to leave, raising her eyebrows jokingly: "So hurried, is there a date with my brother?"

Wen Yu listened to his words with a slightly condensed expression, and thought for a while, or seriously said: "I don't know how you know that I am here today, nor do you know what you are looking for me... if you really have something to find Me, I can find Lu Zhen to ask for my contact information without having to be so troublesome."

He said that he pulled the car door again, apparently did not intend to continue and talk.

Lu Sui's eyes were cold, but his lips were smiling, and his voice was cool: "It's really ruthless, aren't we old friends? If we really want to say something, we need to know first, why do we need to meet me even now when we meet?" Did you report it?"

Wen Yu ignored him.

Lu Sui looked like a smile, "I really just want to tell you the old, but if you really don't want to, I have to tell my brother what we have done in the past, but I don't know how to explain to him...you know it clearly I pretended not to know...I don’t know if he would think too much, thinking that you and I have something, so I concealed these things from him."

Wen Yu finally looked back, his eyes cold.

It is obvious that you pretend not to know first.

Lu Sui looked sincere and said: "The reason why I came to you alone is that I don't want to cause you trouble. Rest assured, I won't delay you for a long time."

Wen Yu set his sights on him for a while, then raised his hand and slammed the door shut, coldly said: "Half an hour."

The two came to the cafe on the first floor.

Wen Yu looked up at Lu Sui, and his expression was indifferent. "What the **** are you going to say to me? Now you can speak."

Lu Sui shook hands, and looked somewhat disappointed. He sighed: "Although we have only seen it twice, but after all, it's been helpful to you. Now I want to get to know you again. Why are you so indifferent to me?" What."

Wen Yu's expression eased a little, maybe he was too sensitive-feeling, after all, Lu Sui was also able to help himself, he patiently said, "I don't mean to be deliberately rusty with you, but do you have I thought that some of your actions may cause Lu Zhen’s misunderstanding."

Lu Sui sneered and said, "Do you care if Lu Zhen misunderstands?"

Wen Yu said without hesitation: "Yes, he is now my boyfriend, and you are his younger brother, I know you have no other meaning, but I hope you think about it before you do anything (Sexuality)..."

"If I say--" Lu Sui interrupted him suddenly, the dignity (shadow) in the sharp eyes was dim, like a falcon staring at its prey. "I have other meanings."

Wen Yu could not believe the landing, as if he heard something ridiculous, and his face (color) suddenly became ugly.

Lu Sui looked straight at his eyes, and his tone was low: "Although I helped you at the time, I have never forgotten you in these years, and I have always followed you. I originally thought about going to you this time when I returned to China, but ...But you are already my brother's boyfriend."

Wen Yu was shocked first, followed by anger. If he was just unsure before, now he is finally sure that this guy was a lawless little bastard. Now he is a big **** who knows no shame. He is also embarrassed to tell such a scumbag to himself, thinking that he is editing a story? Expect yourself to believe him? !

Wen Yu (chest xiong) fluctuated a bit and his voice was cold: "Really, I should have Lu Shao wondered for so many years, should I be flattered and grateful."

Lu Sui raised his mouth, and it seemed that Wen Yu didn't believe his words, but he didn't care. Anyway, his purpose here was to stop Wen Yu from seeing Lu Zhen, but he didn't really miss him.

If he were Lu Zhen's beloved person, how could he remember that little (cha) song?

"It's not necessary to be grateful, but I was really questioned by you like this..." Lu Sui sighed: "It really makes me sad."

Wen Yu stood up and stared at him, his voice did not have the slightest temperature: "I will assume that we have not met today, and you have not said these words."

After he finished speaking, he stepped up and left, but when passing by Lu Sui, he was suddenly detained-hand-wrist.

Lu Sui raised his head, his dark eyes were indistinct, and laughed: "Why not worry... I haven't finished speaking yet."


Lin Ziran sat in the office to watch the drama. When he was around 6 o'clock, he rubbed his face and stood up. Now it was time to go to the appointment. When he went out, he quietly glanced at Lu Sui's office, and no one was there! Very good-Lu Sui certainly went to Wen Yu in advance.

Lin Ziran was in a good mood and drove to his hotel.

Although it is known that Wen Yu will not come to the appointment today, shouldn't he treat himself well even if he is alone? After all, Wen Yu's signature tells him to eat well!

Lin Ziran started to order food from the menu. Anyway, Wen Yu wouldn't come. Naturally, he ordered what he liked to eat. Then he began to sit there and play with his mobile phone, waiting for food.

According to the plot, Lu Sui should have found Wen Yu v. Old Love at the moment. Wen Yu also remembered Lu Sui, who had helped him, and was shaken by Lu Sui's step by step! I’m afraid I’m sorry for Lu Zhen and hesitate... And Wen Yu didn’t know that Lu Zhen was looking for him to propose, and thought it was just an ordinary date, because Lu Sui’s cut off, so he didn’t come in the end, but edited it. An excuse to say that I have something to do temporarily tonight, so I can't go to the meeting...

Lu Zhen didn’t even know that Wen Yu was with Lu Sui at that night. The silly person waited for the whole night, but in the end he didn’t wait for his beloved one... Soon things went down quickly, and there was no chance for a second marriage proposal. .

Tonight is his one-man show, and there is no audience. Lin Ziran politely rolled up his sleeves, thinking that Wen Yu would not come, so he let go of what he wanted.

Eating and eating with emotion from the poor: "Ah, the food here is really great, how can it have such a good taste, is this caviar really the same in reality?"

[System: All simulations of the game are the same as reality, the deviation value does not exceed 0.01%]

Lin Ziran had nothing to say but could only thumbs up.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Ziran summoned a waiter and asked what good wine he had in his hotel. The result was that everything was available, and he was dumbfounded.

So Lin Ziran let the waiter drink again.

【system︰……? 】Is this player using this as a food game?

Pleasant time always passed very fast, and did not seem to wait for the hard work of others. Lin Ziran was wandering in the happy ocean. Suddenly the phone rang, and Wen Yu's text message came.

He quickly wiped his hands with paper towels, and said that Wen Yu could not tell himself, but turned on the phone, Wen Yu said: traffic jam on the road, you wait for me for a while.

Lin Ziran: ...?

How is the traffic jam? Shouldn’t it be said that something doesn’t happen at night? Is this a new excuse? Want to delay time and let me retreat without a fight?

He asked the system with anxiety: "How is this different from the plot."

[System sound is cold: the game is a panoramic reality simulation game. Once the game world is generated, it will generate a self-trajectory. The behavior of the characters in the game will change to varying degrees according to the player's performance. What I need to remind you is... the higher the deviation of the plot, the lower the final rating. 】

Lin Ziran suddenly became alert. Isn't he acting wrong? It even caused the main line of the game to start to deviate, but he was determined to get a grade, how can he fail at the beginning? No, he had to find a way to rescue him.

Fortunately, the problem is not big now.

Wen Yu will definitely not come. I am afraid that traffic jams are just an excuse. As a considerate and perfect boyfriend, you should give him a step down. You must not embarrass him!

Lin Ziran immediately responded with a text message: no (guanguan) Department, if there is something to change the day and then make an appointment.

Wen Yu's news came back soon: I'm on the way.

Lin Ziran: It really doesn't matter. It's late, don't be too hard.

... This time Wen Yu didn't reply immediately.

Lin Ziran looked nervously at the phone, waited for the left and right, and could not see Wen Yu replying again, could not help but relieved a little.

Very good, just a small accident, it doesn't matter, he has successfully reversed the plot.

Lin Ziran patted his (chest xiong) mouth, and was ready to leave when he was full, but when he came downstairs, he remembered that he was drunk and could not drive. The secretary was married and had children. Lin Ziran did not plan to call him to come at night Pick yourself up, so you stand on the side of the road waiting for a taxi.

After waiting a few minutes, a black (color) Mercedes-Benz stopped slowly in front of him. Well, blocking his sight, Lin Ziran walked a few steps forward to avoid the car. After a few seconds, the black (Color) Mercedes-Benz drove forward a few meters, just in front of Lin Ziran.

Lin Ziran: ...

I move again!

He walked a few steps further, but the black (color) Mercedes-Benz was almost unshakable, and happened to block Lin Ziran's sight a few meters forward...

Lin Ziran was finally angry and was about to ask questions. The front window slowly shook down. (Exposed) a sharp and handsome face. The man’s silver-framed glasses laughed slyly and his voice was low and hoarse. I don’t know my car anymore."

Lin Ziran: ...not good.

Just a moment ago, I was so dizzy that I was full of brains and went home (sleeping Shui), I actually forgot this plot!

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