
"Who is talking to us?"

"Who are you? How come there is our communication frequency band?"

"Are you from the spiritual empire?"

In panic or even desperate, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came out on the radio. One can imagine how big the reaction of the generals at the scene was. They almost stared at each other, and some generals even stood up directly.

Wang Ling was also taken aback, but he was different from other generals. He had long known from Uncle Hei that there would be a miracle. Is this a miracle?

Suspiciously, the strange voice spoke again: "I am not from the Soul Empire. If the Soul Empire can connect to your wireless frequency band, can you stay on the island for so long?”

And his words made the generals unable to calm down even more. Whose voice did this strange voice come from?Actually know that they are hiding on the island!It's as if all their whereabouts were being spied on by this person. Not to mention how unpleasant it felt, it was just the security issue that made them creepy. If this person is an enemy, then it's okay?

However, when the other generals were nervous, Wang Ling frowned and thought about it.To say that this voice is unfamiliar is relatively speaking. In Wang Ling's impression, he seems to have heard this voice.

After thinking about it for a while, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and his eyes widened immediately, and he asked, "You are... Einstein?"


"No, isn't Einstein dead?"

The general at the scene was shocked again when he heard it, and they felt a little unbelievable.

However, the voice admitted balefully: "Haha, that's right, it's me. It seems that the copy of me at the time left you a big impression. After so long, you still remember me. sound."

"Really Einstein?!"

"Oh my God!"

"Why is he still alive?"

After knowing the master of the voice, the generals were surprised again.

And this time, Wang Ling is no exception: "It's really you? But when I was under control, I heard Yuri X said that they had killed you! And your copy was executed by me, you What's going on now?"

Einstein did not conceal: "Hehe, is it that easy to kill me? When the spiritual empire forcibly copied me, I already knew that they had a murderous intent on me, so they planned to escape very early. The plan was planned. Just when they tried to force control of my copy, I found a gap and escaped. And the spiritual empire didn't want to admit its mistakes, and kept lying to the outside world that it killed me, but In fact, I just kept hiding."

"Then what camp are you now? Where are you? How do you know we are hiding on the island?" General Bob raised several questions in a row.

Einstein pondered for a moment and replied: "I don't belong to any camp now, just a scientist who can't bear to see the spiritual empire ravaging the world. Now you are facing a desperate situation, but I have a way to turn things around! If you believe If I do, come to the South Pole to find me. I have already sent you the coordinates."

After that, on the electronic map of everyone, the electronic map of the entire Antarctic continent suddenly expanded, marking a red dot from the edge of one side, and Einstein was hiding in this place.

"You can do it? What can you do?"

This news of him was a joy to all the generals on the scene, and Coach Rich quickly asked.However, at this point when the news was revealed, Einstein had interrupted the radio communication, and no matter how he asked, there was no response.

However, in desperation, Einstein suddenly dropped such a message. After the radio was interrupted, the generals at the scene were unable to calm down for a long time, and all of them were filled with joy.

Of course, apart from the surprise, there is still some vigilance. Taking advantage of the presence of all the generals now, coach Richie calmed down and asked: "Do you think this Einstein is credible?"

This is a problem. If Einstein is fake, but the spiritual empire deliberately set up a set, then he rushed forward, it is very likely to be smashed, or even a pot.

However, compared to Richie’s coach, General Bob is more open: "Are we still going to choose? This has been discussed for half a month, and there has been no progress. Seeing the spiritual empire pressing forward, we But there is no way, now there is finally a sign of turning things around, whether it is true or not, we must find out!"

"Yes! Einstein is a scientist in our allied camp country, I think I can believe it!"

"In addition to believing, we probably have no other choice now..."

With General Bob taking the lead, the generals who had collapsed in the Allied Army also chose to believe in Einstein.

This is even more an ironic reality. In desperate circumstances, they have no choice.

The copy of Einstein had pitted Wang Ling at the beginning, and the generals of the coalition army still had some doubts about this sudden appearance.However, as the allies said, they had no other choice now. After a long time of pondering, the Richie coach finally agreed to try.

Of course, even if they were desperate, they would not rush forward without knowing it. After some discussions, they decided to send Wang Ling first, carrying Tan Ya and a few coalition soldiers, to find out.If safety is ensured, all generals will be admitted together.

Time didn't wait for anyone. After the plan was in place, the two armies immediately began to implement it.

Wang Ling and Tan Ya, by the way, took Erlu and Gu Xuanwu, a total of four people, formed a pioneer team, and traveled to the South Pole with the help of Wang Ling's time and space movement.

However, after all unknown circumstances, Wang Ling did not directly reach the destination in one breath. Instead, he was divided into multiple movements like the previous rescue, so as to shorten the stiffness time after each movement as much as possible, so as to deal with all possible emergencies at any time. situation.

Fortunately, the coordinates given by Einstein not only ascertain the electronic map of the entire Antarctic continent, but also the surrounding sea areas and islands have been expanded. With this convenience, multiple movements are no problem.

After moving in this way more than ten times, the group of four people finally landed in Antarctica smoothly.


As one of the coldest regions on the planet, the temperature of Antarctica is really not friendly. After the four people landed, just after the freezing time, one shivered.Fortunately, they had been prepared earlier, and the four of them hurriedly put on thick cotton clothes, shivering for a while before barely adapting.

After that, two more time-and-space movements were carried out, finally reaching the place marked on the electronic map.

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