Different World Hypnosis

135 Chapter - 134

[-- Goddess of Light --]

to be quiet

It was a time when there was no traffic, but today was especially calm.

Walk along the corridor connecting the building to the building.

Candidates are unnoticed.

But there were several executors watching over me.

That's the executive's job.

Because this school is wary of the secret meetings of young men and women,

If candidate Nam walks around alone late at night, he will naturally attract the attention of the enforcement officers.

But it doesn't matter.

My purpose is not to hide in the women's dormitory.

That would be fun, but I'm heading to the main building of Melbrit.

Melbrit's core facilities that can be used in earnest from the bear class.

It was not a great achievement to become a bear, but it was not without ups and downs.

He solved the big mission and met with Melbrit's top rankers for a short time.

Tilia Vanguard and Neris Leeke.

Herka has not met, but the more she visits and visits the main building, the greater the chances of encountering her.

Today, I came to meet Sia, the student president of Riddle School.

I'm going to get rid of her secrets without hypnotic secrets.

What's your three size, and the color of your underwear you're wearing, your preference is.

Everything from important to trivial.

It's a simple matter.

I just do what I've always done.

As I reached the main building, I saw other candidates walking out.

No one wants to enter at this time like me.

Did he say that the facility is available until midnight?

Let's go in before we lock the door.


The big executives at the entrance looked at my face and turned their eyes.

I think it's okay to go in.

Go inside without hesitation.

When I entered the hall on the first floor, I noticed a statue modeled after a pretty woman.

According to her, the statue is modeled after the light goddess Ilessia.


I go up the stairs.

The library is on the second floor.

If you go up to the second floor, the first big door you encounter is the library door.

I've never been in, but just a glimpse outside shows that a huge amount of books are stored.

Now the door is tightly closed, so I can't look inside, but the fact made me strangely nervous.


I'm fine.

I opened the door.

The size of the door was considerable, so I had to put quite a lot of effort to push it.

From the outside, it seemed to be closed because the usage time was already over, but it was not locked.

Of course there's no one inside.

It seemed like everyone else had escaped before.

Only one. Sia, except for her.

"It's here."

I make a sound and walk inside as if I were to announce my existence.

When I came inside, the door closed at will.

Feel nervous.

But it was a good feeling.

It is not the kind of tension that is feared or likely to go wrong, but the tension that I feel when I put a breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of me.

Sia. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"You're here, Mr. Decal."

"You've been waiting for me?"


I've been fooling around with beautiful women countless times, but Xia was the best among them.

If you rank it simply by flirting, it is better to have a woman with protruding charm such as Karen, Neris, and Ephe.

And the prettiest things in terms of beauty are Easty and Bella.

However, she seemed to have an elegant spirit that was hard to explain.

Black hair as if it were a cloud, intelligent green eyes as if I were looking through everything.

It has harmonious features, clean skin, and a neat body that seems to take pictures of the most perfect moment.

He was so beautiful that I, who was shameless, inadvertently lost my words.

I was surprised when I first saw him, but my head seemed to be paralyzed when I was alone.

"Then, what should we talk about first?"


I flicked my finger right away.

Just like Ephesians, skip all the troublesome steps and hypnotize them right away...…!!


Xia was still looking at me, not destroying her smiling face.


It doesn't work.

It's dangerous. The opponent was a goddess. Goddess who set up hypnosis like Bella...…!

How do you know? Even if you're a goddess, you need to know the existence of hypnosis to come up with hypnosis measures."You're here without a plan, aren't you?"

At the word, I felt a cold grip on my heart.

It was the moment when speculation turned into conviction.

It's not good. This is...…!

Shia is looking around. It looked like a movement to check if there was anyone else.

"By yourself, without asking for cooperation from the judges of the Iron Wall."

"That's right."

I admitted it cleanly.

"I'm here without a plan. I've always been like that. If you want to laugh, laugh. Whatever you're after, I'm done."

Hypnosis doesn't work.

The fact has many meanings. He already knows me, he knows my ability,

The response method has already been executed.

At the same time, I know everything about my surroundings and what I can do.

"I'm not laughing. I knew that."

"I knew...…?"

Sia's attitude was strange.

It was a soft tone for a villain who set me up.

She was just smiling softly, as if she were happy to talk to me.

"It's always been like that. Dekal says."


I can't stop shivering.

I thought something would come to mind, but I felt like I couldn't.

"Come closer, please."

Sia sat gently at the table and held out her arms as if to give me a hug.

What the hell is going on?

Honey Trap? Are you after something? I was confused and my eyes seemed to be shaking.

"There's no solution anyway. Isn't it meaningless to think about it?"


There is no countermeasure anyway.

Why do you know me so well...…?

I approach as if possessed and hug Xia. Xia hugged me gently.

It smells good. Despite all the complaints, my son-in-law insisted that he wanted to commit the crime.

I couldn't see the intentions of Sia at all.

I don't even know why you hug me.

When I fell, Xia opened her mouth.

"Have you calmed down?"


I nodded my head.

Xia got up and stood in front of me. It's not too close. It's not too far. It's a comfortable distance.

She looked up at me and asked.

"How was this school? Can you tell me what you saw of Melbritt?"

"Watching Melbrit?"


Why would you ask that?

Because you're the student president? No way, what would I do with a single opinion?

I don't know.

One thing for sure is that this goddess is playing on top of my head.

It looks like a type of person who plans and executes it closely.

There is no gap in everything.

No matter what plan I came up with, it wouldn't have worked for this woman.

But apart from that.

A series of conversations we've had in the form of "no countermeasures."

I didn't bring it up to accuse her of having no thoughts on me.

The "planner" is more vulnerable to hypnosis.

Like Park Seo-yeon, armed with madness, is my natural enemy.

On the contrary, the more people think and plan, the weaker they are to hypnosis. Because I control people's minds.

That's exactly what I am.

It is also the essence of a hypnotist.

If you approach anyone right now and flick your finger, you can do everything you want, but before that, prepare and review carefully?

It can happen if it hasn't been long since you've been hypnotized.

But it is different from when it permeates life and begins to hypnotize everything.

At that time, such a preparation cannot be combined like water and oil.

I mean, I'm a man who loves to "scream" to match my abilities.

"There is no countermeasure" is what I can say because I know exactly what I am.

In other words, this woman knows me very well.

Wouldn't it be because I thought I'd run right away without preparation?

If you think so, you can't help but get goosebumps.

I didn't even know her face until I came to Melbrit, but she knows everything about me.

I couldn't help but fall into that thought.


Thinking so, I lost all my strength.

I felt like I could speak comfortably.

"The impression of Melbrit as a whole, yes...…. I thought it was a ridiculous place. He's angry, too.

Melbrit has a big structural problem."

"Is it because they select by encouraging competition?"

"No way. I never thought competition was bad. Especially the students here are in charge of saving the world.No one would want a clumsy person to take charge of saving the world.

It's reasonable in that respect."

In particular, Melbrit turns the soul of the quality of the outside into a spirit bottle and distributes it to those who are worth investing in.

The system itself is amazing.

We decided to make a monster human being rather than a hundred skilled soldiers.

"If that's a realistic system. It's a very unpleasant place. This isn't even a school."

As if to understand my disgust, Xia nodded.

"Yes. Melbrit is putting all his might into making the system possible.

It's a place where the whole kingdom of high blood gathers."

Of course I do.

Since the souls of the whole country have no chance to gather on their own, they must have invested a lot of manpower and funds.

The administrative power of a country like this would have been too much to handle.

Even in the adventurer's guild in a small village, there was a money exchange system that allowed the soul stone to be exchanged for currency on the spot immediately.

It's not something the guild can do.

It's possible because the country put all its energy into it.

What you're trying to do is to create a high-level monster that has consumed a lot of soul.

Is a normal country planning to do it?

"This country is still at war with the devil. Outside, inside and outside."

"War is war, but schools are protected from disaster. But here...…."

"As you may think, Melbrit is not the place to raise the right candidates for battle on the front line.

A place to create. It's like a production plant. It's a place where you feed your soul to raise your level, grow quickly, and put it into battle.

So to speak, it's a key facility in the Human War."

If this was a place to raise students, the country should protect schools.

But this is a brave generation facility with national luck.

What happens when this system of souls becomes known to the other side?

What if they know you're all over the place?

Of course, it is the top priority.

Do things that are not people determine the means and the ways?

It is easy to predict what kind of hell will unfold at a production facility named this school when it fails to stop the animal.

It's either one or the other.

A warrior who is the spiritual pillar of mankind dies,

If Melbrit is hit first, mankind will be destroyed.

I felt dirty when I realized that this place was like a battlefield.

"You're the manager of that core facility."

"Yes, that's the right perception. It was a short time, and I'd like to praise you for noticing the truth of this world."

"I knew before I came that it was a ruined world.

I just knew how it went down. It's not a big deal."

This woman didn't offer to assist a warrior even though she was selected.

Protecting this facility is as important as keeping the side of a warrior, so it remains a manager.

It is the identity of a woman who is doubtful.

"Who are you?"

If a competent young woman is struggling to protect humanity, it is no match for a saint to stand before me.

But if you're a goddess, the story is a bit different.

Goddess saves the world through an agent.

In fact, if mankind falls, it may be painful depending on the nature of the goddess, but it basically has nothing to do with her.

If you can save the world in the first place, if you want to, there is no reason to present an agent.

You can do it yourself, right?

If you're a goddess, why are you here?


"Why did you decide to stay in Melbrit when you knew everything?"

It was a question that came back.

"It's none of my business. I came to this school to have s*x with a girl like you. I'm on my way back like that today.

That's enough for me."


Xia looked like she didn't know what she was thinking.

This is what I said in a way that tells you to do as you please.

Even if you despise me, I thought it was good because it could tell what kind of character Xia was.

Anyway, all I need is information. It's a clue to see what's inside.

But Sia is totally unexpected.

"Yes, I know."

……said as if I had expected it.

I was angry for the first time with this woman who responded with a calm face no matter what I did.

So let's see if he's expecting this?

I squeezed Xia's breast violently.

Hugging and kissing each other.She stood still and did not resist.

"Tell the warrior to take care of himself! I'm going to get pregnant by having a lot of s*x with my favorite candidates.

You can't fight with a ship that's about to die, so you can be killed by a demon.

I'm going to take only the women I like out of the women I got pregnant and leave the rest of us dead or not!"


"Why don't you come with me? I'm going to eat my child and have s*x every day in a safe place.

Of course I'll make a warrior pregnant. I'm going to wrap up the warrior's security without any countermeasures, hypnotize him and make him feel hungry, and do as I wish.

I loved it so much that I stayed at this school! Did you even expect this?!"

What do you think? It's disgusting!

Say something, despise me! Say you're a piece of shit!

Xia responded to my kiss with a fine face.

I was so surprised that I couldn't move.

Sia puts her tongue in it, she kisses me. Very.......... affection was a young kiss.

"Chuuu..."…. Yes…. I expected it. Everything."

"Woo, don't be ridiculous!"

I was agitated and pushed Xia away with my strength.

She stood still, smiling at me.

"You, what the hell are you? Are you reading people's minds? Are you my enemy? Are you an ally?


Bounce your finger.

Snap! Snap!

It does not stop and keeps bouncing, but it does not work for Xia.

Then, everything brightened up.

Light so bright that it is hard to grasp the outline of an object.

I thought I was dead for a moment. The back of the chair is caught when you reach back. The place hasn't changed.

This radiance was flowing out of the center of Xia. Nevertheless, only Shia's appearance was clearly visible.

A flock of light enveloped everything.

I'm standing on the ground, but there's no ceiling, no walls, how low I am and how high I am.

In a white, intense stream of light that could not tell everything apart, Xia said quietly.

"I'm Ilessia, the goddess of light."

In one word.

As her Divinity has been shown, the light is sacred.

……it's over.

Things that have been done so far pass by like a flashlight.

It depicts me falling into hell with all the pain I can imagine.

However, Xia did not lower the referee's spear.

He was just smiling benevolently.

"Dekal, I'll tell you everything."


"Look at this."

Something appeared in Shia's hand. It's...

"Red Soul Stone...Is it...?

"It's similar, but it's completely different. This soul stone is much higher.

It's God's soul stone."

"God's Soul Stone."…."

"It's in here."


Curious as if to burn one's head, he asks as if he is rushing.

Xia continued her speech in a calm voice.

"I remember when Decal was a god."

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