Different World Hypnosis

176 Chapter - 175

◎Cognition destruction -->

Some seemed to have noticed a fine sense of fire.

Even if you don't know that you're hypnotized, it's actually been a while since you've been in a trans state.

A person who is sensitive to body tension and time flow may feel a slight disruption in some cases.

Having hypnotized so many people at once, it was not strange to have such a person.


I drew attention by making a noise on the platform.

The candidates' eyes were on me.

"I'm sure some of you already know. Hello. I'm Decal, a member of the student council, and I'm a special investigator."

With my characteristic hard-headedness, I performed brilliantly as if such a position were real.

Special investigator? No one knows that.

I just made this up.

But when you put triggers on the inside, you introduced me as a special investigator.

The candidates recognize me as a special investigator.

People tend to have different tendencies, so from those who doubt it,

'Yes, he's a special investigator.' There must be a lot of people who are sure.


Someone started clapping their hands as a welcome sign,

Applause spread among candidates like an epidemic.

After a short round of applause, I continued.

"From now on, Melbrit is a special investigation period.

We hope your generous cooperation in responding to the ever-increasing threat of the devil."

A candidate raised his hand.

"Yes, go ahead."

"What specifically is there for cooperation?"

"There is nothing mandatory for you to do.

There is a query on the schedule, so please attend the inquiry faithfully.

This measure is intended to spread the news when there is something unusual, and it is also for you."


"And apart from this, there will be cases where I personally ask for cooperation.

I won't put you in danger, but please follow the instructions exactly for that.

Do you have any questions?"

Hypnosis was successful.

To counter the evil king's threat, I think he put it on well.

Suddenly, no one seemed suspicious about the selection of one of the candidates as a special investigator.

Of course, Diana and others, who did not hypnotize investigators on purpose, seemed confused.

You don't even know why I belong to the student council.

Neris seemed calm on the surface because she knew what I and the student council president had to do.

"That's it. Thank you."

I came down from the pulpit with applause.

Sia is approaching me.

"Special Investigator Decal. I look forward to your kind cooperation."

We're the only ones who know the truth.

"It's not going to be easy, but I'll do a thorough investigation for the safety of the candidates."

We exchanged laughter by sharing our own jokes.

Sia offered me a whole melbrit.

All the female candidates in this school are subject to my ridicule.

The beautiful female candidates who have been scraped from all over the kingdom.

You can hold onto it as it stands out and make it unilaterally s*x and pregnant.

Special investigator hypnosis is a preliminary work for that.

If you don't feel guilty after doing this, you're lying.

I think I've done something big.

My heart is pounding as if I had made an irreversible mistake.

That's why I'm picking on you.

It's annoying because I did something I shouldn't have done.

It's too simple.

For that, I am turning to men the power to subdue even God.

No, whether it's God or human, they're committing it without distinction.

After the candidates disbanded in the auditorium, I went looking for Noah.

What if they want to contact you here? Let's explore the location of the eight-colored pearl.

Then Noah suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Do you need the help of a dark man?"

"Did you put a transmitter on my body?"


"It's amazing how it's in front of me when I need it."

I got goosebumps.

"There was a naked smell.

It was an unscheduled emergency."

"Right, I hypnotized you.

From now on, I'm a special investigator for Melbritt."

"Special Investigator?"

"That's a good excuse. Can you gather the enforcers?"

"Yes, right now."


I assembled all the enforcement officers in Melbritt through Noah.

And Noah hypnotized the same in front of him.

"That's what it means to be a special investigator."

"It's a setup. I'm embarrassed."

"No, seriously, I think it's a good position.

There could be things the executor can't handle.""Is there anything you can't handle?"

"……it's not an easy thing to say,

The enforcers in Melbritt tend to be low-key.

They rarely catch criminals, and most of them are meddling in a candidate's love affair."

"Well, isn't that a sign of peace?"

Noah looked lost in thought somewhere.


"Oh, I'm sorry.

It takes a while to gettin'…."

"What's the catch?"

"Candidates gathered in the auditorium. The number of people is not right."

"Isn't it the right number?"

What's that?

As Xia said earlier, not all candidates gathered in the auditorium because some did not attend the inquiry.

But I'm sure Noah already knows that.


There seemed to be a slight difference between the number I knew and the number I actually tried."


It's amazing that you can measure it with your eyes.

"In other words, is this what Noah wants to say?

There are more candidates in Melbrit than are actually managed?"

"It's a guess. If so, we don't know why.

We can guess the cause in various ways, but if there is a problem with the personnel management system, we need to fix it urgently.

If this problem occurs, it is not bad to have an investigator who can walk around the school freely.

It may be better than the executor to determine the cause of the problem."


I'm sorry to Noah, but...….

I didn't make it for that reason.

A few conscience poked me.

"Oh, I'm sorry if it bothered you.

I can't get past little things...…."

"No, it's not. It's a moderately-made setup, you've given me life.

Think of it as a formal request, and I'll see what's wrong with the system."


You got a good job.

The actual number of people and management personnel are not compatible.

We can look into this system error.

"Oh, I almost forgot one."

I added another hint to the enforcement officers.

"It is perfectly normal for a special investigator to make an indecent statement. "You can't meddle or interfere."


After clapping my hands to wake me up, Noah said on my behalf.

"This is a special investigator for the student council.

If there is anything necessary for the investigation, please cooperate actively."


The enforcement officers returned to their positions.

Finally, the body of freedom.

Melbritt's outlaw.

From now on, it doesn't matter if you force yourself to do most things. This is because very few humans have become problematic.

"Dear Decal."


"We have informed you of the current situation."

Oh, I left him to deliver it to me.

"Thank you. Where's Eastie?"

"She is currently teaching special services at the Order of War.

Shall I guide you?"

"No, I know where it is."

I saw it next to the winner's coffin.

There was something I wanted to do before I met Easty.

I want to enjoy a sense of freedom now that I've been free for a long time.

"You want to make sure hypnosis worked."

"Yeah, I'm itching."

"Then, I'm leaving."

"See you next time."

Let's find a girl.

It's funny for me to think of Noah leaving and looking for a woman, but it would be fun to walk around the school as a playground and enjoy the sense of freedom.

Melbrit strictly prohibits contact between the s*xes unless it is a place where exchanges are allowed.

The men's dormitory, the women's dormitory, is a completely separate place.

Except for classes and meals, you can observe it from a distance, saying, "There are female candidates."

Usually, people can't get out of their way to public facilities.

This is because there is an executive officer where you think you can pass without being noticed.

strict rules

Surveillance of trained personnel.

Systems that are evaluated and managed by scores.….

These are simple but effective methods.

But I made a new rule with hypnosis.

A special investigator deserves to stay anywhere in Melbrit.

"I'll get by."

Say hello to the commissioner and move on to the other side.

The women's dormitory was just around the corner.

The only thing that's going around is the female candidates!

It felt different from when I saw it at the main building.

This is because it is an invasion.

As expected, the candidates suddenly noticed the existence of the man who broke in and glanced over here.

"That's the man."

"Who is it?"

"Don't you know? He's a special investigator."


"I do not question what special investigators do."

The female candidates were half curious and half interested.

No candidate showed displeasure at the fact that I was here.I strode inside.

It's a field of flowers.

There are many beautiful candidates.

This was enough to make me think that I was looking at the candidates in personally.

Considering that I even had an interview, it doesn't make sense.

The more you like an interview, the more positive it is.

My heart was pounding.

In broad daylight, I felt naked just to be alone in front of the women's dormitory, out of the surveillance of the executive officer.

The female candidates also had good views.


"It's an investigator."


Cute candidates say hello and pass by.

"Honor to the Inquisitor."

Because it suggests that what I do is done by a noble mission,

Not a few candidates expressed their affection for the president.

"There, you guys."

I pointed out the four-member group of candidates.


We are special investigators."

"What's going on?"

"It's necessary for the investigation. Can you show me your chest?"

"Oh, yes."

"Of course I'll show you."

"Should I take off my underwear?"

The female candidates took off their clothes, not to mention who came first.

"Stand side by side and show me well."

It's a great sight.

Four female candidates are standing side by side and showing their baby teeth.

He seemed a little embarrassed that he might not feel ashamed.

I took turns observing my face and breasts on purpose.


Stretch out your hand and roll it.


"Stay still."

"Weren't you just looking?"

"It's necessary for the investigation. Who told you to ask back?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's a bee."

I shouldn't have criticized him, so I pinched the nipple with both hands.


"Hold it."

Pull on the nipple of the candidate Yeo by putting pressure on her finger.


"Gasp…. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"You take off your panties and put on your skirt."


One of the most criticized female candidates lowered her underwear to her knees and rolled up her skirt.

I like the conspiracy of being passive.

He touches the breast of the next weak-looking candidate.


"Something's wrong, Mu?"

"I need to kiss you. This is also necessary."

"Yes, yes..."

The weak candidate closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

I kissed and put my tongue in as if it were hitting me.

"Haum. Ooh...Chew... Chew...…."

The presidential candidate will freely abuse the lips of the first female candidate.

Hold the head, put the tongue deep in, lick the teeth and gums, and drain the saliva.

Candidate Yeo moved her tongue clumsyly, taking my saliva.

"Okay, no problem."

"I'm glad..."

The next candidate had quite a big heart.

Touch the breast one by one.

"You're a dirty baby."


"Answer honestly. It's a dirty baby, isn't it?"

"I don't think so...…."


I clenched my breast tightly.

"Sad...! Oh, obscene... I'm a baby."

"You think so, don't you?""

"Yes, I think I'm a lewd baby...."

I enjoy the touch with a gentle trickle.

Candidate Yeo even dyed her ears red and shook with shame.

"Say sorry for being born a dirty baby."

"This has to do with the investigation...?"

"I don't care. Are you going to interrupt me?"

"……I'm sorry I was born a dirty baby."

"I appreciate you touching me."


"Okay, you can pass."

The female candidates wore clothes and quickly drifted apart.

I want to do more s*xual things.

I wish you were prettier than the ones you just saw.

Although the situation is tough, is it because the snow has risen as high as it can.

Or do I get lost because there are too many women to choose from?

It is said that if a person has too many options, he or she cannot decide.

There are so many pretty girls that I am worried about...….

It was a happy worry.

Let's proceed with the special investigation.

I decided to look around the women's dormitory a little more.

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