
Noah took a step back in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"…when did you get here?"

"Just now."

Are you as sensitive as Bella? It's very surprising that he reacts like a wild animal as soon as he wakes up from a trans state.

I want to make this examiner struggling. It will definitely happen in the near future.

"Please judge me with that good nose next time. …I'll go to your room to talk to you alone."

How I took the significant remarks I made.

Bale Noah watched me without saying a word.

I have no idea what I'm thinking because I'm blindfolded.

But for some reason, I think he has a strange sense of vigilance toward me.

Because he's a criminal who might have used people as bait? I don't think so.

It's a very small sense of incompatibility that's hard to explain in words.

Noah skillfully hid even the small sense of incompatibility, and spoke quietly.

"I'm not judging because I have a good nose, but I'll look forward to it."

Judge Bale Noah left.


"Karen, I know you have a lot to say, but...."

"Good for you!"


"You're back on duty. Let's make it clear this time!"


He may have been disappointed because the results were reversed, but Karen didn't show it.

He didn't even question why he didn't tell me about Easty.

Karen was considerate of me and knew exactly what was important in the future.

Her energetic appearance gives me strength.

When there is judge Bale Noah, time passes that I thought it was stopped.

One by one, the adventurers stopped paying attention and went back to their seats, and Mr. Smiden brought in the people he worked with.

I moved the thin wolf to the studio.

"Dekal, do you have any intention of having an artifact as a reward for treating Thin Wolf?"

The guild master came up to me and said,

"What's Artifact?"

"Artifact is a so-called amulet that is made of rare material of magic.

It's a very valuable magic item with a special effect, and it requires a lot of materials, so you can only get one."

Hmm. Is that useful?

"What do you think, Karen?"

I'm asking Karen, who I caught with.

"Well, I think I like artifacts that I can carry."

"Then I'd like an artifact for my compensation."

"Okay, I'll tell you as soon as I'm done."

Now all the spectators are gone, and only Easty and Karen are left.

"Esty, did you know the examiner?"

"Yeah. Noah's a diamond, too. I returned my adventurer's license and became an examiner. …a picky person."


"If it weren't for Noah, this wouldn't have happened. Noah always goes too far.

It's called "The Inquisitor of the Iron Wall.""

"Like you're called a noble hunter?"

"Yes, similar."

It won't be easy if it's a task given by such an examiner.

Measures are needed.

"Let's all discuss what to do with the additional tests. While you'really!


Karen suddenly asked.


"You're the best!"

"Isn't it good for you, too?"


I went to the meat restaurant that I used to go often with Easty.

It's simple to grill meat on a grill, but it's actually the best.

Compared to when I lived in modern times, it seems inevitable that my liver is bored.


Funnily enough, the two's appearance at the meal was clearly.

I don't even know if I chew with my mouth in my mouth, and I eat with my whole body, and Karen, who likes to react with my whole body.

Looking at the two people, I thought the meat was more delicious.

Looking back on the situation,

Only I and Estee know about hypnosis.

I think Easty knows. Now I can do whatever I want with the results of the next screening.

In other words, safety devices are hung to prevent unwanted trouble.

To Bale Noah himself.

He has already laid a hole in the iron wall, which is supposed to be shaken with his legitimate skills.

Therefore, it is possible to reverse that there are no additional tests right now.

Karen doesn't know, but it's like she's already passed the exam.

Hooray for hypnosis.

But that's not what matters.

My purpose is not to be a candidate for a warrior. So I went to the examiner's office.

It doesn't mean anything when I ask you to help me pass the exam.

It only speeds up the time to break up with Karen.

So now I'm spending time with Karen to see how the situation goes.The Guild recognized him for catching Thin Wolfe.

It is not a matter of getting a pass for the exam now that only one Bale Noah has permission left.

Let's think about it.

What's the most annoying way to do it?

In what direction should I lead them to be the most enjoyable?

"Oppa, are you listening?"

"Oh? What?"

"Rich's countermeasures! We need tools to fight magic to get him. It's dangerous to face Rich's magic head-on."

"Do you use attack magic?"

"Yeah! I mean, I'll hold the shield this time. You can use a shield with high magical resistance. The physical defense is not good.

There's a lot of skeleton around Richie. We should be careful not to be surrounded. And, again, Skeleton Warrior...…."

Karen was already burning her heart toward her dream.

This is it. What do you want to do with this dream girl?

Make sure Karen is pregnant within the additional test period.

Catch Rich is not a must. It'll be dramatic if you catch it, but you can't risk it too much.

But the test results are adjusted to Karen's acceptance.

I don't let Karen realize that I was involved.

Karen will be a successful candidate for a warrior, and she will be considered a promising candidate for a warrior party with her pure passion.

That's where my stomach gets full.

Karen, who realized she was pregnant after feeling her tummy, would appear before me when she became irreversible.

With a lost look on his dream....

Whoo hoo hoo. Good. This is it.

"Very good."

"You think so, don't you?" Richie is vulnerable to physical attacks. I'll dig into your arms and attack you."

Karen clenched her fist tightly.

"I'm going to surprise the examiner!"

I'll make sure Karen gets pregnant!

"Karen, let's get ready for tomorrow."



At that time, Easty, who was still listening to the story, opened his mouth.

"Décal, Richie's dangerous. Noah said Rich is about the same level as Thin Wolf, but that's only half right."

"Half right?"

"Elder Rich said he could face a country. There's no rule that such a rich man will appear only in ancient ruins.

Richie is a demon that needs to be approached with great care just for his existence."

"You can call Estee."

"Wouldn't you understand what's going on?"

If you don't think it's true, you can hypnotize Karen and skip the course and get accepted by Noah.

Karen doesn't know that, so she's talking in a completely different direction.

If Richie was unexpectedly too strong, I don't think Noah would understand.

It's a problem even if you understand.

Then it's an additional test. I don't like that.

"What I taught Decal is not wind magic. Spirit of the Wind. In open open open open fields and forests, the effects of spirit are maximized.

Dungeon is different. It's the most free spirit of the wind, so you can hardly use your power indoors."

"Does that mean you can't even call Estee when you're in danger?"

"Yes, I can't go save Darling. That alone makes me nervous."


Estee's concern is reasonable.

The black forest went with confidence, but it ended up happening.

Is there any good way? You can have s*x with Karen in a relaxed way, and you can make a situation where you can say it's for the sake of selecting a warrior.

When I shut my mouth, Easty said.

"I know you said it unilaterally. But…."

Eastie was speechless.

"I know. You're worried about me, aren't you?"


"You're here to think about what to do with it, aren't you? There's nothing hard to think about."

I don't think I can think of any good ideas.

"Let's train. Brother.

Karen suddenly brought it up.


"Raise the level!"

Oh, this is how the flow goes.

It raises the level so that you can catch the rich. It's the standard.

But... is it that easy?

I checked the stator after a long time.

Name : Decal

Lv : 129


[HP] 6877/6877

[MP] 8871/8871

Ability value

Strength 556 demonpower 787 stamina 551 agility 501

Belleira's protection, "Jin."

"The protection of the power that controls fire among the element properties. Only the true understanding of the goddess can receive this protection."

(Fire damage immunity, increased power of fire, increased proficiency in all skills.)

a goddess's agentCommunicate in all languages and read all texts. It's the right to cross the world, and it's the proof of God's mercy."

(Increases skill acquisition rate, increases experience value, multipliers applied by 5x)

Spirit of the Wind.

"It is called the freest spirit, and it changes the flow of the atmosphere and follows the wind."


Fire Ball (★☆) - Medium Fire Magic with Strong Power. Burn the enemy.

Fire Inchant (★★★) - Magic that gives flame properties to everything.

Search (★★☆) - Technology to detect and analyze traces by carefully examining and observing them.

"My level is 129. What about Karen?


"Esty, what do we need to catch to raise our level quickly?"

"Minotaurus, Skeleton Warrior.

It'll probably go up to 150."

"I think it's dangerous to fight them."

Eastie nodded silently.

Even if you raise your level with Easty again, Karen's level is still.

Being dangerous doesn't change much.

However, Karen's direction to raise the level does not seem to be wrong.

Rather, that's the best way.

Being strong and overcoming.

We also ate meat without a word for a while. Then Easty brought it up.

"If you're thinking of going to Dungeon, I hope at least two people can get out of a dangerous situation."

"Do you mean that even if you can't win a fight, you have to be good at running away?"

"It's similar. So I'll teach you two my Unique Skill, Leap Space.""

"Well, really?"

Karen jumped up.

People in the restaurant are paying attention.

"Because Karen protected Darling. This is in return."

"E.L.F.'s Unique Skill...It's a valuable skill that you can't learn no matter how much money you accumulate...!"

I glanced at Easty.

"Is she all right? But."

"Originally, if Darling was aiming for a warrior candidate, he would have taught me before I went to the Black Forest.

But it takes time to learn."

"Time? How long?"

"Usually, three years."

Even though it's a unique skill, it's hard to train for such a long time.

"However, if I stand by and help with the spirit of the wind, I can dramatically reduce my training time.

It would take a week for two people to use it in a very critical situation."

"A week."

Karen twinkled her eyes.

"I would have learned it even if it took me three years. Easty!"

"It's not to be called a substitute, but you have to protect Darling when I'm not around."

"That's my job. Trust me!"

Whether he liked Karen's cool attitude, Easty smiled slightly.

It's a good atmosphere. Do you want me to push your back a little bit?

"Now that we're learning our skills, why don't we talk comfortably to each other? Is she good for you, too."

Eastie nodded her head.

"We're friends from today. Two people."

"Friend? That's...."

'That's not true,' Karen came in to Easty, who was about to say.

"Esty! Thank you!"


Karen's honesty is straightforward enough to be compared to a headbutter.

Such childlike innocence seemed to have helped to open up Easty's hard posture.

The two seemed to be able to be quite compatible friends.

Estee embarrassed by the pure favor, Karen, who is not shy and honest.

"I'll learn hard!"

"Of course, it's Elf's skill."

Looking at the two, I thought of a pleased smile.

Come to think of it, I realized that my problem was solved.

"I'm going to give you a special lesson."

I had a pleasant thought.

Pregnant s*x with Karen. You don't have to play dirty in the dungeon, do you?

We were able to be together for a long time under the pretext of special training.

"Esty, why don't we do it at the Eight Colored Shell Castle?"

"Yeah. I think that's good, too. There's no distraction, there's no room."

"Five-colored shell castles?"

Karen tilted her head as if she could see it.

"Karen, look at this."


I flicked my finger, making Karen trans.

Isti watches with no expression while eating yum yum meat.

"s*x is a must for special lessons."

"Phil, Sue..."

"You have to have s*x with me sincerely and get pregnant."

"s*x with your brother...."


I'm already happy.


Eastie frowned uncomfortably.

Oh, was that too obvious?

"You didn't want to talk about this at dinner, did you?"

Eastie looked at me gently and said,

"Darling's baby, I want to get pregnant first."Unexpected words hit my heart.

I barely hold onto my trembling heart and say it.

"You wrapped it inside like that, wouldn't you have done it earlier?"

"According to the ancestors, the Elves are less likely to get pregnant."

"i. You want me to make sure I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, a lot."

"Hmm. How about taking turns?"

Put Karen to sleep in a trans state and seriously discuss with Easty who will get pregnant first.

While talking, I wonder what the situation is.

But Estee and I were serious.

"First, if you want to be pissed off... Are you too greedy?"

"Not at all. Do you have anything else to ask?"


Estee clenched her hand on her lap and took courage to say.

"When you're sick and tired of it, say I love you.."


"Two, two!"

What do you mean twice?

I can say I love you 10 times and 100 times.

How many times did you say your favorite word?


I woke Karen up with a clap.

"Karen, where were we?"

"What's an eight-colored shell castle?"

"It's my place. It's not a distraction, it's a big, nice place. Let's do special lessons there for a week."


Karen smiled brightly, revealing her white teeth.

"I'm going to do my best, learn Easty's Unique Skills, have s*x with my brother and get pregnant. "Huh? What?"



Karen leans without noticing the sense of incompatibility.

Easty, who was looking still, said.

"Karen, it's also an important element of special training to see who gets pregnant with Darling's semen first."

"You and Estee are lovers. But if my brother is jealous of me, I don't hate Estee...?"

"It's okay. Darling's feeling is more important to me. Darling wants to do that."

"So with the receptionist...…."

I can feel it. Karen's mind is dissonant, too.

As if all the other things were sucked into the distortedness of strong gravity.

Common sense changes to meet ridiculous suggestions, and you don't realize that you're strange.

Powerful hypnosis.

"…now I know."

If Easty is devoted and loving, what would Karen be like?

"I'm going to work hard with you, get pregnant, and then I'm going to be a brave candidate!"

Karen declared confidently.

You're gonna put all your effort into having s*x with me.

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