The main hall on the first floor of the eight-colored shell castle.

Bella was sitting on the roof.

"Master, why are you alone today?"

"I'm taking a rest with my party at the castle, and I've been here to ask if the clams are safe. ……But you're always waiting for me on your left?"

Bella grinned.

"That's a ridiculous question. Did you forget that my specialty is dimension magic? I feel the master coming, and I quickly come to the throne. I'm a slave to welcome my master home."

Bella had a new beginning, disappearing or appearing suddenly like Isty.

If Easty is the owner of a spirit that crosses space, Bella is a god who interferes with other worlds and other dimensions.

The more I imagine, the cuter I am to see such a god become a slave and move quickly to greet me.

"Is the clam safe? What a trivial concern. Did you forget who made those shells?"

"Who made it?"


"My hobby is collecting clams, so I thought I got this somewhere."

"You're right. It's just a convenience modification with one function or another. You already know that you can get a glimpse of the world where the master is, right?"

"I know."

It was when the body of Thin Wolf was moved that he realized its function clearly.

In order to move the wolf's body, which I couldn't move by my own strength, I had to first move to the eight-colored shell castle, then look at the table outside and move it exactly.

And it didn't make a lot of sense.

"Do you mean that if someone with malice does something wrong, they can go outside and respond?"

"And I can't do any damage. I put a protective spell on the eight-colored clams."

It's Bella's magic. That's a relief.

Just now, it has been confirmed that ordinary people cannot break clams.

"Also, you need permission to interact with the colorful clams. I and my master are the only ones who have that authority now."

"Do you even recognize users? I didn't know that."

It's convenient, right?

"But it's an item, so I can carry it with me. If someone moves you, you can go somewhere you don't want."

"Yes, you can't get out of the castle if you throw it in the sea or something."

"Have you ever opened an eight-colored clam?"

"Do you know?"

"There's got to be a lot of pearls in the clam. If you use pearls, you can broaden your horizons or move to the place where pearls are located."


"Then bring the eight-colored clams to the locker I gave you and you can pick them up wherever they are."

"That's great."

"Of course! Someone made it."

Bella stretched her chest out and said proudly.

"If you put that pearl in the women's bathroom, the women's bath, or the woman's room that I like, you can lie in the castle and sneak a peek, right?"


That's amazing. Isn't it a hidden camera pearl?

Bella stared at me with cold eyes.

"Master, I'm so offended. It's disgusting."

"It's different because it's an artifact that God made himself! I also like the fact that I can only watch secretly by myself who has permission to use it. Let's keep this a secret between us.

I'll give it to women, and I'll appreciate it."

"Thanks for recognizing the difference in price. You're such a slut, aren't you?

Hypnosis can only be used for perversion."

"What do you not know? Hypnosis is the best way to use it for flirting."


Until now, I have focused only on the functions of the eight-colored clam, but I have never thought deeply about the functions of the king's eight-colored clam.

The best thing about this clam is that it is made around the user's convenience.

"Is there a real manual or something? I don't want to read the manual, but I want to read it carefully."

"Can you believe it? I didn't make it for anyone in the first place.

There are countless functions that have been tested and neglected for hundreds of years, so I don't know everything either.

I just remembered "Pearl Pearl"...…."

"Hmm. That was your hobby."

"It's exactly my hobby to collect clams. All the shells on the front shore are my collection."

I see. Bella took care of every little detail of the seashells.

Did you say this world was torn apart? The sea must have been cut off somewhere, so the ecosystem cannot be normal.At first, I was wondering what kind of shell they gave me, but it was really Bella's treasure.

"Collect what you like. I think it's a good hobby."

"Can you not treat me like I'm collecting girls?"

"It's similar, isn't it?"

"Huh, who's your favorite woman? Then?"


Hmm……. It's hard to decide.

"It's different from time to time. I liked the new girls I met today."

Tilia and Diana. Both of them were pretty.

It's a lie to say that you're not looking forward to "Brave School."

We haven't decided whether to put it in the eight-colored shell castle or throw it away while playing with it.

"Oh, I shouldn't have been doing this."

I called in the menu.

"Bella, prepare dinner. I'll bring three people."

"Okay, master."

"Keep it a secret that if you have a pearl, I can sneak a peek!"


Bella sighed deeply.

"I feel sorry for the women who will suffer from your perversity."

I approached Bella and grabbed her cheek with my finger.


I look at him as if I'm doing something, but I don't refuse.

That was the cute thing about Bella. In the goddess Stance, who spits out harsh words, the fact that she is always ready to give in.

Bella opened her chin and put her finger in her mouth to pick up her tongue.


When I held my tongue and stayed still, Bella's saliva flowed down her finger.

"That's when you said you were different from the woman you cared about. I like you the most now."


After I let go of my hand, I hugged Bella gently and slapped her on the butt.

Bella, with a flushed face, said with a look of resentment somewhere.

"……okay, okay. Master, I'll keep it a secret."


After kissing Bella, who gave in, I returned to the original world.

Karen and Easty were talking about something.

"Oh, brother!"

"What were you talking about?"

"Oh, we were talking about which order to turn the lights on if you had to keep the clams."

"Then we'll have to talk about it. I'm on my way to confirm that the goddess's protective magic is at stake."


Karen admired.

"You don't have to be vigilant when you're in the middle of the night. And a warm bath and a comfortable bed...…. I love it!"

"Where did Noah go?"

"Mr. Decal, you're here."

Noah appeared from behind me.


"I'm sorry to have surprised you. Because my clothes are designed to stay out of sight at night...…."

"What did you talk about with the demonmen?"

"I'm on my way home with caution because I'm curious and I think my people can approach it."

I think he told me not to approach the carriage at night.

The demonman looked quite frightened.

"Didn't you scare me too much?"

"No, there's a reason why the demonmen are scared."

"Are you separate?"


As Noah hesitated about how to say it, Karen boldly said.

"So did I! You didn't forget you risked your demonman's life during the duel, did you?"


That's what Tilia said.

They're asking if we don't need to discuss it with the demonmen.

I said I'd chew and give you my neck if the demonmen ran away.

"What happened today was an unbearable event for the average person.

The stranglehold, the duel with the noble family, and the sight of Decal punishing Miss Dian. It was a very shocking incident."

Now I know what Noah is trying to say.

It was not Noah but me that the demonman was afraid of.

Distracted adventurer! Decal. Hahaha.

"Just thinking about you, I didn't care how others would see it. How do you think this will affect you?"

"Duel is a hot topic, and if you know what Dianna's done, the whole castle will soon be rumored.

Vanguard will try to keep his teeth in, but it will be useless. Dekal's name, we'll know everything in two days."


"Oppa, I don't think it's a laughing matter...…."

"I agree. I have a hunch that it will be more difficult to protect Decal."

"It's fun to think about what kind of expression Diana has."

Should I wear a blanket because I'm embarrassed?

Or maybe I'm chewing my lips to bleed out, chewing my anger and hatred towards me?

"Noah, do you have a reward for the demonmen for this? How long?"

"It's 25 gold for each of the three."I put most of my money, 100 gold, in a gold coin pocket and handed it to Noah.

"Dekal, what about this?"

"Additional remuneration for hard work. Give it to them properly."


Noah accepted my money and went to the demonmen.

After applying some money, the demonmen's expression became much brighter.

Money is the best way to be generous, isn't it?

"Thank you!"

A demonman, who didn't even know his name, shouted at this side and bowed his head.

I waved and waited for Noah to come.

"How was it?"

"Everyone was very happy. Don't you use hypnosis at times like this?"

"Yes, it's annoying."

She's not a pretty girl.

Hypnosis itself means that they care, but honestly, they don't care about their names or faces.

But giving is meaningful.

"I'm short of money, so I don't have any trouble.

Most of all, if they go to town and tell me a good story, I don't need to hypnotize them, and hundreds and thousands of people will know about my spending.

Then there's no difficulty in collecting because we need people."

"Oppa, you're smart!"

"……if you hadn't turned your noble family to the enemy, you'd be right."

"The trick is to do it and see it. Remember that."

Noah laughed.

"Oh, Noah laughed."

"I think I know more and more what it means to serve you."

"Oh, I have a gift for you."

I opened a big eight-colored clam.

Inside it was a disgusting pile of eight-colored pearls.

Even in the light of the moon, I wondered if it was shining brightly in a dazzling container.

I pick one of those pearls and drop it on the floor of the carriage.

I handed one each to three people.

"What is this? Darling."

"Five-colored pearls. You can move to where the pearls are when you get back from the castle of clams.

It's an emergency measure in case someone moved clams while we were in the castle. Everyone has one."

"That's what it's...… that's convenient."

"There's a lot, so if you lose it, ask for another one."

"Sparkling pretty."

Karen looked for a long time and liked it.

I closed the eight-colored clams tightly.

"Noah, can you hit the clams with a weapon? With the thought of breaking it."

"Are you going to be all right?"

"I'm here to hear that Goddess's protective magic is at stake.

It's just a simple verification procedure."

"Goddess Protection Magic..."…. I see. I can also feel safe if I check if I don't have to be wary."

There is a shadow on Noah's hand.

The shadows stretched up to the elbow, forming the shape of a whole wave.

It was the moment to confirm that Noah's weapon was not carried around like Easter.

Is it a strong personality trait?

Noah moved his wrist to rotate the Tongpa.

"Will you step back for a moment?"

I took a few steps back with Karen and Estee.

The number of rotations of the Tongpa continues to rise. Noah stood calmly waiting for the right time, then hit the shell with a full blast.

The motion itself is simple. It just pushes the maximum centrifugal force of the Tongpa from top to bottom.

But the movement, it was completely invisible.

It wasn't until the clam hit that I knew it moved.

A dull sound rang out as if hitting the fortress wall with a torch. I can't believe it, but the shock caused some wind pressure.

The skin is numb as if it were lightly electrocuted.

I felt invisible power, which shows that it is a great attack skill if I explain it by mouth or by looking at it in person.

The place where the king's eight-colored clams were located was dented.

However, there was no scratch on the clam.


"What do you think? Noah."

"It's hard as if it's not the stuff of the world."

Eastie nodded her head.

"If it was Noah's attack, at least Misrill would have been broken."

…...what is a missreel? The one in the game?

I'm the only one who doesn't know how firm it is. Is it about steel? Harder than that, right?

"Bella said, the clams themselves seem to have been collected in a normal.

The level of protection magic at stake must be high."

"The price is different."

"……This is the power of the goddess."

Whether there was an element that caught the interest of the strong, Noah and Easty nodded down at the clam together.

"The safety check must be over. Let's go rest now."


Karen answered vigorously.

We all moved to the Eight Colored Shell Castle together.

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