Karen almost fainted, but it was the right warm-up exercise for me.

I am sweating happily and my heart is pounding.

I came out of the inn, stretched out, and waited for Karen and Easty to come out.

"Darling, let's go."

Estee opened the inn door and came out.

Behind, Karen stood with a shy face.

"Karen, are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I can move. ……I'm sorry, brother."

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who lost my mind."

"………because I begged my brother to keep me going. Don't you remember?

I think so too.

"Gi, as long as you don't remember! You don't have to think about it!"

Karen looked pretty messy, so she hurriedly surrounded her.

"Esty, you know the location of this inn, Noah?"

"Yes, I told you before we broke up. ……and Noah seemed to know."

……I don't think Noah would be strange even if he knew.

"Shall we hurry before we go to bed?"


Karen held my hand together.

We followed Easty's guidance and went to the wall-blocked streets with sections, luxury residential areas.

As I got closer to the castle, the slope became steep, so I climbed the stairs a little bit and ran into the guards blocking the door.

As soon as they saw Easty, they talked among themselves and hurriedly opened the door.

Eastie doesn't even care and flies by.

We were going along, but the guards came out and blocked Karen.

"Stop. No one can enter from here."

"It's my party."

Easty looked back and said,

"Excuse me!"

Then the guards jerked around and backed away.

It made me think about what Easty was like in the kingdom.

Karen also told me if she felt anything, so I could hear her.

"Estie is great. Many people remember what Estee did."

"Why not?"

It was a pure admiration from the heart.

High-end residential districts are people of noble birth, according to their impressions. It seemed to be a space where privileged humans lived.

When I see people walking on the street, they are all dressed up and there is no one intimidated.

There were many people who pretended to be aristocrats like Diana.

Some of them would make a lot of noise if they hit their shoulders.

When I thought I had walked quite a bit, I could finally see the big building I had seen from the carriage.

"Here you go.

said Easty.

"Brave candidate development management agency. Melbritt, commonly referred to as "Brave School."

Melbrit was a magnificent building like a cathedral.

There were several buildings that made up Melbrit beyond the magnificent light tan walls like the walls.

The one at the end of the main street looked like the main building, and the other building looked like a dormitory where students stayed.

"Do the candidates stay in school?"

"Yes, I live in a dormitory and get evaluated for all my lifestyle."

Ugh. I can't breathe just by listening to it.

But it's okay. There's no place where hypnosis works as well as a school facility.

The population density is high, everything is done through people, and all facilities are concentrated in a relatively close proximity.

If there's a place where we live and sleep together, it's icing on the cake.

It's like my bedroom.

If you decide, you can hypnotize every woman in Melbrit within three days.

It seems like an unfair game of rules, but it is not without elements that will be game over.

A warrior and a goddess.

When they recognize me as an enemy in their first encounter, a lot of unfavorable things happen.

The key is to approach things carefully without making a big deal.

In an emergency, Bella decided to break in, but it is best not to make Bella do anything possible.

Large tasks such as "hypnosis of all students" are done when they are completely safe.

Before that, let's pursue small pleasures...….

"There are so many people."

As Easty said, the front of the school is full of doors.

Everyone was young or young, and there were already several people in Melbritt's uniform.

Wait. I think I've seen you somewhere.

"Some people take the regular entrance exam.

I'm sure there's only one person who's achieved an emergency mission like Darling."

I guess so.

Including those who haven't arrived yet, the number will be further reduced.

So I didn't feel like a freshman, but I looked around to see if anyone had a unique look.

There is a woman who stands out.She is dressed like a monster witch living in a forest. He covered himself with a black cloth, which is no less than ragged, and he wore a long-brimmed hat deeply.

The hair grows to the length and reaches to the ankle. Are you a ghost?

I don't even know her face, but I thought she might be quite a beauty.

Other people...… skip men for now.

"Oppa, what are you looking at so hard at? Let's go."

"Don't you think you've seen Melbritt's uniform somewhere?"

"Melbritt's uniform?"

Karen looks closely, too.

"Oh, it's the same thing as the blonde girl I met at Bordeaux Dungeon."


That's right!

Before us, Richie...The blonde woman who knocked down the skeleton boss, not ….

Do you think they have it's here?

"Do all the candidates wear that? It's so pretty."

Karen deserved to say that.

Melbritt's women's uniform was complete with a white color reminiscent of the naval conquest, a short skirt, and a black over-nixx over the knee.

There were also quite a few candidates wearing black blazer coats engraved on Melbrit's chest with gold embroidery.

If Karen wears that...…that must be great.

The top that can't handle the chest volume is going to explode, right?

Underneath the skirt, you can see your legs. Oh, I can't stop imagining joyfully.

"Oh, Noah!"

Then Karen found Noah and waved her hand.

Noah recognized this side and came closer.

"You're all here. I've been waiting a step ahead."

"How'd you do with your job in the executive branch?"

"Yes, I'm on my way to cover the events in a dry village. I also returned an artifact that solves the brainwashing magic."

Oh, that happened.

I think he was considerate so that there would be no noise later.

"I think you'll be able to stay quiet until it's known that you've dueled with the Vanguard family."

I'm willing to endure it.

"Décal, how do you feel about seeing Melbrit?"

"I like their uniforms. It's not for me to wear."

Noah smiled softly.

"That's what I thought Decal would say. However, please be careful enough.

The most strictly prohibited thing in Melbrit is "rational dating.""


This is what I expected.

It was rather good because you wouldn't see another man having s*x except me.

The rule doesn't tie me up. Noah must have been well aware of the fact.

"I think you're ready.

The man over there is a test tube. I've talked about you two in advance."

"Is she gonna wait here?"

If I go to the test with Karen, what happens to Easty?

"I'm going to meet with Melbritt's committee."

"Décal, if you don't mind, leave it up to me. I'll help Miss Estee."

Noah first offered to help Easty.

There is no reason to refuse. Noah is trustworthy.

"Okay. She's not used to dealing with people, so take good care of her."


Estee hugged me.

"Darling. I'm sad to break up with you."

"We'll see each other again, what?"

I kissed Estee and said goodbye.

"See you at Melbritt. Darling."


Eastie didn't seem to think I was going to fall at all.

You have to live up to that expectation.

After Noah and Easty entered the front door of Melbritt, me and Karen were left.

"Shall we go?"


We approached the examiner.

The candidates gathered together were talking about something.

"You were just Lord Vale Noah of Iron Wall, weren't you?""

"Did you hear that? There's a man who caught "Sin Wolf.""

I think Noah has already talked about us.

"You're Dekal and Karen, right?"

The examiner looked at our faces and said.


"We've identified you as an emergency mission accomplisher. Please go inside."

Karen and I received a receipt from the examiner and followed the woman who was in charge to the inside of Melbrit.

However, it did not enter the main gate like Eastina Noah, but was guided to another entrance that walked along the outer wall for a long time.

There were quite a few aspiring students who were guided like us.

The number is about 40.

You're all aspiring, right? Why are we the only ones without uniforms?

"First, we'll have a combat capability test.

It will be reflected in Melbrit's ranking evaluation in the future, so please refer to it. First of all, 20 people, please come forward."

I walked forward with Karen."What are they?"

"I don't even have a uniform."

"You're an emergency mission accomplisher?"

"Let me check the previous ticket."

The optician carefully checked the ticket we gave her.

"You two are on emergency duty.You've made a contribution to treating "Sin Wolf" as a two-person party. The Inquisitor is Lord Vale Noah...…."

"Be, Bale noa?"

"The Inquisitor of the Iron Wall?"

Aspiring students are buzzing.

If they are mentioned together, the fact that they were judged by Noah is more noticeable than by Thin Wolf. That's great

I feel that Noah has a reputation as much as Easty.

"We can't move forward with pre-configured party members.

I'm sorry, but one person needs to stay."


Well, it's too obvious that we're party members.

If there is a task that can be easily accomplished by cooperating, it will definitely cooperate and be out of equity with other aspiring students.

It doesn't matter. I think Karen has the right skills.

"Karen, I'll go first."


It's rude of Karen to ask if it's okay in this case.

Ahn Kyung-nyeo checked and said 20 people who were composed first, including me.

"I'll show you to the test site. Please follow me."

Aspiring students walk like tails behind an optician.

I walked along slowly in the back.

Where is this place on the Mellbritt campus? After the long corridor, a large red-painted door welcomed us.

"After this door, there's a task waiting to test your ability."

The optician looked around us quietly and continued.

"Thank you for your hard work during the three-month exam period. I hope you have the right personality and skills to become a candidate for a warrior."

……is the regular route three months? Amazing.

I shouldn't ignore the kids here.

The optician bowed to us and laid her hand lightly on the door.

Then, the complex schematic drawn on the door emitted a subtle light and opened itself.

I moved forward first.

What? The playground?

The other side of the door was just outdoors. There is no roof, and the floor is covered with fine soil without gravel.

It is a square space made of a fixed width and width. It's not completely outdoors, but it's not indoor. Such an ambiguous composition.

On the opposite side or the wall that blocked the side, there was a black membrane, and a human shadow was seen there.

I knew right away that the shadows were people who looked at us and evaluated us.

That means something happens here.

While everyone came out to the center and looked, I quietly moved to the corner.

"See you again."

Someone suddenly talked to me from behind.

When I turned around in surprise, there was a face I had seen.

I don't know her name, but she is a blonde girl whom I met at Bordeaux Dungeon.

Karen and I were the boss of the Bordeaux dungeon.

"When have you been there?"

"I've been behind you all this time and time and time again."

I had no idea.

Even when we're all together.

I would've recognized you quickly if you had such a noticeable appearance.

"I'm Stia Harpe. You?"

"……Dekal. Adventurer."

What is it?

At that time, he snapped at me for being pathetic, but he was strangely favorable.

"Dekal, I saw it again. You did it after all. With that girl."


ah ah

Hearing that, I knew why the attitude was different from that time.

It's a guess, but Stia, who was upset when she saw Karen crying, might have kept that moment in mind.

Then you'd be so happy to see me and Karen.

It is clear that they think we overcame the frustration and followed Thin Wolf.

Then, of course, you will have a better impression of me.

Thin Wolf was caught earlier, and Stia can't even imagine what happened after that.

Anyway, this is an interesting relationship.

"Thanks to you, too. ……what we were able to come here."

Stia glistened her red eyes like jewels when she saw me.

"I thought there was only one pathetic adventurer...… Decal, there's a rare, serious person like you.

We can be good friends."

Stia reached out her hand.

"Take care of me, Decal."

I think this handshake means to be friends from now on.

There's no reason to refuse.

I held Stia's hand together.Then, I felt a fine echo of the ground. Stia immediately turned inward and pulled out the three swords from her waist.

"Decal, let's move together to accomplish the task. You can do it, right?"


It's not a "pre-conspiracy." It's possible.

They gladly accepted the idea that this might also be the subject of their evaluation.

The sound of the ground is getting intense. A big rock rose from the center.

"It's Golem.

Stia murmured.

========== Review of the work ==========

I'll add Stia's H-ste right away.

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