When I opened the door, Elin ran from the kitchen.

It's very cute because it's small and cute.

"Do you want me to prepare a meal for you? Or would you like to rest right away?"

I faced Karen.

"Can you eat more?"


"Please give me what I ate today."


Ellin rolled her eyes as if she were just checking who was around.

"Can't you tell me how you and I met? I'm just curious."


I accepted with pleasure.

Ellin bowed her head.

"Thank you. I'll be right back. Please wait inside."

Meeting with Istie...….

It hasn't been long, but I think it's been a long time. What should I say?

I can't tell you the truth, but if I tell an exaggerated lie, my tail will be stepped on.

After the meal, Elin joined in a cautious manner.

It would be rude to Ellin, but I felt like I was sitting my sister who was older than me, so I felt like I was eating with my family.

That dainty thing has the power to make people think it's like playing house from now on.

In fact, I would have believed it even if I said it was Estee's brother.

"I was surprised when I first saw you. I've known her for a long time, but...…."

"You hate people, don't you?"


"It was like that to me at first."

Although he did not openly express his disgust, Easty felt deep-rooted distrust in humans.

I had s*x with her that night.

"An adventurer and a diamond-rated hunter, we're supposed to be fine if we didn't even meet.

It happened to be the time to elect a warrior candidate, so I happened to meet him in a building inside the guild."

Two people blink and focus on my story.

……let's say Ellin is, but why would you go to a dumpster?

"What happened? Yee, did Estee slap your brother in the face?"

Why would I get slapped by a girl I've never seen before?

I thought that far, but I couldn't say it.

Because I remembered the face of the woman who slapped me on the cheek as soon as I met her.

"It wasn't, but it was a cold attitude. That's probably what Elin knows about Estee."

Elin nodded her head eagerly.

"I didn't give up because I fell in love at first sight. I kept hanging on and Easty accepted my heart."

"……the Eastie."

Ellin still seemed incredible.

I don't think so. It's hard to believe even if you say you were hypnotized.

This much is appropriate for a casual conversation during a meal.

"We were so compatible, we quickly became a loving couple."

"Harmony? What does that mean?"


I didn't answer on purpose.

Ellin mumbled and agonized, and suddenly flushed as if she had realized.


"Oh, I'd like to tell you how we got along...…. That's great. I can't say it."

"……Oppa, you're like an old man."

Elin even lowered her head red to her ears.

Well, if you do this, you won't be able to ask me in detail and imagine it on your own.

"Isty is such a...Well, can I have a boyfriend like Mr. Decal?"


I looked at Ellin gently and pretended to be lost in thought.

Elin shrugged her shoulders as if she had a sense of qualification.

"I'm a little boy, small-bodied...…. I'm not attractive as a woman."

"That's not true. Being cute is also a great attraction!"

Karen said firmly.

That's true. Ellin is seriously cute.

"I think she's attractive, too. All you have to do is prepare well."

I suggested a suggestive remark.

"Jun, Rain... I see."


Karen tilted.

"You know Karen, right? Right?


Ellin hesitated, and then she got close to Karen's ear and whispered.

"What's that... Oh."

I think Karen realized it.

Ellin thought it was a disgrace, so she didn't tell me to hear it, but I can imagine the content.

Preparing for an anus s*x, which I embedded in her culture.

Maybe it was about that.

"Eh, that's right."

Karen spoke in an awkward way of acting.

"When you have someone you like, if you're not ready...…it's embarrassing."


Ellin looked determined.

"I think we should start today."

"What do you start?"

When I talked to her pretending not to know, Elin was in a hurry.

"But I can't tell Mr. Decal. It's a story only for women, right? Mr. Karen."

Karen nodded back.

Perhaps because of Karen's nature, who is not used to lying, guilt is dripping from her expression.

Haha. I shouldn't make you act.I'm glad Elin was easily fooled.

Well, unless you make some mistakes, it won't be easy to feel at odds.

Such things are only noticed by women who are really sensitive.

We tested many women before we moved on to this world, but more than we noticed.

There has never been a case in which hypnosis was nullified by self-defense.

It doesn't work for the devil. I don't know if all the creatures are like that, but they usually meet in basic hostile situations, so I've never tried to test them.

You never know.

If you meet a pretty circus, you might want to try it out.

I was naturally accepting the fact that hypnosis didn't work for the devil.

Come to think of it, I tried to try street cats or plants when I was young, but I never wondered that it didn't work.

It's natural that we can't communicate.

However, I don't think it's just a problem that doesn't work.

It worked when I suggested to the baby not to cry.

In short, my power covers the object.

There is one exception that did not work purely by the opponent's response.

Only when God shared his consciousness.

A clatter.

All the food in the bowl was empty before I knew it.

"Would you like more?"

I'm full now.

"I ate snacks before I came. It's okay."

Karen hadn't emptied her share yet.

"I'll at least get the car."

When Elin came down from the chair, someone opened the inn door.


As Ellin noticed earlier, I knew.

Estee is the only one who shows up with this refreshing wind.

Me and Karen got up and welcomed Estee.


Hug the coming Eastie.

"How was it?"

"It's so sudden that they seem surprised, but... No problem. First of all, I'm temporarily going in."


Isty and Karen alternated.

"What about you two?"

"Got it. No problem!"

Karen stretched out her chest and spoke with confidence.

"The guy who asked me if I could raise my level before I left today."

"Oh, you're mean."

Karen went on to mutter.

"My brother is encouraging me with his troubles...… because of him...What am I saying?"

It's lovely to see him glossing over whether he didn't think it was right.

"What about Noah?"

"He's got work to do, so he's gonna move. I want to see if there's any danger to Darling in Melbrit...…."


The Examiner of the Iron Wall began to work for me.

He was a strong ally in the current situation where he would face the gods of this world in what form.

I kissed Estee as it was.

Estee opened her mouth without avoiding it.

There must be no other customers anyway. Share a kiss by mixing your tongue thickly.

"Haum, woong, darling...Did you want to kiss me?"

You know how I feel with a kiss. It's amazing.

I ate an eyeglasses girl today, but I'm trying to keep my mouth clean so I don't have a stomachache.

Eastie is always pretty.

"Sit down. Let's go eat and rest."


After the three of us finished eating, we went to the eight-colored shell castle.

After taking a shower altogether, I lay down on a wide bed in the owner's room.

Oh, alone time.

Pretty peaceful.

I decided to lie down comfortably and use the eight-colored pearl function.

Woo clothes. Karen was changing into extra clothes. Blood is drawn to his extremities as he bends and his breasts shake.

Estee was drying her hair by calling the spirit of the wind in her underwear.

The eight-colored pearl was a much better item than I thought.

Like a smartphone, you can manipulate the screen and peek at two people in various compositions.

I watched Karen's wobbly milk in front of me.

Suddenly, I turn the point to wonder what Noah is doing.

Noah was still inside Melbritt. Is this a library? The scale is beyond imagination. There were only books until the end of the screen.

Noah was talking to someone there.

I jumped up when I saw it.

"Who is this woman...…?"

There was a constant thrill of mystery in my body.

Even though I've seen the same uniform dozens of times today, I think it's a completely different dress, so I don't have any disarray in my body.

The glossy black hair like Noah was turned high like a cloud and decorated in abundance.

She was a graceful beauty with such a revealing backside, slim jawline, and mysterious green eyes."Sia, what's wrong?"

The woman remained still and smiled softly at Noah.

"The warrior will visit Melbrit in a month."

I was awakened by the warrior talk.

Is this woman related to a warrior?

I quietly held my breath and focused on the two of them.


"Isn't that what you wanted to hear?"

"That's right."

I don't know what kind of conversation we had before that,

Noah admitted frankly.

"I'm not being sarcastic, but I was surprised. Lord Vale Noah of the Iron Wall is interested in something other than his duties."


Noah opened his mouth while still choosing his words.

"There was a big change in me. Now that I've found something more important than myself, I'm going to move for the rest of my life."

"You're a tough guy, but at Lord Vale Noah's request, you're willing to take your time."

"I'm glad."

"You know that, right? The warrior is the one who bears the fate of the kingdom. There's only one thing that shouldn't happen to his body."

"Do you think I'm the one who's going to do such a rash thing?"


Xia smiled with her eyes as she put her lips on her fingers and made a gesture to be careful of what she said.

"I don't know who's listening to this…""

I felt a prick.

Don't tell me you're telling me to listen...….

"……Yes, I'll be careful."

Noah didn't panic in front of Xia because he didn't know I was peeking.

Even if Noah was aware of the fact, he is not a person who will reveal his agitation in vain.

Apart from that, however, I felt that I could not look down on a woman named Shia.

Stia, Diana. It's different from women who I can fool unilaterally.

Words cannot explain, but there was a strange sense of incompatibility.

I turned off the peek window when I saw Xia moving away.

I feel weird.

I just came to this school because the warrior is a woman...….

I think we can have a more dirty and pleasant s*x.

But why?

I don't know why I feel like I missed something important.

While agonizing over it, he fell asleep and opened his eyes as the sun poured into the castle owner's room.

"Shall we go…."

I washed up in the bathhouse and changed into an extra suit.

What's everyone doing?

He ran into Noah in the hallway while trying to check the location of the three with a peek window.

"Good morning, Mr. Decal."

"Yes, good morning. By the way, how did you get into the castle without my help?"

"The eight-colored pearls were able to come in by reacting with clams. Could you not have done that?"

"I was just curious."

Bella was just passing through the hallway.



Bella walked leisurely this way.

"Isn't it coming fast when the master calls you?"

Slaves run only then.

"If you have a pearl, can anyone come into the castle?"

"From the morning..."Were you going to ask me that? No, only those who come in with the owner can do it once."

"You can use it like a pass."

This is convenient.

I fell asleep and I almost fell asleep at Noah's Cheap Inn...… No, the Elf's shelter is not cheap, but I thought they let him sleep in a relatively uncomfortable place.

"I didn't tell you when I'd be back, because I came back at dawn...… I'm glad you slept well."

"What did you do yesterday?"

"It's like a husband with a wife. Whoo."

Bella is booing.

"Bella, do a hundred squats."


"I was just... just curious."

In fact, it's hard to say that Xia is bothered.

Noah didn't show his face under the blindfold and opened his mouth.

"I met with the student president of Melbrit yesterday and talked to him.

Your visit to Melbrit was a month later, and I ended the story by saying that you could get a chance to have a private conversation."

"Student president. There's that, too."

"Yes, but it seems better not to approach her."

"How come?"

Noah's sense of smell seems to have been triggered. Did he feel the same sense of incompatibility as me?

"Yesterday, I selected three characters in Melbrit that could pose a threat to you.

Sia is one of them. The reason is…… I'm embarrassed, but I don't know what she's thinking."She would have wondered if she had never seen what kind of person she was.

However, I naturally understood it because I saw it through the peek window.

She is a woman with many riddles.

"There was a time when the warrior, I, and Sia were educated together in Melbritt."

"Oh, you're a classmate?"

"Same school with a warrior...…. I wouldn't dare say that, but……."

How great is a woman called the warrior that Noah lowers himself like this?

On the contrary, I got curious.

"When you were in Melbrit, Melbrit was, of course, in his golden days.

Among them, Sia was said to be a select person, but for what reason, she chose to stay at school."

"That's strange……. There are only a handful of screenings. Isn't that the opportunity everyone wants?"

"It's not uncommon for Sia to refuse to join a warrior's party after being selected, but she was very close to him.

Everyone wondered about the decision. Since then, I have thought that no one in Melbritt has ever known what Sia is thinking, perhaps her true intention."



I followed the warrior, and I was selected, but I left the warrior behind and stayed at school.…?

What the hell is this?

"What about the other two? ……Bella, don't you take care of your face?"

Bella lowered her butt with a smile around her mouth, cursing at me with her eyes.

"There are two people in Melbrit who are considered to be the next selectors. No. 1 Herka Filiotte and No. 2 Neris Leeke."

"Are they both women?"



Noah was silent for a moment.

"……Yes, Mr. Decal. Now I'm talking about a person who will be a threat."

"…...sorry, this was just conditionally reflexive. Keep telling me."

"At the age of the terms, Miss Herka is the strongest wizard in the kingdom and a diamond-rated wizard."

Wow. It's short and impressive.

Diamond Ranked No. 1st...How faithful did you live at an early age?

"Miss Neris is a jockey who is considered a once-a-thousand-year rider, and she is also a diamond-class."

"Chang Ki-byeong..." Wait. I know the wizard, but why the changer? Sounds like a good prey for hypnosis."

"The Lychee family has a great deal of magical resistance artifacts.

Ms. Neris grew up with a magical immune system since she was a child, so most magic is nullified just by touching it."


I see.

You might have the means to fight hypnosis?

"I don't doubt your ability. However, Miss Herka is a specialist who has acquired all kinds of magical knowledge of the world's.

The Riche family has spent hundreds of years blocking magic. There's nothing good about being careless."

"You need to be careful, right? All right."

I remembered everything.

All that's left is the real game.

The pleasant thought didn't stop.

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