I can only have iron available to me even if I want to restrain myself in the ingredients of the pool.

I have no choice but to make a large pool out of iron and polish it all over.

Sounds tough, but at the point of putting Chiara in, I polish her to make sure she doesn't get hurt and also lose the slightest crisp.

Keep all corners round and safe.

The exterior shape was easy to make, but it's hard to polish. There is no sandpaper or grinding wheel, so I substitute it with sand or rock or iron there,

Iron can be manipulated with gold, but the sand and rocks are hard.

Even though it's just a golden manipulation that eats magic fools, manipulating sand and rocks consumes many more times more magic.

Great for training, but this is tough.

And it doesn't get clean inside.

I used to mirror the bottom of an iron plate for flying, but it's over a hundred times larger than that.

The shape is also more complicated than that, so I'm struggling.

By the way, the size is ten meils across, fifteen meils vertically, three steps deep, half a meil, one meil, one and a half.

Continued polishing For two weeks, the surface was smooth, although not a mirror finish.

I can safely put Chiara in this.

Come on. Let's get Chiara.

"Stay in the car, what is this?

"Ha-ha-ha, I made it for Chiara. Say pool, only princesses like Chiara can get in.

"You're always in the car, but not like that one?

"Of course not. That's a lot bigger than that, right?

"Really. Big."

"Come on, Chiara, get in there with your clothes on. Let's not swim and play in the water today. Don't go that way from here.

"Mizu Asobi-? What are you gonna do?

"It's easy. Just bash the water. So much so."

That's what I say. I water Chiara.

"Haha - funny. I'll do it too.

Chiara says so, moving her hands and feet butterfly and sprinkling water.

I try to move my short hands and feet so hard to water me, but the water can only bounce on top.

What a cute one.

"That's good. That's good. That's Chiara, come more.

"Funny! More if you're in the car!

All right, then I'll show you something interesting.

"Water Polo"

Create a bunch of Chiara's head-sized water balloons and try to circle them like balls.

"What do you say - it's amazing.

"Wow! What's going on? Looks like your water's alive!

"Heh heh. This is magic. You can ask your mother if Chiara wants to do it, too.

"I want to do it, I want to! Please!

Until the sun went down, Chiara and I were interested in playing in the water.

I was curious because I hadn't heard that Chiara was almost three years old and had begun her magical archery. Now you would have shown interest in magic as well. My mother must do well after that.

You can't teach me magic.

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