Six days after we left, we were still normal. We make them on the usual schedule, we hunt, we eat rice. So as usual, I'll make a week's worth of numbers and get it done. I've figured out how to make it efficient, but I don't need to do that until I don't have to.

I've vacated my house once before for quite a while, and it's reactively enough for everyone that your father travels a bit. Nothing to worry about, especially if I do it.

On the morning of the day of delivery, after loading the delivery as usual, pack your favorite hammer, dried meat just in case, cloth cut instead of bandage (once boiled and disinfected) in your favorite backpack and prepare for departure after delivery. One street holds the other...... in the previous world it comes with chin, ash and macra. That being said, the levels are very different. And then there's the Gala issue, which I hope we can negotiate directly with Marius over there.

Head to the city as usual. Proceed with full vigilance in the woods and in the streets. I was able to get to Camilo's store without anything in particular. Noteworthy things don't happen every time (as often as I said when I run into deer and pigs but they run away over there right away, this one avoids them, and meets the caravan in the streets), but saying this is something that causes problems as soon as I fail to be vigilant, so I can't fail to be vigilant at any time.

Basically as usual even after we arrived at Camilo's shop. It's about confirming the delivery and confirming the purchase, but since I'm not going away and coming to the next delivery this time, it's a big difference that the purchase will be for two weeks instead of one. When the whole exchange is over, we're finally leaving. There will be another time about horses and clay. Probably as early as two weeks from now. I don't care what you get now. As for the clay stock, he says to make it with a knife main, so he will manage, and he says just a knife in case it goes away.

"Shall we go then?

Camilo urges me to finish the conversation.

"Right. Shall we go?

Everyone leaves the room and goes to the warehouse. In front of our loaded luggage, Camilo's shop carriage left two horses in front and our luggage car connected behind.

"I'll pull in our carriage on the way. I'll put my stuff there on the way home from the capital, so you'll be fine with this.

and so I decided not to hesitate to sweeten it to your words. We all got into our own luggage. The coupling carriage leaves in no time. Swinging with gutter, relax through the city with a much higher gaze than usual. I guess it's not so much speed yet because it's heavy, but because it's still all over the city, speeding would be dangerous.

"I knew it would be convenient for a horse to tow me.

"That's right.

When I said that as I relaxed and watched the changing township, Rike returned it. After I told Camilo that I was going to procure a horse, he thought you'd forgotten your man if you said so, and Rike could handle it somewhat. He used a carriage the size of which was there when he went to deliver it in his parents' workshop, and occasionally Rike did. They also looked after horses at home.

On second thought, if more than one family had a blacksmith job in total, delivery would be quite a few, so it would be inefficient for us to pull our own luggage no matter how powerful Dwarves are. It is natural to use a carriage. So for now, I don't think I have to rush for the first time if the horse is coming.

Waving and greeting the face-to-face guard as he left the city, he also waved at me over there. Still not Halvard today, but probably haven't gotten around to much over here about the Crusade Squad. Together, I just want to actively cooperate so that I can just come home with my cat on.

The speed of the carriage increases when you go out onto the street. There are no sudden curves, so it's faster than I thought. Quite a bit faster than walking, at least.

I was wondering if the load was fast because it was mostly just me (and Deanna) when I rode back from the capital before, but even if it was pretty heavy than that, it seems to be able to go faster without a relationship. You won't be able to get this speed out in the woods, but it will still be easier and faster. I should have introduced it sooner.

We arrived at the forest entrance quite a bit earlier than usual. I'll say goodbye to our faces once here. When I double-check about the next week or so, I'll give you a light hug and "I'll be there". It's not even a lifetime goodbye. I got into Camilo's carriage, which separated our luggage, and looked back and everyone was dropping it off at the forest entrance, so I waved it off gently.

The horses, whose loads are much lighter to pull, run willingly down the streets towards the capital. When I came back from the capital, I had less luggage, so I stood one head, but this time I think it's faster than then because I stood two heads. The scenery I saw on the way home is somewhat exciting.

And then I entered the capital again, looking at the outer walls of the capital, which I thought I would never see again, and the mountains that swung like large walls once beyond it.

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