The first greeting to welcome Liddy was done, so we all decided to take the day off work and have a welcoming party.

Everyone was so dirty before that that I decided to get rid of the dirt first. I also feel kind of nostalgic about boiling water with this combination of magic.

Distribute boiling water to each of them and wipe their bodies in their own rooms to remove dirt. Liddy has his own room for visitors for a while.

Again, I'm the only man in my family who finishes wiping my body the soonest. Do you want to start preparing dinner for now?

I have a ten-day blank, but on the contrary, that's all I have, so my body remembers enough to move. I'm pretty sure it's just another story where my body moves half on its own and feels nostalgic.

The women were the first to come to the living room with Like and Liddy. The blacksmith job is pretty dirty, and it's sweaty.

"It's better for my parents to rest.

That's what Rike says.

"It's been a long time since I've had this, too, so let me do it.

and say no. I haven't done anything else to tire me just to travel today, and Rike was working properly, so I wish he'd rest for that.

"How about studying magic with Liddy. From now on, you can tell me all you want.

Liddy nods when she hears that. I thought you liked teaching people, but apparently that impression wasn't wrong.

Looks like Like couldn't resist the temptation either, starting with how to line up side-by-side at the living room table with Liddy to see the magic flow.

Look at that. I'm going back to dinner again. While I hope this kind of sight becomes a new always.

When I started preparing to make unfermented bread because the soup was finished, looking at the chilling living room, Thermia and Deanna are also back in the living room to join Lique and Liddy's study group.

Rike swallows best from what it feels like to be watching, next is Deanna, Thermia, etc.? I also feel that this is likely to be quite a difference in compatibility with racial magic.

Dinner was completed during that time, so we'll all line up at the table.

The boulder doesn't have the luxury of eating at Amur Mansion last night (though it seems to be quite qualitative because of the home style). I've had Liddy, too. It's a menu and flavor from Eizoo Workshop. Since it's a welcome party, I also act like a brandy with soaked fruit.

The welcoming party ended up being my expedition debrief, because the three of us wanted to hear it. The battle in the cave doesn't even have to be deceived by these three, so I honestly told them what I defeated.

How Liddy was supposed to come to us was also to be told in the course of the expedition report.

"Because we're here, too. Say anything.

I heard that. Deanna is telling Liddy with a crying face. Except for Liddy, Thermia is subtle, but I wonder if they're all here of their own free will. Liddy was the only one who had to come here with no choice.

"The only man is Eizo, and let's just take it easy.

"I think Thermia should learn some more sophistication.

Thermia and Lique are also encouraging Liddy. Like makes fun of the murky Thermia, Deanna makes fun of it, and Liddy is laughing at it as well.

The rest of my life is probably going to work. It's unfounded, but I could be so sure.

The next day, after a while I was able to sleep in my own bed, I went out to fetch water in a refreshing mood. The forest morning air feels good. When I came back from drawing water at the lake, Liddy was holding hands on the tree for magic.

"Morning, Liddy.

"Good morning.

At the welcoming party yesterday, I told Liddy I didn't need a salute, but it stayed that way because I meant "this is the vegan tone".

"Yesterday today, but if you have any anxiety about your life, tell me immediately.

"You're all kind, and I'm not anxious when I think about when I came before.

"Right. That's fine.

So back to each other's work again. I guess I'll be dealing with Liddy more at such a distance.

Finish your morning maneuvers and resume your blacksmith work today.

"And before that.

I took the statue of the goddess made during the expedition from my luggage during the expedition and dedicated it to the shrine. This time one more cohabitant (cohabiting god?). When I worship places like this, the atmosphere looks quite different.

"When did you make this?

Thermia tells me in a grumpy tone.

"On the way to the expedition. I had time.

"Parents, you can make these things, too.

"That's a lot of fun.

"I feel somewhat magical there.

They were all worshipped as they were because they were mouth-wateringly acclaimed by the women, but not disapproved.

Well, will you do your best today?

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