Now that the story has come together, I will tell you that the next time I will come back in two weeks with no other love.

"With that said, how about developing a suspension?

"Oh, so far nothing's happened that I need your help with. The prototype should be coming up by now.

"That's good. I come every two weeks, but don't hesitate to tell me if anything happens.

"Okay. Sorry."

"I mean fine.

So we left the business room and went back to Krull.

Pass the chip to the naive who was watching the kurl and reconnect the kurl to the luggage car and leave. I slowly proceeded all over the city, meeting with the guards and leaving the city.

Sometimes it was past the guard's replacement time before the Krull arrived, but as soon as the Krull arrived, he returned. I'm still stuck twice, but I'm out of town a lot faster than the time the guards take turns.

There's more to this neighborhood than just the Krulls. Thanks to you, I think I'll get enough time to go home.

Among the slightly heavier skies, a Krull dragon car continues along the following streets. It's a laid-back street view as usual.

"Nilda came out here before.

"You did.

Rike from your desk answers my words.

"I hope nothing comes up today.

"You can't lose your mind.

Thermia and Deanna are still vigilant with their eyes running all around them. I'm not distracted either, I'm paying attention to if there's any strange movement around or if I don't feel any signs. Liddy is not on martial arts alert, but he is on magical alert.

Because there is a certain amount of magic in this world, and yet it seems that those who are hands-on can use magic, so there is a small absolute number of people who can use magic, but there is still no guarantee that the bandits will not use it. Somehow there's a blacksmith who can use magic.

But nothing happened in the street this day after all. Probably because of the increased patrolling of the guards still in search of thieves and security. It is ironic, after all, that security is improving as a result.

Ask around and go into the woods. Dragon cars make flashy noises there, so they don't come near except curious animals, so it's usually more reassuring from here, but now that bears are roaming the neighborhood relatively, I can't get distracted.

The feeling of Krull and Thermia can be relied upon, but both are trustworthy due to their acuteness, so keep their vigilance in mind, me and Deanna's eyes, and Liddy's magic vigilance.

Sometimes even in the woods something like Tanuki never happened except when he showed his face, and he was able to get to the house safely.

I'll be there since I started this life, but I can't wipe the feeling that I'm being overly vigilant every time. Because I was in a country that was fairly secure globally in the previous world, the habit of thinking about things with that feeling remains.

Either way, I've been spending 40 and a few years with that feeling, so there's no way I can get out of there for a few months. I hope this is going to change as I live this second life in the future.

I'll get to the house and clean up all the stuff. Krull seems in a pretty good mood with his luggage. He was running around even after removing his gear.

I'm supposed to have some thoughtful time when I get home, but I exaggerate a little when I say that today is a meeting about my plans for the future... but it's time for discussion.

"I think it's time for a warehouse. I'm still fine now, but it's too late to build it after I need it.

Best of all, that's what I cut out.

"Right. If we start harvesting crops or something in the future, we need it, right?

"You also want to store as much charcoal and iron stone as possible.

Deanna and Lique seem to agree.

"I also think Atashi would rather have the space to leave leather and meat apart from the house.

"I have no objection either. There won't be a huge harvest on the scale of the field, but I don't think it's possible to store everything here.

Thermia and Liddy seem to have no objection either.

"So do we start building two warehouses tomorrow?

When I say that,

"Is adding a room a good idea?

Thermia's been mixing it up, so I'll make a tannic surface and answer that.

"We don't have any more families, so you don't want them?


I'm going to point my gaze at Deanna not trusting you completely. That is beyond Thermia to say, neither Like nor Liddy.

"It's true!

That's what I screamed, but the women...

"Well, let's make it when we can afford it.

"Well, that's good.

"No objection!


And he wouldn't listen to my words.

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