Go out into the garden with the spear thrower and throwing spear you just made. First, I'll throw the throwing spear as it is. I also get cheats for the battle there (they seem to be quite stronger than those people) so I need to think about that minus, but it will be enough as an indicator.

The garden… or the surrounding area of the house is quite large enough to secure 100 to 200 m. Otherwise, we can't practice bows, and we can't afford fields or space to build more.

The actual distance flown would be a good sight to see. If the time actually came to use it, there was no way to measure the distance and throw it with a laser rangefinder.

Grab a spear in a straight-up outfit and throw with just a little help. The record of the previous world's takeover is about 100 meters, but naturally there's no way I could throw that far, and I flew about 50 meters by sight. Don't let this be too much if only to intimidate you.

Next, set the spear on the spear thrower and throw it. The spear, which gained great power by Teco's principles, flies far more than I thought, flying roughly 140 meters and piercing deeper into the ground.

It's true that even in the previous world, the artist threw a spear with a spear and broke a balloon a hundred meters away, and maybe the spear can be used there.

However, it is inferior to bows and arrows in sniping, and close-range is easier to procure bullets for stone throwers (not large ones like Trebuschett, but for use by individuals called slings). The number of bullets you can carry also changes your keta literally with spears and arrows. Even though it seems to have been used since quite ancient times in the previous world, there seems to be a reason around it for the small number of areas that remained until future generations.

Nevertheless, it has an impact that total iron spears fly at themselves from afar, and I don't know if there are spearmen in this soldier's family, but even if I'm used to it, I can't get here where I threw them back without a spear. And by the time it arrives, it's already in bow range. Isn't it pointless that I made it that way?

I checked the spear thrower I made and the spear condition, but I still have a little time, so I made about two more spare spears. Basically, it's a projectile weapon, and without a bullet, it makes less sense.

Mine cleared up early, so I'll take a look at Rike's magic knife. Compared to the luxury model I make, it feels like another step, but when it comes to the general model, it is good to do it. Wouldn't this be enough for a normal workshop to go home? When I say that,

"If you get your hands on what your parents are making bespoke, it's your goal.

"I think it's been a long time, that.

"Of course! Otherwise there is no point in discipleship!

Hunce and his nose are also rough and Rike returns them. I didn't even know about magic when I first got here, so I stepped on the idea that using iron composition as a dwarf could even be a luxury model, but now that I know that magic exists, I really might be able to reach my special order.

I'm sad that I can't tell you specifically because mine is cheesy, but I want you to do your best to see it.

"That's right.

I guess I feel terribly lonely when Rike said he was going home, I thought so, but that made me smile without putting it on my face.

After that, Karan Cologne and the workplace ringed as Rike and I were cleaning up after him. Looks like the group that was out hunting is back.

"I'm home."

Thermia enters the workplace with momentum. I'm in a good mood.

"Whoa, welcome back.

"I caught the biggest pig ever thanks to that bow!

Oh, so you're in a good mood?

"Oh, that's good. It's worth making.

"It was a big deal that the three of us could use bows.

"It's nice to be able to shoot before you get distracted.

Deanna and Liddy go on to say. Until now, it seems like you've only been a momentum. I feel like it would be a lot easier if I could handle the ad hoc around there.

"Well, I'll have to be a little extravagant tomorrow afternoon.

"Hyah ho!"

Thermia rejoiced in my words, and Liqué snorted, and there was the usual sight for everyone to laugh at.

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