A carriage takes the streets like a line of crayons drawn to a desolate plain, with rocky mountains visible in the distance. Only a few clouds can be seen in the distance, but the weather is still not bad today.

The streets are not yet filled with refugees, but the number of people evacuated on foot has become noticeable.

Helen said, looking at the people who go down the road without saying anything, one hand of which remains grasping the hem of my clothes.

Not a day has passed since he was rescued, even though he has calmed down somewhat and his complexion has improved.

I haven't been able to inform Helen of the rescue in advance, so I guess my emotions haven't caught up with the sudden change of circumstances, so I'm keeping it that way.

"Was there another city ahead?

I don't think pursuers can be so fancy in this situation right now, but I talk to Camilo with my eyes around me.

"Right. It's a city I passed when I was coming.

"I don't see any carriages from that way..."

"If we come out, we'll be heading to the capital of the Empire. Naturally, the opposite is true.

"I don't plan to do it originally, but can't I replenish it in that city?

"Right. I don't think I'm going to let you in in the first place. It's a little off the street, so I'd like to think the crowd would be somewhat better.

"You're a pain in the ass when you're an evacuee.

Being approached by a chaser while you can't move is a hassle. Depending on the situation around the city, should we also consider going off the road?

I asked Camilo about it and he said, "You'd better do that." The answer returned. I knew it.

When the sun passed Jomtien, I began to see people turning away in the distant streets. People can also be seen accumulating around the intersection of the T-shaped road and resting even if time is time.

"What do we do?

"Let's take a detour. It's not very good to stop here.

When I asked, Camilo called out to Mr. Franz to go around loud.

The shaking gets worse off the maintained road. But I guess it's thanks to the suspension to say it's simpler, there's no more bitter shaking than I thought.

"I wonder if it stands out the way it rocks.

"Somewhat. But to this extent, it's uncomfortable, and no one will notice how it works properly. I want to try not to be witnessed, but I can't help it.

That's what Camilo says. The suspension is hidden, and I don't think you'll find out unless you get too close and peek in, but if it's too noticeable in the shaking way, it makes identification easier if you chase it.

But you can't even take time here. We don't know if the city's bees have succeeded in the end.

I know you succeeded in saying how the city looked when you left, but if you were being suppressed, you'd notice Helen escaped sooner or later. At that time, confusion, on the contrary, also gives advantages to the chaser side.

Nobody would be suspicious in this situation if I were flying a horse.

That's how we made a huge detour to the intersection of the road that connects the street to the city. I was wary, but very few people are paying attention here. Almost everyone seems to be full of themselves.

Most of the people who look at this one simply feel that they looked at the carriage because it was passing by, and I can't ask how they look sharp or alert.

That said, I'm not a professional guard, either, so I don't know if that's right. I don't know if you might be getting cheats in this area......

The carriage goes further into the kingdom, hoping for the first time that it was possible to get past the occasion. Beyond today, the precinct is finally waiting.

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