Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 1: Digging The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

On April 5, 2022 in the Tang calendar, it rained lightly.

On Longshou Mountain outside Bazhou City, Lu Fei was holding an urn with a heavy heart.

Lu Fei was originally a government civil servant of the Chinese nation on Earth. He was swept away by the flood and died heroically while leading the masses to fight floods and provide disaster relief. After Lu Fei died, he traveled to a planet called Tiantang Star and was reborn in the body of Lu Fei with the same name and surname in Bazhou County, Tang State.

After merging the memories, Lu Fei smiled sadly.

I didn't expect that the situation of my rebirth would be so miserable.

Tiantang Planet is a planet similar to the Earth. It also has human civilization and the level of social development is no less than that of the Earth in the 21st century.

The original owner's hometown is in Longshou Mountain outside Bazhou City, and he has been an out-and-out farmer for generations.

Like China on Earth, the only way for farmers in the Tang Dynasty to get ahead is to study.

The original owner came from a poor family and had a twin brother. The two brothers were both good in character and academics since childhood, but their parents could not afford to go to college together. Helpless, the original owner dropped out of school after graduating from high school and started a small business in Bazhou City to make money for his younger brother Lu Long to attend college in the provincial capital.

After four years of hard work, Lu Long finally graduated from college and passed the Tang State's government employee examination and became a public employee of the Tang State.

The civil servants in the Tang Dynasty were different from the civil servants in China. Instead, they were somewhat similar to the imperial examinations in ancient China. Passing the civil servant examination in the Tang Dynasty basically meant becoming an official.

In any world and in any era, being an official brings glory and wealth.

The original owner was very happy, thinking that the good days of the Lu family had finally arrived.

However, extreme joy brings sorrow, which can also be said to be disaster falling from the sky.

Lu Long and his girlfriend Haiyu returned to their hometown in fine clothes from Xingxing City. The original owner welcomed his younger brother at the most luxurious Chutian Hotel in Bazhou County. Unexpectedly, this welcoming banquet was the last supper for the two brothers.

Alcohol poisoning!

Both brothers died.

The ending was that Lu Fei traveled through time and took over the body of the original owner and was reborn, but Lu Long was not so lucky and completely died of alcohol poisoning.

Lu Fei was reborn and inherited the identity of the original owner, and also had the emotions of the original owner. Lu Fei was deeply saddened by the loss of his younger brother. Lu's father and Lu's mother were even more heartbroken, and Lu Long's girlfriend Hai Yu was also admitted to the hospital due to excessive grief.

Lu Fei felt very sad, his brother was dead, but he was still alive.

My father’s scolding words still ring in my ears: “If you hadn’t wanted to drink with your brother, how could he have died?”

Although my mother didn't scold her, there was complaint in her eyes.

There is also Haiyu, his brother’s girlfriend. The two fell in love not long ago, but their love was deep. Hai Yu didn't want to believe that it was Lu Long who died. Every time she saw Lu Fei, she grabbed his hand and said, "Along is not dead. You are Aaron, my Aaron, right?"

Facing Lu's father, mother, and Hai Yu, he wanted to say that Lu Fei was actually dead too, and the soul in this body was actually another person.

But he couldn't say it.

After all, his soul contains all the memories and emotions of the original owner.

He could only bear it silently.

From now on, you are me and I am you!

Touching his brother's urn, Lu Fei couldn't help but shed tears, and said with a choked voice: "Brother, you are the pride of the Lu family. In the future, I will become the pride of the Lu family like you."

"I will take good care of my parents!"

"As for Xiaoyu, I will also protect her!"

After saying this solemnly, Lu Fei put down the urn and started digging a grave.

The grave where the urn is buried does not need to be deep, but Lu Fei kept digging, as if he wanted to vent his grief and anger.

Although he was a civil servant in his previous life, he also loved reading fantasy novels. The protagonists in the novel who have traveled through time and space and been reborn are either princes, generals, or ministers, or they have become disciples of powerful sects, and everyone has a golden finger.

But when it was his turn, the first thing he did when he woke up was to take care of his brother's funeral and face the blame from his parents.

What’s even more tragic is that there are not even the most basic welfare gold fingers for time travellers.

Lu Fei estimated that he was the most miserable time traveler.

After digging for a while, Lu Fei was exhausted. He saw that the pit was already very deep, so he stopped digging. He picked up Lu Long's urn and carefully placed it into the grave.

When placing the urn, he naturally scraped the soil with his hands to lay the urn flat.

When he picked it up, his fingertips hurt, as if he had hit a hard object. He thought it was gravel, and was about to pick it up and throw it out, but after taking it out, the hard object in his hand actually shone, and he couldn't help but be startled.

"This may not be an ordinary thing!"

As a time traveler, Lu Fei suddenly paid attention and began to wipe off the dirt on the object.

Soon, the dirt was wiped away, and a simple dragon-patterned ring appeared in his hand.

"Is it an antique?"

Lu Fei looked at the dragon pattern ring in his hand and couldn't help but wonder.

In his previous life, he was a civil servant, but he loved ancient porcelain. He was also a collector. When he saw objects dug out of the ground, his first reaction was antiques.

But he knew nothing about Tang Dynasty antiques.

The original owner just opened a small shop in Bazhou County, selling local products and fruits from Bazhou, and had no knowledge of the antique industry in Tang Dynasty.

Suddenly, Lu Fei's eyes lit up.

This place is called Longshou Mountain.

This is the grave he dug for his younger brother Lu Long.

And dug out the dragon pattern ring.

dragon! dragon! dragon!

It’s all about dragons!

Lu Fei's imagination suddenly became rich and he said to himself: "Brother, is this a gift you gave me?"

Regardless of whether it was true or not, he decided to treasure this dragon-patterned ring and immediately put the ring on the middle finger of his right hand.

Just the right size.

The more Lu Fei looked at it, the more he liked it.

At this moment, the ring on Lu Fei's hand flashed with brilliance and quickly disappeared between his eyebrows. A voice sounded in Lu Fei's mind: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the space-time ring!"


Space-time ring!

The voice in his mind kept echoing, and Lu Fei was shocked.

He finally waited for the traveler's golden finger of welfare - the time and space ring.

"What does the space-time ring do?"

Lu Fei couldn't help but ask.

The voice in my mind sounded again: "The space-time ring has three functions. The first function is storage, which is equivalent to a space ring. The space inside the ring is ten feet in diameter."

"Time stops inside the ring, and it is also isolated from the air. Things will not deteriorate no matter how long they are left."

"Of course, because the air is isolated, the ring cannot contain living creatures."

It actually has a storage function, which is equivalent to a space ring!

Lu Fei was a little excited. With this ring, he is equivalent to having a huge portable warehouse, where he has a place to store future purchases, and he even saves on shipping costs when delivering goods!

convenient! So convenient!

Lu Fei gave countless thumbs up to the space-time ring in his heart.

The voice in my mind added: "As for the second function of the space-time ring, in fact, the space-time ring is a key that can open the door to time and space."

"Open the door to time and space!"

Lu Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Doesn’t that mean that I can travel through time and space, and maybe even return to Earth!

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

Although he traveled to the Tiantang planet, Lu Fei still missed the earth where he had lived for more than thirty years, and blurted out: "Can I travel back to the earth?"

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