Wang Ping asked Bi Ma Wen City who is the official?

Lu Fei almost laughed, thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Bima Wen is the driver, you will drive for me from now on."

I can't help it, I don't have a horse!

Cars and horses, chariots and horses, they are all the same thing anyway!

The word "driver" does not live up to Butima Wen's reputation.

This can be considered advancing with the times!

Wang Pingle was very upset, "Okay, I'll take this Bi Ma Wen job!"

"But it seems like I can't drive?"

Lu Fei said: "When things are settled here, I will teach you how to drive!"

Alas, now that the words have been spoken, let’s just find some time to teach Wang Ping how to drive.

Once [Lucheng] starts construction, there will be more places to use cars in the future, and it will be good to have someone who can drive.

"Okay, okay!"

Wang Ping was so happy that he secretly glanced at the domineering off-road vehicle from time to time. His heart was already galloping like a wild horse, and he wished he could drive the off-road vehicle and gallop around immediately.

"Mr. Lu, if we want to build [Lu City], do we need to mobilize manpower first?"

Now that he has become the mayor of [Lucheng], Wang Cheng quickly got into the role, and after pondering for a while, he put forward his own ideas.

Lu Fei waved his hand, "Let's walk through this area first, and then make a detailed plan. It won't be too late to mobilize manpower."

Now more than 200,000 people are allocated to various sections of the [Taniguchi Expressway]. They are all actively participating in road construction. If they are transferred here immediately, it will not only delay the construction progress of the expressway, but also make it impossible to relocate them.


Wang Cheng mainly focused on Lu Fei, and putting forward his own ideas was just a statement.

Lu Fei didn't say anything more.

After asking Wang Cheng and Wang Ping to carefully look at the "Aerial View of Lucheng's Future City", they put away the drawings and led them to explore the selected area.

It took almost half a day for the three of them to walk through this area.

Lu Fei said: "The train runs fast because of the headband..."

"Mr. Lu, what is a train?"

Wang Cheng and Wang Ping both asked.

"Oh, I'm off topic, I'm just talking about something!"

Lu Fei immediately stopped using proverbs and said: "What I mean is that to build [Lu City], there must be a person who takes the lead!"

"Well, one person is not enough, we need a team!"

"In other words, before starting construction, a [Lucheng Construction Headquarters] must be established."

"You are relatively familiar with the people in Wang's hometown. Let's see who has the skills and come up with a few lists."

Wang Cheng was mature and cautious. After thinking for a long time, he reported several lists.

Wang Ping curled his lips, not happy.

There is no one from Wangjia Village on the list, they are all from other villages. He couldn't help but say: "Wang Zhi and Xiaoya are also capable people."

Wang Cheng glared at him fiercely.

Lu Fei said: "Uncle Wang, there is no need to avoid relatives when promoting talents. Anyone who is truly capable can be nominated."

Wang Chengdao: "Mr. Lu, don't listen to Wang Ping's nonsense. Xiaoya is just a second-grade doctor and has no ability."

"Wang Zhi is just a little clever, and a first-level warrior cannot be reused."

Lu Fei said: "I have been in contact with Wang Zhi for a while, and his brain is really flexible. I can let him enter the command center."

"Xiaoya, I don't know much about it, but since she is a doctor, she is also a rare talent. Let's invite her to join us."

"By the way, how many doctors are there among these more than 200,000 people?"

"Well, not only doctors, but also other people with special skills or who are literate, count them."

Wang Cheng asked in confusion: "Mr. Lu, why are you counting these people?"

"In our Han Dynasty, we all judge a person's ability based on his level of martial arts."

"The survival rule of the Han Dynasty is to respect the strong and eat the weak."

"Although the people I recommend to my husband are a little older, they are all martial artists in the Three Realms. They have all been soldiers and been on the battlefield before."

Lu Fei held his forehead.

Looking at Wang Cheng's mature and solemn look, I thought that the talents he recommended were all people with expertise in certain fields. Unexpectedly, the only criterion for the old gentleman to judge a person's ability is the level of martial arts!

Alas, not as good as Wang Ping!

At least Wang Ping knew Wang Zhi, who recommended the brain and soul, and Wang Xiaoya, a doctor with special skills.

It seems that Wang Ping is more suitable to be the mayor?

Forget it, I blame myself for not speaking clearly before.

Lu Fei shook his head and stated his requirements clearly, telling Wang Cheng that what he needed was not people with strong martial arts skills, but people with expertise in a certain aspect, such as Wang Xiaoya.

Wang Cheng thought for a long time before reporting a dozen names.

There is no way. The Han Dynasty has always only measured a person's ability by the level of martial arts. The only people Wang Cheng can remember are those whose martial arts are in the three realms. Who knows about other abilities unless they are particularly familiar with them?

Lu Fei was a little uninterested, so he sent Wang Cheng and Wang Ping to inquire about various construction teams and register all those with expertise.

After Wang Cheng and Wang Ping left, Lu Fei got busy alone.

He first needs to take out a large amount of building materials and divide them into different categories to stack them.

Considering that these materials are stored for a long time, they must be protected from moisture and rain. Lu Fei took out the materials for the fifty sets of Sanheyuan wooden houses that he had customized before, and prepared to build a warehouse when the time came.

However, it would be a big project for him to build fifty three-unit courtyards by himself. He didn't have that much time, so he just chose the location, piled up the materials, and waited until Wang Ping and the others came back.

After a lot of work, except for food, guns and ammunition, everything else in his space-time ring was basically piled up in various places on the [Lucheng] construction site.

It can also be considered a large-scale clearance process.

In the following time, Lu Fei ran back and forth between various construction teams and worked as a full-time courier to replenish food for each construction team.

Fortunately this is not possible.

But there was nothing I could do. Who allowed me to plunder all the food, meat and vegetables from these people’s homes?

He also tried to give these villagers various seasonings and condiments so that they could cook by themselves.

But after the villagers tried it, they all shook their heads. It was not as delicious as Mr. Lu’s food.

Not that smell!

Well, cooking skills can’t be mastered in a day or two.

After several attempts, Lu Fei no longer had the heart to teach the villagers how to use seasonings for cooking.

But this problem will eventually be solved.

However, that will have to wait until Tiantang Star’s [Xing Dongfang Chef Training School] is completed.

Many people may be surprised that Lu Fei hired so many chefs and cooked so many dishes. Will he always bring the finished dishes into the spirit world in the future?

In that case, wouldn't Lu Fei not have to do anything?

They are busy delivering food to and from Tiantang Star and the spirit world every day.

After all, after the prepared food is taken out of the space-time ring, it will deteriorate after a few days and cannot be stored for long.

This seems to be an endless loop with no solution!

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