Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 116 Follow China (National Day Special Chapter)

Six hours later, Lu Fei came back on time. Everyone among the 120 people gritted their teeth and their whole bodies were wet with sweat.

But each one stood upright, as if they had never moved.

Even Zhang Bao and Wang Heng, two third-level martial arts masters, stood as if their feet were filled with lead.

It's not that I don't want to stretch my legs and move my muscles.

But I dare not!

Who knows if Mr. Lu is spying?

Mr. Lu has said that those who disobey orders will be shot!


Lu Fei checked it over and was very satisfied.

"Take a break!"

Everyone was still standing straight and unresponsive.

Lu Fei slapped his forehead.

Depend on!

I also forgot that these people have no idea what "take a rest" means.

Okay, science again.

After some action demonstrations and a detailed explanation of the essentials and requirements for taking a break, standing at attention, looking to the right, looking to the left, and turning forward, backward, left, and right, Lu Fei ordered again: "Take a break!"


After all, they are all people who have practiced martial arts, and their movements are uniform.

Lu Fei was very satisfied and announced a fifteen-minute break.

Everyone was relieved, and then they dared to wipe their sweat, reach out and kick their legs, and move their stiff bodies.

"Mr. Lu, what kind of military training method do you have?"

Wang Heng walked up to Lu Fei and asked carefully.

Lu Fei said: "This is called military training!"

"This is just the first step, there will be other actions next!"

Wang Heng looked bitter, "Mr. Lu, it feels uncomfortable to stand like this all the time!"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "This is called standing in the military posture! From now on, you will have to stand every day, 10 hours each in the morning and evening!"


Wang Heng was stunned, do you still want to stand?

"Well, Mr. Lu, how long is 10 hours?"

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment before he remembered that the time unit of the Han Dynasty was different from the time unit he used.

After thinking for a while, he said: "One hour is the half hour you said!"

After a pause, he added: "Your current timing is troublesome and inaccurate. From now on, follow my timing method."

At this time, most people gathered around, and someone asked: "Mr. Lu, how do you time it?"

Lu Fei raised his wrist, pointed at his watch and said, "I use my watch to tell the time!"

Zhang Bao smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, can you tell the time with such a gadget on your hand?"

"Don't all the timers have to tick?"

Wang Wei said: "Mr. Lu, it seems that the time can be read on the mobile phone you gave me."

"It's just not allowed. It has to be repeated 40 times a day and a night."

Lu Fei said: "It's okay, I will give each of you a watch from now on!"

"In the future, we will unify 20 major hours in a day, 24 hours in each major hour, and 60 minutes in each hour. This is both simple and accurate."

There was no way, the length of a day in the spiritual world was 20 times that of Tiantang Star and Earth, so Lu Fei had to use the concept of "big time" ingeniously.

Everyone cheered, there were 20 hours, each hour lasted 24 hours, which was much easier to remember than the original 240 hours in a day.

Lu Fei smiled. It seems that next time he goes to Jiangcheng, he will ask Mo Qianji to make some more special watches for the spirit world.


First, give each soldier and the people at the [Lucheng Construction Command] a watch, and then...

Lu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up!

Depend on! I want to set up an electronic watch factory in Bazhou County, specializing in the production of watches and batteries for the spiritual world.

From now on, people will be sent to various places in the Han Dynasty for distribution...


Lu Fei couldn't help laughing when he thought of the beauty.

When Wang Ping and others saw Lu Fei laughing suddenly, they didn't know what happened, and they also laughed stupidly.

Chaotic laughter woke Lu Fei up.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Huh? Oh...we saw Mr. Lu smiling. I wonder if it's a military order?"

"So... we laugh too!"

Lu Fei held his forehead.

Seeing that the 15-minute break was up, Lu Fei shouted loudly: "Gather!"

The 16 teams each stood upright, with a military posture.

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"

Seeing that the order was prohibited, Lu Fei nodded and said, "Next, let's start the formation training."

"Basic queue training includes: standing at attention, taking a rest, saluting, squatting, sitting down, walking in step, walking forward and running."

"You know how to stand at attention and take a break. Let's start by walking in unison."

After speaking, Lu Fei began to demonstrate and explain the essentials of the movements.

After he finished the demonstration himself, he asked Yue Fei, Wang Ping, Zhang Bao, Wang Heng and Yang Zaixing to come out and let the five people practice according to the movement specifications first.

The five of them are all cadres of the special agent company. They don't want to embarrass themselves in front of their subordinates, and they all practice extremely seriously.

With the demonstration of five people, the entire company practiced individually as a squad.

Lu Fei moved between classes, correcting irregular movements from time to time.

The next few days were the most uncomfortable days for these 120 people. Lu Fei arranged more and more military training subjects. In addition to basic queue training, there were also stopping and intermittent transfer methods.

Stop and turn methods include: rest, stand at attention, turn left, turn right, turn backward, stand astride and stand at attention, squat and stand up.

Inter-progressive transition methods include: walking in unison and standing still, walking forward and standing, running and walking.

After two days, everyone walked neatly and acted in the same way.

Both Zhang Bao and Wang Heng found it incredible that these seemingly simple military trainings had changed everyone's spirit.

This is an effect that the two of them had never achieved when training Xiang Yong.

The two of them admired Lu Fei even more, and both said, "Mr. Lu is really a god!"

Lu Fei smiled and said: "I am not a god, I learned all this from Hua Xia!"

"The right way is: follow China and you will have everything you want!"

Zhang Baodao: "Oh, it turns out that Mr. Lu's master is the Patriarch of China!"

Wang Heng said: "The Chinese Patriarch is really a god, he can teach someone like Mr. Lu!"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at the two of them and didn't bother to explain to them.

Continue military training.

Next, everyone not only performed queue training, but also added 20 hours of military posture training, 100 kilometers of training, and 10 hours of physical training every day.

Military songs were sung during breaks. Lu Fei personally taught and sang "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention", "Unity is Strength", "Return from Target Shooting", etc.

As a result, loud military songs echoed from time to time on the training ground.

As soon as the military song was sung, the morale became stronger, and everyone felt as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Training during the day and ideological education at night. Lu Fei gave a serious lecture, explaining what the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" are, explaining the values ​​​​of the people's army, and describing the qualities and qualities that a people's soldier should have.

Not only did he attend class, Lu Fei also told stories about Huang Jiguang blocking a machine gun, Dong Cunrui sacrificing his life to blow up a bunker, etc.

Well, there are also the stories of Lei Feng and "Lei Feng's Diary".

Wang Ping's blood boiled with excitement and he felt dizzy at the same time.

Because Mr. Lu said that from now on these things will be the daily work of the instructor.


Mr. Lu, can I not be the instructor?

Let me be a soldier!

I must be a good soldier!

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