Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 13 My Fruit Costs Money

Chen Cheng took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Li Huai immediately took out a lighter and helped light it.

After taking a deep breath and blowing out a ring of smoke, Chen Chengcai said, "Don't you understand people? I made an appointment with the landlord of your store to rent her store."

Li Huai said from the side: "Hurry up, find someone to find a car, and prepare to pick up your garbage. This store will soon belong to Brother Chen."

Yao Fang said in a sweet voice, "Brother Chen, I will help you take care of your branch from now on, okay?"


Chen Cheng said proudly, very satisfied with Yao Fang's cooperation.

Lu Fei said calmly: "You're afraid you won't have a chance. I want to renew the lease of the store, and I have priority in leasing it."

Chen Cheng didn't take it seriously and said, "Then you have to pay the rent."

Lu Fei said: "No need to worry about it."

Chen Cheng chuckled, "If you were rich, you would have renewed your lease long ago!" He changed his tone and said, "Classmate, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Before the landlord comes, give me the store and you can still cash out your inventory. . Otherwise, when I rent this store, your goods will have to find a place to pile them up."

Lu Fei also chuckled. Even now, Chen Cheng still thinks about his store. Said: "If I renew the rent, won't you be happy for nothing?"

Chen Cheng laughed and said, "Even if you can barely make up the rent, I still want to rent this store. You have no chance."

Lu Fei was startled. He had the first right to rent. Chen Cheng was so sure. Could it be that he had reached a new agreement with Huang Dong?

Chen Cheng seemed to have read through Lu Fei's mind and said, "Even if you have the first right to rent, it is under the same conditions. Aren't you renting for 120,000 yuan a year? I will pay 130,000 yuan. Who do you think the landlord will rent to?" "

"If 130,000 is not enough, I will pay 140,000!"

"If 140,000 yuan doesn't work, I'll pay 150,000 yuan!"

"Even if you prepare 120,000 yuan, do you have the extra?"

"In short, I have money and I am willful! I have rented this store!"

Chen Cheng spoke loudly, as if he was convinced that Lu Fei was convinced.

Yao Fang was full of expectations on the side, imagining how Chen Cheng would decorate the store after renting it. He couldn't help but look around the store, and soon saw the tempting fruits.

"Ah, these fruits are so fresh!"

I admired in my heart, walked over, grabbed an apple and ate it. As soon as I took a bite, my lips and teeth immediately felt fragrant. It was so delicious.

She wasn't satisfied with the apples, so she took two more, handed one to Li Huai and Chen Cheng, and said, "These apples taste great, eat one quickly."

Chen Cheng wondered what was so delicious about the apples, but since they were from Lu Fei's shop, he couldn't eat them for nothing, so he took them with a smile and took an exaggerated bite.


As soon as he took a bite, Chen Cheng was shocked that there was such a delicious apple.

"Where did you get it?"

Chen Cheng quickly sensed new business opportunities and must obtain Lu Fei's purchase channels, and then sell them at a special price. Such a delicious apple will definitely not worry about selling.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him and said calmly: "You have to pay to eat my apples."

Chen Cheng said: "It's just a few apples, is that all?"

Lu Fei said: "Why not? There is no free lunch or free apples in the world."

While talking, the three of them had finished eating the apples in their hands, and Yao Fang was still preparing to get it. Lu Fei shouted: "Pay first, don't you understand the most basic principles?"

Yao Fang angrily took out a Tang coin with a face value of one hundred from her wallet, smashed it hard on the tea table, and said, "Isn't it just a few apples? I won't eat yours for nothing!"

Lu Fei had a sarcastic smile on his face and said two words: "Not enough!"

An apple weighs almost four ounces, and three apples weigh more than a pound. According to Lu Fei's selling price, one pound costs two hundred Tang coins. The one hundred Tang coins given by Yao Fang is not even enough for three apples, let alone that she is prepared to take more.

"Haha, one hundred yuan is not enough to buy you a few apples?"

Yao Fang sneered, and without stopping, took three more pears and gave one to each of Li Huai and Chen Cheng.

Lu Fei didn't stop him, he just said: "You can eat, but if you don't pay, don't even think about walking out of this door."

Li Huai sneered: "You are planning to blackmail us!"

Lu Fei said: "I'm not trying to blackmail you, but my store's business is fair."

Yao Fang mocked: "Fair business? A few apples and pears. I gave you a hundred yuan and you said it was not enough. Is this called fair business?"

"that is!"

Li Huai also echoed.

Lu Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense to them and said: "Two hundred and one catty, you can eat whatever you want. If you can't afford it, don't eat it!"

"What? Two hundred and one pound!"

"Did I hear that right?"

"You said you weren't blackmailing us, Lu Fei, you are crazy about money!"

"Two hundred and one catty, why don't you go and grab it!"

As soon as Lu Fei reported the price, Yao Fang and Li Huai immediately screamed. They didn't believe that Lu Fei's fruit could sell for two hundred and one catty, and they believed that Lu Fei was blackmailing them.

Chen Cheng had already chewed half of the pear in his hand. It was as delicious as an apple. But when he heard the price of two hundred, he almost stood up from his chair and exclaimed: "You said you sold it for two hundred a catty." ?”

Lu Fei ignored them, walked over, took three pears, put them on the scale and weighed them, one pound and three taels. I took three more apples and weighed them, one pound and four taels. Said: "My fruits are all about the same size. Three apples and three pears weigh a total of two kilograms and seven taels, which costs 540 yuan together. If you want to eat it again, weigh it first and pay!"

Yao Fang said bitterly: "Are you blackmailing?"

Lu Fei smiled faintly, "Did I force you to eat it, or did I deliver it to you? You took it and ate it without my consent. It's good that I didn't ask for an exorbitant price!"

Yao Fang was so angry that she was speechless.

Just three pears and three apples cost 540 Tang coins. A big meal in a restaurant doesn't cost that much!

It's obviously blackmail!

But who told me to take it and eat it without the owner's consent? She couldn't find a place to reason, so she looked at Chen Cheng for help.

Chen Cheng also felt that he had been blackmailed by Lu Fei. He took the leftover half of the pear and suddenly felt that it had lost its taste. But he didn't care about a few hundred yuan, so he handed back Yao Fang's one hundred yuan Tang coins, then took out his wallet, counted six hundred yuan, and slapped it on the tea table.

"Six hundred yuan, no need to look for it!"

As he spoke, he gnawed half the pear in his hand, not even noticing that the pear core was in his mouth.

Lu Fei collected the six hundred yuan, then calmly retrieved the sixty yuan change, and said: "Fair business, don't ask for more!" After a pause, he added: "If you want to eat something else, just weigh it on the scale and pay first! "

"As long as you have money, it's enough!"

Yao Fang rolled her eyes, and she behaved even though she got an advantage!

Chen Cheng smacked his mouth. Whether it was an apple or a pear, it was really delicious. But if he had to pay two hundred and one kilograms to buy food, even if he had a lot of money, it was not something he could spend.

What's more, the reason why I paid before was because I was blackmailed.

He continues to be blackmailed, but he is not so taken advantage of.

Just when the three people were still angry, another person walked into the store.

The person who came in was Huang Dong, the landlord of this store.

Lu Fei said politely: "Sister Huang, please sit down!"

When Chen Cheng heard this and looked at Huang Dong's dress, he immediately knew that the person coming was the landlord. I felt happy all of a sudden, the time for revenge has finally arrived!

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