Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 142 I Am Very Friendly

Lu Fei also seemed very excited. He seemed to be relaxed. He stretched and said, "It's great. It's almost dawn. I can finally go back to sleep!"

Right now.

Wu Desang and Aijihua suddenly moved, punching and kicking, attacking Lu Fei from the left and right at the same time.

Lu Fei pushed Yang Mier away.

The three of them were already very close, but Wu Desang and Ai Jihua suddenly became angry again. Neither of them expected Lu Fei to react so quickly.


Yang Mier was frightened and screamed at the sudden turn of events.

"Ah, ah!"

Before Yang Mier's screams were over, two more screams of pain were heard. Wu Desang and Ai Jihua were punched one by one by Lu Fei, and they fell to the ground screaming in pain.

"You're just showing off your skills and tricks, how dare you make a sneak attack?"

Lu Fei twisted his wrist and said contemptuously.


At this moment, the door of the wine shop was suddenly knocked open, and Rousi rushed in with several people.


It seems the script is wrong!

Rousi glanced at the scene. Wu Desang and Aijihua were indeed pig-headed and useless. They were beaten to the ground before she even arrived.

How can this continue?

"Crab Te!"

Rousi greets Wu Desang and Ai Jihua's mother with a confused heart.

"Wudesang, how dare you sell fake wine to me?"

Rousi had to change her plan again, and instantly found an excellent excuse to attack Wu Desang.

I wanted to hold Lu Fei back and let you two run away.

Now I can only use your two lives to wipe out the 1.7 billion gambling debt. Who told you that you are so useless? Consider it your final contribution to the organization!

As soon as Rousi finished speaking, the people following her immediately rushed towards Wu Desang and Ai Jihua respectively.

"It's over..."

Ai Jihua's face was ashen, Rousi was ruthless, and since he took action, he would never leave anyone alive.

Wu Desang also smiled bitterly, Madhu finally fell into the hands of this bitch.

"Bang bang bang..."

Lu Fei's punches were like the wind, and the [Xiao Wang Fist] showed its power. One by one of Rousi's men who rushed over, they were all knocked backwards and flew away, smashing many things in the wine shop.

"If you have any grievances or doubts, let's talk about it!"

"My account hasn't been settled yet, why are you meddling in it?"

Lu Fei said lightly with a joking look on his face.

Wu Desang and Ai Jihua were both shocked. They did not expect that their lives were saved by Lu Fei.

This is terrible!

Life is worse than death!

Rousi's mouth opened into an O shape, holy shit... is this guy so powerful?

"It's you?"

Soon, Rousi regained her composure, pretended to be surprised and looked at Lu Fei, and said in an exaggerated tone: "What a surprise!"


Lu Fei smiled, was it unexpected?


"This guy sold me fake wine, and my brother drank the fake wine and got alcohol poisoning..."

Rousi gritted her teeth and wanted to explain.

Lu Fei waved his hand, "Madam, I'm not interested in the grudges between you. After I collect the debt, he can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Lu Fei walked to where Wu Desang fell to the ground and kicked him in the waist, "Stop pretending to be dead, get up and exchange your chips!"

Wu Desang screamed and had to get up, looking at Rousi secretly.

Rousi's beautiful face was almost full of water.

If possible, she really wanted to risk everything and make Lu Fei, Wu Desang, and Ai Jihua together.

But with the strength Lu Fei showed, this was obviously impossible.

"Crab Te!"

Rousi suppressed the anger in her heart and nodded imperceptibly to Wu Desang.

As long as Wu Desang and Ai Jihua are not dead, this gambling debt must be paid.

Wu Desang felt like he was being pardoned, and said tremblingly to Lu Fei: "Exchange immediately, immediately!"

“Ding dong…♫…♪…”

Soon, Lu Fei received a bank transfer message on his mobile phone, and 1.7 billion Tang coins arrived in his account.


Lu Fei laughed with satisfaction, "Okay, I received the account of the chips, let's calculate another account next!"

What else is there to account for?

Rousi and Wu Desang were both shocked and looked at Lu Fei in surprise.

Lu Fei had a bright smile on his face, "Who won just now? 1 million each!"

"I won't get beaten in vain!"


Wu Desang looked bitter.

Why didn't you get beaten?

It’s us ducks who get beaten!

"Hurry up, one million each!" Lu Fei urged without any politeness.

"By the way, if you don't bother the two masters, I'll pay for the expenses of the lady's men as well!"

"one two three four five six!"

"Six together, including you and Aijihua, 8 million together!"

Wu Desang's face turned green, what a robbery.

He just transferred 1.7 billion, which were all the organization's funds. He really didn't dare to move anymore, but he had to bow his head under the fist.

Lu Fei asked for 8 million, but he still has to give it!

Wu Desang counted the cash in the liquor store, a total of 6.6 million, and said with a sad face. "Mr. Lu, can I give you all the cash in the liquor store?"

Lu Fei asked: "How many are there?"

Wu Desang said: "6.6 million!"

"Okay, 6.6 million, just 6.6 million. I'm a very friendly person, so I won't miss the 1.2 million!"

Lu Fei said boldly.

Wu Desang was afraid that Lu Fei would regret it, so he immediately found two large bags, packed 6.6 million in cash and handed them to Lu Fei.

"Thanks, remember to come find me next time you want to play cards!"

Lu Fei laughed loudly, holding a bag in one hand and striding out of the wine store.

"Wait for me……"

Yang Mier let out a sweet cry, held up her skirt and hurried after her.

At this time, fish white gradually appeared in the east.

Huh, how could I get entangled with a woman?

Lu Fei dodged a few times, but his figure disappeared on the street...

A few minutes later, he entered a hotel and got a room.


No need, he is full of energy.

Lu Fei took out the book "The Lost Tracks" given by Huo Yuanjia and started studying it in the room.

It took Huo Yuanjia more than ten years to master "Mistake Steps" to a moderate degree, but Lu Fei was different. He had a deep foundation of internal strength, and with the help of his spiritual consciousness, it only took him a few hours to master the Jinwu Sect's secret skill "Mistake Step" to great perfection.

Lu Fei was very satisfied.

Seeing that it was already broad daylight, Lu Fei checked out and left.

Of course, the two large bags of cash had already been tightened in the space-time ring. His hands were empty and he was extremely relaxed.

Where to go next?

Back at Su's house, there seemed to be nothing to do.

It doesn’t seem possible to go back to Bazhou.

After all, we still don’t understand the Ouyang family’s affairs, so we can’t just return to Bazhou quietly, right?

Lu Fei had a headache.

Alas, we still have to face things that should be faced, and avoiding them cannot solve the problem.

Lu Fei shook his head and took out his mobile phone to call Ouyang Yu.

"Ms. Ouyang, I am Lu Fei!"

"Mr. Lu, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine after a night's rest. Thank you for your concern!"

"That's good, Xiaoxiao is quite worried!"

Lu Fei was startled. He was careless. They were still having a funeral and he was causing trouble for them. He felt really bad about it.

Lu Fei asked: "Is it convenient now? I'm going to come."

On the other end of the phone, Ouyang Yu was obviously stunned for a moment and said, "I'm at the funeral home now. My mother's body will be cremated today."

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